Part 1 (1/2)

Little Folded Hands.

by Anonymous.

Morning Prayers.


Now I awake and see the light; Lord, Thou hast kept me through the night.

To Thee I lift my voice and pray That Thou wilt keep me through the day.

If I should die before 'tis done, O G.o.d, accept me through Thy Son! Amen.


The morning bright With rosy light Has waked me from my sleep; Father, I own Thy love alone Thy little one doth keep.

All through the day, I humbly pray, Be Thou my Guard and Guide; My sins forgive And let me live, Blest Jesus, near Thy side. Amen.


Now I raise me up from sleep, I thank the Lord who did me keep, All through the night; and to Him pray That He may keep me through the day.

All which for Jesus' sake, I say. Amen.


O help me, Lord, this day to be Thy own dear child and follow Thee; And lead me, Savior, by Thy hand Until I reach the heavenly land. Amen.


O Lord, my G.o.d, to Thee pray While from my bed I rise That all I do and all I say Be pleasing to Thine eyes. Amen.


Jesus, Lord, to Thee I pray, Guide and guard me through this day.

As the shepherd tends his sheep.

Lord, me safe from evil keep.

Keep my feet from every snare, Keep me with Thy watchful care.

All my little wants supply If I live or if I die.

And when life, O Lord, is past, Take me to Thyself at last. Amen.


In the early morning, With the sun's first rays.