Part 35 (1/2)

”d.i.c.k Swiveller and Fred. Trent in the Old Curiosity Shop.”

”Sam Weller's Valentine.”

JAMES HAMILTON.--”What are the Wild Waves Saying?” (”Dombey and Son”).

EDGAR HANLEY.--”Dolly Varden.” Royal Academy, 1883.

E. HUNTER.--”Little Charlotte's Writing-Lesson” (”Bleak House”). Royal Academy, 1858.

C. R. LESLIE, R.A.--”Mr. Pickwick and Mrs. Bardell.” Painted for d.i.c.kens and engraved for the first Cheap Edition of the ”Pickwick Papers.” (_See p. 220._)

ELEANOR E. MANLY.--”'It's Cobbs! It's Cobbs!' cries Master Harry. 'We are going to be married, Cobbs, at Gretna Green.

We have run away on purpose'” (”Boots at the Holly Tree Inn”). Royal Inst.i.tute of Painters in Water-Colours, 1893.

MRS. M^CIAN.--”Little Nell Reading Inscription on the Tombstone.” Presented to d.i.c.kens by the artist.

FRED. MORGAN.--”Little Nell and her Grandfather.” Royal Academy, 1883.

R. H. NIBBS.--”Peggotty's Hut” (”David Copperfield”). Royal Academy, 1852.

CHARLES W. NICHOLLS.--”What are the Wild Waves Saying?”

(”Dombey and Son”). Engraved by G. H. Every, and published by A. Lucas, 37 Duke Street, Piccadilly, 1881.

KATE PERUGINI.--”Brother and Sister.--'Oh, Floy!' cried her brother, 'how I love you! how I love you, Floy!' 'And I you, dear.' 'Oh, I am sure of that, Floy'” (”Dombey and Son”).

Royal Academy, 1893.

”Little Nell.” Inst.i.tute of Painters in Water-Colours, 1885.

MARY S. PICKETT.--”Little Nell in the Old Church.” Royal Academy, 1898.

A. J. RAEMAKER.--”What are the Wild Waves Saying?”


J. HALFORD ROSS.--”Our Mutual Friend.” Eight Original Drawings in Water-Colour, ill.u.s.trating incidents in the story.

H. R. STEER, R.I.--”The Ball at Dr. Blimber's Establishment”

(”Dombey and Son”).

”Little Nell and her Pet Bird.” Royal Inst.i.tute of Painters in Water-Colours, 1888.