Chapter 6 (1/2)


”You stupid idiot!”

”Stupid… Idiot???”, asks Mic

”SHUT UP!!!”

”Anyways this isn’t looking good”

The black rew even further moreHis messy, laid down hair which was black and broas now fully grey It progressed so much that the other horn, eye and cracks came in

”First I’ll burn this forest to the ground, then this country and then the world All shall be trembled by the call of my name and their eyes burnt out by my appearance”

”It won’t be long before he destroys this whole forest”, says Belze who turns to look at Mic

”That is the least of the proble then…”

”You better shut your mouths up there or I’ll come for you and use you're insides as my spoils”

”This feeling It’s al of Lord Lucifer”, continues Belze

”He’s getting more and more powerful”

”Didn’t I say to SHUT UP!!!”

After he finished that statement, Belze and Mic feels the pressure of his power and is shaken by its force

They became silent

”Hh to take out this forest”

He puts the sword on his left shoulder while he held the sith his right hand

”I have been trying but so back the sword Seito, you need to stop this”

”You’re really getting on my nerves”

hell’s flame appears around the shile still

”Now he’s suht”

He cracks his necks and then swings the sword straight off his left shoulder and into the air on his right The e number of trees in his vicinity The black

”It seems I'm not in full control of it just yet Two more should finish the job”

Seito then places back the sword on his left shoulder and the flames re-appear

”So needs to be done and quick W-What about your parents? Will their hard work be for nothing?”, ask Belze

Seito flinches and for a second he is dazed but he eventually he shakes his head and snaps out of it

”Sh-Shut up You’re ruining it”

Seito shouts out in rage and the power of his voice is enough to shake the leaves and the branches of the trees

”And Hi brother she adores?”

”No!! I’m not ready to leave yet”

His eyes began to fluxuate from full black with purple pupils and how they normally were, brown

”Huh? Ah! Ahh!! AHHH!!!!”

Seito starts screae as he holds his head

”Hima! HIMA!!! I’m in control This power, WILL OBEY ME!!”

The s, the horn and the cracks His eyes also became fully normal His whole body, clearly exhausted and overused, seemed as if it was hit by a bus

”Oh , he got out”

”But it did a number on his body Anymore and he would've died”

”Thank you Bel……”

Seito falls face first to the ground


Mic walks over to beside of Mic