Part 9 (1/2)

O Zion, lift thine eyes, behold The lights that s.h.i.+ne around thee From east and west, and north and south, Thy children now surround thee; And in thy streets their praises soar, To Thee, O Christ, for evermore.

Almighty Father! Word Divine!

O spirit co-eternal!

In persons three, in nature one, O G.o.d of power supernal!

Baptized in Thee, our praises soar, And Thee we bless for evermore.

{kai psalletai he T~h' ode}

{photizou photizou, he nea Hierousalem;}

{ho Heirmos}

s.h.i.+ne forth, O new Jerusalem!

O Zion, shout with glee!

For now the glory of the Lord Is risen upon thee; O mother pure of G.o.d's own Son, Rejoice--His victory is won!


O dear and sweetest voice divine, O Christ, Thou wilt befriend, And lead Thy people safely on E'en to their journey's end; Thy faithful people hear Thy voice, And in that steadfast hope rejoice.

O Christ, our sacred Paschal feast, The Word, the might of G.o.d,-- His wisdom most ineffable By Thee is shed abroad; O may we feast on Thee for aye In Thy blest realm of endless day.


These Collects hold a most important place in the services of the Eastern Church. There are few offices in which they are not found imbedded. Their catholicity is most remarkable. The suffrages are peculiar to no church service, but common to all liturgies. The people share in them by responding 'Lord have mercy' at the end of each pet.i.tion, and 'Amen' at the close.


{Hyper tes anothen eirenes, kai tes soterias ton psychon hemon, tou Kyriou deethomen}


Lord, to our humble prayers attend, Let Thou Thy peace from heaven descend, And to our souls salvation send.

Have mercy, Lord, upon us.


Rule in our hearts, Thou Prince of Peace, The welfare of Thy Church increase, And bid all strife and discord cease.

Have mercy, Lord, upon us.