Part 10 (2/2)
”Because, confound it, that's just where they want to get us,” he declared. ”Once we were safely penned, they'll drift, and neither you nor Lyn Rowan nor the government would ever lay eyes on that bundle of money again. I have a theory--but what's vastly more important, I think those fellows can hardly get out of the country with their plunder without crossing trails with us. It was smooth business to set the dogs on us. I don't quite _sabe_--well, I do, too. You can probably realize just how headquarters would take the sort of yarn we'd spin if we dashed in and told them the truth. But I think we're smart enough to upset these fellows' calculations. Lord! wouldn't it be a stroke of business if we could trap that collection of buccaneers? Frankly, that would be the biggest thing that ever came my way.”
”It would be equally a stroke of business if they happen to trap us,” I reminded.
”They won't,” he a.s.serted confidently. ”We can't afford to let them.
We've inflicted a compound fracture on established law, and until we can make the outcome justify our actions, we're compelled, in self-defense, to avoid being caught. It may be a dubious undertaking, but as I see it the only thing for us is to hang on the flank of these man-hunters till we can lay hold of one of that red-handed quartette. According to Burky, two of them, at least, are in that troop. Probably the others are. And knowing that bunch as well as I do, I don't think they'll lift the plunder and quit the country till they can go together. Even if we can't get hold of one of them, we can keep track of their movements, and if they _do_ lift their _cache_ and pull out, why, that would be as good as we want. I wouldn't ask anything better than to get a fair chance at that bunch with the stolen money on them.”
I'll admit that, soberly considered, MacRae's plan did look exceeding risky. No one could appreciate better than ourselves the unpleasant possibilities that stared us in the face. But things had narrowed to a point where only two courses were open to us--one, to throw up our hands and quit the jurisdiction of the Mounted Police, which involved desertion on MacRae's part, and on mine a chicken-hearted abandonment of La Pere's trust in me (for, rightly or wrongly, I was given over to the feeling that on me alone rested the responsibility for the loss or recovery of La Pere's money); the other, to take any measure, no matter how desperate, that would unravel the tangle. All things considered, the latter was the logical choice. And the plan Mac had put forth seemed as feasible as any.
”We'll have to proceed on the faro-bank formula that all bets go as they lay,” I said lightly. ”There's no use antic.i.p.ating things disagreeable or otherwise; we'll simply have to take them as they come.”
By this time dusk was upon us. We picketed the horses in the open bottom where gra.s.s was more plentiful than in the brush, and settled ourselves to sleep. Fortunately, the aftermath of that blistering day was a fairly warm night. By spreading over us the heavy woolen blankets the Mounted Police use under their saddles, we slept in comfort. Long before dawn, however, we arose, built a fire, and breakfasted on buffalo veal, at the same time broiling a good supply and stowing it in our pockets to serve the rest of the day. Then, with darkness still obscuring our movements, we saddled and rode over the ridge and down into Lost River, crossing that ancient waterway before the first glimmer of light in the east.
Day found us dismounted in the head of a coulee where we could spy on the Police camp from a distance of three miles, more or less. About sunrise the troop left camp in a body, later spreading fanwise over the prairies. Once a party trotted by within a half-mile of us, but no one of the four men we wanted to see was in the squad.
Until after the noon hour we laid _perdu_ in the hollow, no wiser for our watching. Then I saw a number of riders debouch from the camp, and at once trained the on them. At first I couldn't distinguish any particular face among so many s.h.i.+fting forms, but presently they split in two bodies, and these again subdivided; and in the bunch coming toward us I recognized three men, Lessard, unmistakable in his black uniform, Hicks, and Bevans. I turned the over to MacRae then.
”I thought probably some more of our friends would show up,” he said, after a quick survey. ”With those two in sight the chances are that all four are with the troop. The other fellows in that squad are just plain buck Policemen. Confound them, I wish----Aha, by Jupiter! the big chief is turning off those two.”
As Mac spoke I saw the two men I had spotted as Hicks and Bevans swing away from the rest and angle toward Lost River. From our vantage point we watched them come abreast and pa.s.s us at a distance well within a mile. The others turned south, directly away from us.
”Now,” Mac coolly declared, ”here's where we get the chance we want, if we're lucky. We'll keep parallel with these gentlemen, and if they get out of touch with the rest we'll make a try at nailing them. Be careful, though, how you show yourself; there's at least fifty of these peacemakers within four or five miles, and a shot or a yell will bring them on a high run.”
Hicks and Bevans, whatever their destination, were in no haste. They rode at a walk most of the time, and we were forced to keep the same pace. It was slow work poking along those coulee-bottoms, now and then making a risky sneak to ground, whence we could get a clear view of the game we were stalking so a.s.siduously.
Progressing in this manner we finally reached the breaks that ran down to Lost River, not a great distance from where MacRae and I had kicked over the traces of legally const.i.tuted authority the previous day. Here we had to dodge over a stretch of ground barren of concealment, and to do so waited till such time as Hicks and Bevans were themselves in the depths of a coulee.
When next we caught sight of our men--well, to be exact, we saw only one, and that was Bevans. He had stopped his horse on top of a knoll not more than four hundred yards to the north of us, and was standing up in his stirrups staring over the ears of his horse at a point down the slope. Hicks had disappeared. Nor did we see aught of him during the next few minutes that we spent glaring at Bevans and the surrounding territory.
”I wonder if that square-jawed devil has got a glimpse of us and is trying a lone-handed stalk himself?” I hazarded.
MacRae shook his head. ”Not likely,” he said. ”If it was Paul Gregory, now, that's the very thing he'd do. I don't quite _sabe_ this performance.”
We watched for sign of Hicks, but without result. Then Bevans got under way and moved along at the same poky gait as before. When he had gone some distance we took to the hollow. Twenty minutes jogging brought us into a stretch of rough country, a series of and ridges cut by innumerable coulees. Here it became necessary to locate Mr. Bevans again. Once more he was revealed on top of an elevation, studying the surrounding landscape, and he was still alone.
”Where the mischief can Hicks have got to?” Mac growled. ”We really ought to smell him out before we do anything.”
”Look, now,” I said. ”Don't you suppose Bevans is waiting for him?”
Bevans had dismounted and stretched himself on the ground in the shade of his horse. But he was not napping; on the contrary, he was very much on the alert, for his head turned slowly from side to side, quiescent as he seemed; there would be little movement pa.s.s un.o.bserved within range of that pair of eyes.
”Maybe he is,” MacRae replied. ”Anyhow, I think we'd better wait a while ourselves.”
For nearly an hour Bevans kept his position. Hicks, if he were in the vicinity, kept closely under cover. Bevans had all the best of the situation, so far as being able to keep a lookout was a factor; the opposite bank of the coulee we were in towered high above us, and shut off our view in that direction. And we didn't dare risk showing ourselves on high ground. Finally, after what seemed an interminable period of waiting, Mac's patience frazzled out and he declared for action.
”We're doing no good here,” he said. ”Hicks or no Hicks, I'm going to have a try at making connections with his nibs on that hill. I think the coulee right under his perch is an arm of the one we're in; runs in somewhere below. Maybe we can get to him that way. It's worth trying.”