Part 13 (1/2)
'Perhaps you are right.' But still the queen looked at Dido; as if she found it hard to let her go. It was a covetous, greedy stare; it made Dido quite fidgety.
'If I could jist have that permit, Your Royals.h.i.+p,' she said politely, 'I'd be on my way.'
'Permit, what permit?' demanded Ettarde sharply. 'You would not send the child by the Pa.s.s -'
But now there came another interruption: shouts of 'Make way, make way there, for the Queen's Soothsayer!'
To Dido's amazement, who should come walking forward but Bran.
He had changed from the shabby clothes in which Dido had last seen him to a stiff taffeta gaberdine gown, striped in red and black, richly lined with fur. His long white hair flowed smoothly back over the collar; on his high, thoughtful brow he wore a square black cap. The white bird sat motionless on his shoulder. Both of them looked extremely dignified.
But, as he approached the queen, Bran surprisingly burst into song, and carolled, in a manner that seemed highly inappropriate and carefree: 'Eating a nuncheon
All by myself
Isn't much fun;
But when it's with you
Any old stew,
Any ragout
Would do!
When it's with you, it's a whizz
Who cares a fig what it is?
Going upstairs
All on my own
Isn't much fun
But when it's with you
Any venue
Would do!
Just name a rendezvous . . .
When it's with you, it's a treat
Who gives a hoot where we meet?'
The queen, Dido observed, looked quite startled, even alarmed, at these words; in fact her expression, as Bran approached, seemed a mixture of pleasure and apprehension, as if he were a much-respected teacher who was almost certain to find fault with her, but who was able to tell her secrets that she could find out nowhere else.
Lady Ettarde, on the other hand, seemed wholly put out at Bran's arrival; her brow grew dark and she muttered something furious under her breath. As for the two a.s.sistants, they let out faint whimpers of distress and slipped away into the shadows.
The queen greeted Bran in a rallying tone as he bowed slightly.
'Well, my soothsayer? Why have you been absent from our presence for so long? Where did you go, and what have you been doing?'
'Oh,' he answered rather vaguely, 'I have been wandering here and there about Your Grace's dominions, to and fro, up and down. Today I was in the silver-mines; I brought this for you,' and from a pouch slung at his girdle he produced a great chunk of rough sapphire, as large as a brick. Even Lady Ettarde let out a squeak of admiration.
'You could make yourself an hour-gla.s.s from it, or some such thing,' Bran said carelessly.
The lump was so heavy that the queen could only just hold it in her weak puffy hands. After turning it about to catch the blue gleams of light, she let it roll to the ground. 'Why should I want an hour-gla.s.s?' she demanded pettishly. 'The hours go slowly enough as it is. Tell me a story, Bran, to while away the time.'
'I should have thought your time pa.s.sed pleasantly enough,' observed Bran. 'You have company.'
His eyes rested on Dido, but she was surprised to see that he gave no hint of recognition. On the point of greeting him, she changed her mind.