Part 18 (1/2)
In his training, he was not permitted to kiss without being told. He hadn't been permitted to do anything unless instructed by a female. For the longest time this had been the norm-only acceptable to do whatever a female instructed him to do.
The times he was taken to Brothel Town and his leg chained so he could not leave, it was normal to spend days servicing the females who came to the room. Because he was never allowed a dominant s.e.xual position upon a female, he never dared.
The dark fantasies were there though. Deep in the back of his mind, he dreamed of taking a female from behind while she bent over.
When he had seen her standing in the river days ago, her back to him, her body tight with tension and arousal due to being affected by the swamp water, his self-control had disintegrated.
There were other fantasies too. Ones he wished to experience with her. His c.o.c.k and b.a.l.l.s grew harder beneath the blankets. Very hard.
”Do you think we'll be safe here?” she whispered, breaking his gaze and pulling away. She'd given him the entire contents of the bowl and he was very sleepy.
”The rain will wash away any tracks,” he muttered.
His eyelids grew heavier as she opened the door and placed the dish and spoon outside. The rain was coming down in silvery sheets and confidence poured through him as he remembered how he and Jarod had spent days collecting rocks as a solid base for this shelter. The building would stay dry even if they received a month of steady rain.
”I mean, does anyone else know about this place besides you?”
”Only Jarod. He is a good friend. Trustworthy.”
She nodded, but something still troubled her.
”What is it?”
”Never mind, it's nothing.”
The sleepiness clawed at him, begging him to succ.u.mb. He fought it, but his efforts did not work.
”Do not worry, my female...I will”
His eyes fluttered shut and before he drifted into peaceful black, she whispered she would protect him with her life also.
Do not be silly, Taylor. Females do not care enough about slaves to put their lives on the line for them.
Despite that fact, Taylor couldn't stop the warm giddiness seeping through him as he envisioned his luscious, curvy Kayla battling an army of women who wanted to kill him.
There were signs of restlessness in Taylor as they remained cooped up in the one-room cabin. He was potent. Dangerous. s.e.xy. Male. Those were the words she would use.
He would lie awake in his cot, following her every move. She liked the way his eyes were full of desire. Those scorching looks made her all hot and tingly. Despite all that bulls.h.i.+t about her drinking the Fever Swamp water, she really was attracted to him.
Since holding her chin and seductively running his thumb over her mouth the other day, he hadn't so much as touched her. But his gaze teased her every nerve, keeping her senses alive and alert.
At night-like now-when he slept deeply, she watched him. He was a very sensual man. His eyes showed desire freely when he was awake, but when he slept his c.o.c.k would twitch and grow beneath the blankets. Sometimes during his dreams he would toss until the blankets fell low over his hips, giving her shadowy glimpses of his a.s.sets.
She would fan herself and lie awake in bed, hot and bothered, her skin sensitive and needing his touch. She wished the storms would stop so she could steal away and m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e through the powerful arousal tormenting her.
Oh G.o.d, but he was big and handsome and s.e.xy. Every time she looked at him, blood pounded into her c.l.i.t and she ached to have him touching her there. Oh yes, the nights were torture, but the days were worse.
During the days he would follow her with that knowing gaze. She ached between her thighs. Ached for him to fill her. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were swollen and surely he must have noticed how hard and pebbled her nipples were beneath her gauzy top, because she had a hard time keeping those nipples from poking against the material.
She wanted him to take her. Her body was primed and ready, but he didn't do anything.
Perhaps she should initiate the first move? But she didn't dare. Maybe he didn't want her despite his need for s.e.x. Maybe he dreamed of other women at night when he tossed and turned. Or maybe he just wasn't ready. Maybe it was too early. He might rip open the sutures.
Kayla stared up at the spiders-what few she'd left on the ceiling. They barely moved. Just clung to their webs, waiting for a fly to get caught.
Isn't that what Taylor was doing to her? Just lying in his cot, waiting for her to get so hot and bothered she would entangle herself in the web his fiery looks created?
