Chapter 14 (1/2)

Translator: purplenails

Editor: DogLeading

Chapter 14: Every why has a wherefore

”Since when you've got these feelings?” I grabbed her wine gla.s.s and put it away. Then I pour her a gla.s.s of water instead. As what I know about Yan Pinmin, she's not that kind of person who likes to make things up. So, I believed her.

”Since 6 months ago. It happened before I have these episodes. I went to the shrine and asked for Protection Talisman, but it didn't work well. Someone suggested that perhaps it was my deceased father-in-law who imposed poltergeist. As his son is frequently out of the state and also because I have only a vague idea about ritual offerings, I must've been paying less reverent to him that makes him came back to haunt me.” Yan Pinmin is an educated person, she doesn't believe even a word of superst.i.tious sayings. Yet, weird things had crossed her path. When there's no other explanation to explain this phenomenon, she has to do something which could ease her mind.

”This is the reason why you went to my shop and purchased those paper crafted servants?” I asked.

”Yes! Young brother, can you stay for the night?” She nodded. Followed with a request that made my heart raced.

”Don't get me wrong. It's been awhile since I had a good night sleep. I figured that you must be bold since you're dealing with black wreath and ritual goods everyday. Can I ask for your kindness? Stay and watch over me tonight, let me sleep tightly for once.” It's her first time to ask a man besides her husband to stay overnight. If it wasn't because of her mind and body has reached the edge of breakdown, she wouldn't have even make such request.

I am a man, a man with active body and young mind. It is a bet for her as well.

”Aren't you afraid that you lead a wolf into your house?” I stared at the matured, charming woman before me.

”It would be my faith then!” She answered with gritted teeth. Looks like she eagerly needed a good night sleep.

”Erm, alright!” I brushed my nose and replied helplessly.

”I know you don't have that gut.” Yan Pinmin seems satisfied when she sees me expressing my pa.s.sive side. Women may be demanding, but they are after all only women.  She regained some courage when there's a man in the house. As for now, she looks delighted than before.

As soon as I agreed to Yan Pinmin's request that requires extreme resistance to impulses, I roamed freely around the premise. This is the first time I get the chance to explore such high-standard villa. I stopped in front of an antiques display rack and study those jars and urns, ”Are these authentic or counterfeits?” I asked.

”These are reproductions. You like antique? I'll give you a small gift some other day.” how generous is she.

Judging from the craftwork, even if it's a reproduction, I don't think is cheap. I carefully hold one on my hands and inspect, that's when I noticed the bonsai at the lowest level,  ”Hmm? Who placed the bonsai here?” there's a miniature pavillon, bridge, little forest, wonderful scenery.

However, one of the material of the little forest was made by willow wood, and the pavillon was made by ash wood. Willow gathers shadow, Ash gathers spirits. Luckily, her villa is situated on a location with great feng shui, otherwise, she would have gone to afterlife because of this bonsai instead of simply having episodes.