Part 8 (1/2)
”So you have heard of such things,” Declan said. ”Tell us.”
Tori froze under the weight of the golden eyes that landed on her. ”'Tell us,'” he repeated, mocking Declan lightly, even throwing a bit of Ireland into his English voice. ”Is it 'us' to you as well, Tori?”
”What can you tell me?”
”Only that the ferals will fear you even more than our wolf friend. Even more than they fear me, if what I have heard is fact, and not just myth.”
”What have you heard?” she asked, her voice shaking.
But before he could answer, something seized her- black, evil, spiraling darkness that swarmed through her and blanketed her entire mind. She fell to the floor screaming, her hands to her head.
She bit down on her tongue and tasted blood and then everything went dark.
”He's calling her,” Declan snarled, when she shot up off the floor as quickly as she fell, leaping for the gla.s.s window. He pounced and took her to the floor, pinning her struggling body.
Eli's eyes were wide and his head thrown back. He could sense something. ”I know him,” he whispered gutturally.
”Help me,” Declan said when she started to convulse underneath him.
He held her wildly struggling body, pinning her hips with his, holding her legs with his, but she was strong.
Entirely too strong.
Eli's strength joined his and they rolled to their sides, keeping her body pinioned between them. ”If she cannot fight this, he will kill her for not coming to him,”
Eli grunted, locking his arms with Declan's, grinding her more tightly between them. ”He will see this as disobedience. He will not see this as her not being able to come because we are stopping her. He will see it as disobedience, and he will kill her.”
Blood was starting to pour from her eyes and nose and mouth. ”f.u.c.k,” Declan rasped, lifting murderous eyes to Eli's. Over her twitching shoulder, he shouted, ”What is he doing?”
”Something only her sire could do. He gave her this life. If she is weak enough, he can end it,” Eli said through clenched teeth. ”b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l, she is strong.”
”Can you stop him?”
Eli closed his eyes and said, ”I can try. But if it goes badly, you may wish I hadn't.” ”Stop him,” Declan snarled.
”Hold her,” Eli ordered, pulling back slightly and then his fangs slid out and he sliced through the flesh of his wrist, and dark, dark crimson blood flowed. He held the bleeding wound to her mouth and caught her head tightly in one hand.
”She needs strength. This will give her that. But if she fights him off...if she fights him, this may bind her.”
Declan pressed his face into Tori's damp hair. ”She's bound to me,” he whispered. Over and over.
Her struggles started to slacken and he released his grip, his muscles quivering from exhaustion. ”Call her,”
Eli said from over her head. ”Call her back, before he can s.n.a.t.c.h her again.”
The older vampire took his bleeding wrist from her mouth and licked the remaining blood away. His saliva would have it healed in minutes. ”Call her, d.a.m.n it. I do not open a vein for no reason,” Eli snapped.
Taking Tori's cold face in his hands, Declan called her in the only way he could think of. He covered her slack mouth his and plunged his tongue deep inside her mouth, stroking her body with his hands and calling out to her with his mind and soul.
Spearing his fingers through her hair, he arched her face up to him and kissed his mate. ”Tori...d.a.m.n it girl, come to me.” She was so still. Smoothing his hands down her arms, her torso and hips, Declan focused on the slow, feeble pounding he felt inside her chest as he pulled away and kissed his way from her chin to her neck, murmuring to her, ”Come back to me.”
Long moments pa.s.sed and she started to warm. Then her flesh started to heat and her arms twined around his neck. He could smell her through their clothes, feel her and smell her, and the sweet ripe scent of peaches was filling the air.
The pounding of her heart became stronger, steadier as Declan grabbed the edge of her s.h.i.+rt and tore it from her. The lace of her bra cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and he lowered his face to the valley between, nuzzling the smooth flesh there as he felt her hands cup his head, his name falling from her lips on a sigh.