G.o.d, she ached for him.
Normally she didn't see the spiders up there during the night, except when a flash of lightning lit up the interior. But outside it wasn't lightning anymore and rain didn't crash on the roof. Moonlight shone through the windows and then the room darkened again. Everything was quiet. Even the thunder had stopped.
She sat up on a soft whimper, ready for some s.e.xual release. Masturbating would help get her relaxed and put her to sleep.
Padding quietly to the fireplace, she tossed a couple of pieces of wood onto the coals. Despite the nights being warm, she kept a fire going in order to get rid of the dampness the rain had created. And boy was she ever damp between her thighs. Now that the latest storm seemed to have slipped into an interlude, her need for release drove her quickly outdoors.
Warm air breathed against her and wet gra.s.s wrapped around her legs. Closing the door quietly, she allowed her eyes to become accustomed to the night. The moon appeared from behind some gray clouds and stars twinkled brightly like diamonds on a black, velvet blanket.
The air smelled sweet and fresh and, moments later, she waded into the river. The current was rough due to the rain, spilling and splas.h.i.+ng against her legs as she stepped into the cool depths.
Slowly and with great antic.i.p.ation for what she would be doing next, she removed her skirt and blouse, tossing the garments onto the dark riverbank, and then turned and waded deeper.
When the water wrapped around her thighs, Kayla sighed. Lifting her hands, she moaned as she cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. They were swollen and tender and the moonlight illuminated her creamy curves. They looked so beautiful and erotic, her areolas and nipples dark against her light flesh.
With her thumbs, she brushed the tips of her nipples with feather-like touches and moaned out loud at the intense, s.e.xual heat searing into her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She pushed her mounds together and bent her head, licking her hot nipples before pulling away and tweaking them.
Her entire body hummed, pulsed with heat and a longing she doubted she'd ever had before. She wished for Taylor. Wanted him here with her, like the last time she'd been in the river and he'd taken her.
Letting go of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, she spread her legs and ran her hands up along the insides of her thighs. Perspiration blossomed over her skin as she slowly slid her fingers toward her swollen, aching c.l.i.t.
She bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out as she swept a finger between her puffy l.a.b.i.a and rubbed herself. The need to climax grew and impatience zipped through her.
She rubbed harder, occasionally dipping into her wet v.a.g.i.n.a for lube and then moving back over her c.l.i.toris, rubbing faster and faster. Her body grew tighter, tenser. Her thighs shuddered and Kayla ma.s.saged faster, fighting to reach the release she so desperately needed. It drew nearer, something strong and powerful.
Thrusting her fingers inside her p.u.s.s.y, she cried out as the o.r.g.a.s.m pierced through her like an explosion. Her hips jerked, her body s.h.i.+vered and the sensual need unraveled deep inside her core.
Taylor was glad she didn't see him. She was a fantastic sight. Her curvy, naked body bathed in the moonlight. Wide hips, thin waist, curvy a.s.s and the water splas.h.i.+ng like silver jewels between her legs as she pleasured herself. Her creamy b.r.e.a.s.t.s bounced and her hips gyrated in a wild rhythm.
His breath erupted in rough gasps. Spasms licked his swollen c.o.c.k as he stroked himself. The intensity of his erection gripped him instantly and, while she m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed, he groaned. He stroked himself harder, faster, the shudders overwhelming him, sweeping him toward the satisfaction he'd been craving for days.
He squeezed and pulled at his tender s.c.r.o.t.u.m, stroked and ma.s.saged his c.o.c.k, fantasizing about when he'd taken her from behind in the river. He ma.s.saged harder, imagining himself pus.h.i.+ng his engorged c.o.c.k into her tight p.u.s.s.y, listening to her gasps as she climaxed.
Her erotic moans made him convulse.
Tension increased, spearing through him like erotic swords, snapping along his c.o.c.k until he e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed harshly upon the sandy ground, spurting and hissing as the o.r.g.a.s.m took him and swept him into the dark l.u.s.t he enjoyed so much.