Part 15 (2/2)

The moment was rapidly approaching when he would be forced to resort to other tactics. Just what these should be he did not know. He would either be shot or captured in the event of his being unable to devise some other method of escape.

Tad Butler was resourceful. He had no idea of giving up yet. He was determined above all, to defeat the desperate purpose of these men and save Mr. Simms from the loss of his flock.

”We're gaining on him!” cried one of the pursuers. ”I can hear the pony plainer now.”

”Yes, I kin hear him snort,” added another.

”You'll hear that cub doing some snorting on his own account in a minute,” snarled Bluff, applying the spurs mercilessly.

”Shall we shoot, Cap!”

”I'll let you know when to shoot. No use filling all the trees in the range full of lead. We'll be up with him in a few minutes now and there'll be things doing. He can't get away. We've got him to rights this time.”

”He's a slick one whoever he is. Think he heard us?”

”Can't guess. Don't make any difference anyhow. He won't have a chance to use the information, if he did hear.”

”We're coming up on him,” cried Jake.

”Halt!” bellowed the leader.

The pony in the lead did not slacken its speed in the least.

Bluff repeated his command, but still without perceptible result.

”Halt or we shoot!”

Tad Butler made no reply. He was leaning far over on the pony's neck now. In this position he was less likely to be swept off by limbs, and, again, were they to fire on him as they had threatened, there was a much better chance of the shots going harmlessly over, instead of through him. Thus far their marksmans.h.i.+p had been poor.

This was the second time the lad had been under fire, the first having been in the battle of the mountaineers, when the Pony Riders were in the Rocky Mountains, on which occasion Tad had conducted himself with such coolness and bravery.

Tad realized no fear, however. It thrilled him. A strange sense of elation possessed him. He felt strong and resourceful--he felt that he would be willing to do or dare almost anything.

”Let him have it!” commanded the leader sternly.

The men obeyed instantly.

Their weapons sent a rattling fire in the direction of the fleeing broncho.

”Halt! Will you halt!”

The pony still plunged on.

”Once more!”

The men fired again, two rounds each.