Her fingers buried in his hair and Declan trailed his mouth over to lock on her pouting nipple. He bit the soft flesh roughly, leaving a mark before drawing the engorged nipple inside his mouth and sucking. When she moaned, ”Declan...please...” he became ravenous, his gentle pleading hands going hard, hungry, jerking her against him, demanding a response instead of coaxing it from her.
Tori sobbed against his mouth as he moved back up her body, wedging between her legs and driving his c.o.c.k against the notch between her thighs. He caught her clutching wrists in one hand and pinned them overhead, lifting upward to stare down at her. ”Mine...
you're mine. Bound to me...” His gaze moved down to stare at her upthrust b.r.e.a.s.t.s still framed in black lace, her pale torso quivering with each breath she took.
His hands were pulling to free her from her pants when overhead, a wry, husky voice said, ”Unless you want company, Declan, I suggest you stop. I think she is herself again.”
Declan's head lifted, his eyes dark and hot, to stare down at Tori. Her eyes had darkened to sapphire in her pa.s.sion and he watched as her tongue darted out to lick at her lips, as if she were holding onto his taste.
They turned as one to stare at the vampire who still knelt just a few feet away. His fangs had slid out and beneath the loose linen trousers he wore, his c.o.c.k was clearly outlined. ”Of course, a wolf is going to use s.e.x to ground you,” he said, his voice sounding tight and strained. Beneath his open s.h.i.+rt, his muscled chest gleamed with a fine coat of sweat, and his eyes were glowing like heated gold as he stared down at them, his fangs erect and ready-hungry.
His c.o.c.k throbbed and jerked, and he absently stroked his hand against his erection through his trousers, his lids drooping as he locked his eyes on Declan's hands which were still on Tori's waistband.
”Go away,” Declan growled, his fingers sliding past the barrier of silk that covered Tori's cleft. He slid inside, shuddering when her swollen tissues clenched tightly around him.
”This isn't what she needs right now,” Eli said, watching Declan's hand inside Tori's pants. Tori's head rolled to the side and she met his eyes, her mind clouded with l.u.s.t, confusion, and hunger.
”It's what I need,” Declan growled pulling her pants to her knees and diving for the sweet cream that had already started to flow.
”And if her sire calls again?”
Tori cried out, her eyes opaque. Eli was watching hungrily as Declan's tongue elongated, a handy little knack so many s.h.i.+fters had, watched as he slid that tongue inside her weeping pa.s.sage. Declan's eyes met Eli's over the expanse of her body and he growled. The vibration shuddered up through his mouth and tongue into Tori's body and she quaked. Declan tore his mouth away and replaced his tongue with his fingers, all the while watching Eli, as Eli watched them.
”G.o.d, her scent...” Eli rasped, his voice hot and smoky.
He dropped to his hands and crawled closer to hover over her body as Declan's fingers pumped in and out of her tight v.a.g.i.n.a.
”Mine,” Declan warned, his voice low and rough.
Eli reached out, quick as lightning, and Tori cried out in surprise when he flicked her c.l.i.t, just quick enough to gather some of her cream before settling back, sliding his fingers inside his mouth and watching Declan. ”You started it, old friend. And I am just a man.”
Tori was hardly aware of anything over the roaring in her ears. Just Declan's mouth , then his hand s. A second, cooler hand touched her briefly and she forced her heavy eyes to focus on the men above her.
Declan's head was lowering back to her dripping sheath, his eyes boring into Eli's as he started to suckle on her pulsing c.l.i.t.
Her head rolled on the carpet until she was staring at Eli again. The man- that beautiful, commanding man- was watching them both with near desperation, licking his forefinger, his fangs erect and gleaming. Gold eyes met hers, and she tried to look away, but those eyes held her.
Declan's fingers worked deep inside her and she cried out when he pushed and pressed on the little spot that drove her mad, just as he bit into her c.l.i.t delicately, catching the beaded flesh and pulling it tight.
She climaxed with a scream, cream flooding from her in a gush.