Part 9 (1/2)

Four Staur, Shtar Shtiar Chaur

Five Panji Panch Paunch

Six Shove Shove Chaye

Seven Heftan Efta Saath

Eight Okto Aoth Aut

Nine Henya Enia Noh Nu

Ten Desh Desh Dus, Doshe (Bengalese)

Man Raye, gazo Ram Ma.n.u.sch Manoosha, (Bengalese)

Woman Raunee gougee Romee Rendee, Raunee

Head Bold-uroo shero Shero Schiero Seer, Sirr

Eyes Yackau, yock Yack Jaka Okhyo (Bengalese)

Nose Bol-nak Nack Nak Nauck

Hair Ballau, bolow Bal Bal Baul, Bal

Teeth Danau Dan Daunt, Dant (Bengalese)

Ear KanaueCan Kaun

Day Dewas, Devas Deeves Deendeewas (Mahratta)

Night Rautee Rateee Raut, roat

White Pauno Parnee Paandra (Mahratta)

Sheep Baukro Bakro Bhare

Hog Baulo Balo Palo

Fish Matcho Muteho Matchee, Mutchee

Bind Cheriko Chiriiklo Chereah

House Kair Ker Ghurr

Gold Soona-kai Sonna

Silver Roop Roopau

Brand, in his observations on Popular Antiquities, Vol. II. page 432, observes: ”The Gypsies, as it should seem from some striking proofs derived from their language, were originally from Hindostan, where they are supposed to have been of the lowest cla.s.s of Indians, named Pariars, or as they are called in Hindostan, Suders. They are thought to have emigrated about A.D. 1408, or 1409, when Timur Beg ravaged India for the purpose of spreading the Mahometan religion. On this occasion so many were made slaves, and put to death, that a universal panic took place, and a very great number of terrified inhabitants endeavoured to save themselves by flight.