Part 10 (2/2)
Yes, as work. But all I mean isit isnt _simple_. Farm life has a reputation for simplicity that I begin to think is overdone. It doesnt seem to me that my evening has been any more simple than if we had dressed for dinner and gone to the opera or played bridge. In fact, at this distance, that, compared with this, has the simplicity of aI dont know what!
I like your climaxes, said Jonathan, and we both laughed. There! Im done. Now suppose we go, in our simple way, and lock up the barns and chicken-houses.
And so the evenings came and went, each offering a prospect of fair and quiet thingsbooks and firelight and moonlight and talk; many in retrospect full of things quite differentdrains and latches and fledglings and cows and pigs. Many, but not all. For the evenings did now and then come when the pump ceased from troubling and the critters were at rest. Evenings when we sat under the lamp and read, when we walked and walked along moonlit roads or lay on the slopes of moon-washed meadows. It was on such an evening that we faced the vagaries of farm life and searched for a philosophy to cover them.
Im beginning to see that it will never be any better, I said.
Probably not, said Jonathan, talking around his pipe.
You seem contented enough about it.
I am.
I dont know that Im contented, but perhaps Im resigned. I believe its necessary.
Of course its necessary.
Jonathan often has the air of having known since infancy the great truths about life that I have just discovered. I overlooked this, and went on, You see, were right down close to the earth that is the ultimate basis of everything, and all the caprices of things touch us immediately and we have to make immediate adjustments to them.
And that knocks the bottom out of our evenings.
Now if were in the city, playing bridge, somebody else is making those adjustments for us. Were like the princess with seventeen mattresses between her and the pea.
She felt it, though, said Jonathan. It kept her awake.
I know. She had a poor night. But even she would hardly have maintained that she felt it as she would have done if the mattresses hadnt been there.
True, said Jonathan.
Farm life is the pea without the mattresses I went on.
Sounds a little cheerless, said Jonathan.
Wellof course, it isnt really cheerless at all. But neither is it easy.
Its full of remorseless demands for immediate adjustment.
That was the way the princess felt about her pea.
The princess was a snippy little thing. But after all, probably her life was full of adjustments of other sorts. She couldnt call her soul her own a minute, I suppose.
Perhaps that was why she ran away, suggested Jonathan.
Of course it was. She ran away to find the simple life and didnt find it.
No. She found the peaeven with all those mattresses.
And weve run away, and found several peas, and fewer mattresses, said Jonathan.