Part 19 (1/2)
The threat of the old gypsy wo in Cora's ears She could see her raise that brown finger and hear her say: ”If you harainst Salvo A hat known to belong to a ht under Cora's car, miles from the tohere the robbery had been co her?
”Oh, really, I can't sing to-night,” she protested rather lamely ”I have a cold”
The voices on the porch had ceased Betty was claireat success
”And to-morrow,” faltered Walter, ”we pass on I e had decided to stay in the Berkshi+res, but of course the girls must make the White Mountains,” and he fell back in his chair as if overwhelton”
”I possibly could--as well as the others,” and Bess flushed at theline ”I have always been a pretty fair cliht,” called Jack ”I remember one time Bess climbed in theat school A leht to see more of Lenox,” spoke Betty ”I do wish you would stay--for a few days at least”
”So do I,” said Walter with flagrant honesty
”But the season wanes,” remarked Cora, ”and we must keep to our itinerary Now that my machine has been overhauled I anticipate a royal run Betty, can't you come with us? Mr Rand says you have been here all suh,” declared the ensnared Walter ”Betty, if you would coton”
”What do you say, papa?”
”Why, go, of course; it would be the very thing for you And then, don't you see, I shouldn't have to give up my job as chaperon,” and he clapped his hands on his knees and chuckled with a relish that all enjoyed
Mr Rand decided that he would go and take his gorgeous car, and the pretty, bright little Irish Betty! Why, it would be like starting all over again!
Hazel was fingering Cora's guitar The chords of the ”Gypsy's Warning”
just floated through the room Walter hummed, Jack almost whistled, Ed looked the part, but Cora!
Cora, brave, beautiful and capable--Cora jumped up and see Cora did not take any part in rendering even the subdued ”Gypsy's Warning”
”But it is lonely, and I think we had best keep close together”
”But I want to----”
”Show Betty how beautiful it is to be lonely Wallie Pennington, you are breaking your contract No one was to get----”
”Personal Oh, all right--take Betty,” and Walter emitted athe contract You are doing as you please Behold Ed now, carrying Cora over a pebble----”
”That's because Ed loves _ Cora's boots”
”All the sahtthe woods in the White Mountains The girls were racing about in absolute delight over the ferns, while Mr