Part 5 (1/2)

{ho autos}

Few were his words, but Thou didst hear; His faith was great, and Thou wert near; And first of men, with glad surprise, He entered opened Paradise.

Be Thou for evermore adored!

The needy's prayer was not abhorred.

{tas hesperinas hemon euchas}

({stichera Anastasima})


Our evening prayers attend, O Thou that holy art; In mercy full forgiveness send To every contrite heart; For Thou hast risen to set us free, And all mankind rejoice in Thee.


Encompa.s.s Zion round, Ye people, tell His fame; Let Resurrection joy abound, And glory to His name; He is our Lord, who from the grave Arose our sinning souls to save.


With resurrection lays Ye people, come, adore, And wors.h.i.+p Him with grateful praise Who lives for evermore; He is our G.o.d, who from the grave Arose our sinning souls to save.


Lord, by Thy Pa.s.sion Thou Sav'st men from pa.s.sions base, And by Thy Resurrection, now Dost from corruption raise.

Glory to Thee we humbly bring, O Christ, who art our Heavenly King.

{phos hilaron hagias doxes}

By Athenogenes, 296 A.D.


Light serene of holy glory From the Immortal Father poured, Holy Thou, O Blessed Jesus, Holy, Blessed, Christ the Lord.


Now we see the sun descending, Now declines the evening light, And in hymns we praise the Father, Son and Spirit, G.o.d of Might.


Worthy of unending praises, Christ the Son of G.o.d art Thou; For Thy gift of life eternal, See the world adores Thee now.