Part 7 (1/2)
Holy Spirit, give us Each a lowly mind; Make us more like Jesus, Gentle, pure, and kind.
Holy Spirit, brighten Little deeds of toil, And our playful pastimes Let no folly spoil.
Holy Spirit, help us Daily by Thy might What is wrong to conquer And to choose the right. Amen.
Jesus, from Thy throne on high, Far above the bright blue sky, Look on us with loving eye; Hear us, holy Jesus!
Be Thou with us every day, In our work and in our play, When we learn and when we pray; Hear us, holy Jesus!
May we grow from day to day, Glad to learn each holy way, Ever ready to obey; Hear us, holy Jesus!
May we ever try to be From our sinful tempers free, Pure and gentle, Lord, like Thee; Hear us, holy Jesus!
Jesus, Son of G.o.d most high, Who didst in the manger lie, Who upon the cross didst die-- Hear us, holy Jesus! Amen.
Special Prayers.
For Parents.
Almighty and most merciful G.o.d, who in Thy infinite goodness hast committed us unto the charge of loving parents, who are to watch over us and provide for all our wants of body and soul, we pray Thee, protect and prolong their life, that we may continue to enjoy their loving care, and strengthen us that as obedient children we may be subject to their will and hold them in love and esteem; through Jesus Christ, our Lord Amen.
For the Teacher.
Dear Father in heaven, who in Thy goodness hast given us teachers that they may instruct and train us in all useful knowledge, we pray Thee, bless them with strength and patience so to guide our feeble footsteps that, being warned, nurtured, comforted, and strengthened, we may do all things well-pleasing to Thee and profitable to us; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
For the Pastor.