Part 34 (2/2)
The man opened it.
”If you are going down there, sir,” he said, ”I will send James Green to meet you. Mrs. Peterson is so fond of the game that she keeps a Scotchman here to look after the links and instruct her.”
”This,” Mr. Sabin murmured, ”is the most extraordinary thing in the world.”
”If you would like to see your room, sir, before you go out,” the man suggested, ”it is quite ready. If you will give me your keys I will have your clothes laid out.”
Mr. Sabin turned about in amazement.
”What do you mean?” he exclaimed. ”I have not come here to stay.”
”I understood so, sir,” the man answered. ”Your room has been ready for three weeks.”
Mr. Sabin was bewildered. Then he remembered the stories which he had heard of American hospitality, and concluded that this must be an instance of it.
”I had not the slightest intention of stopping here,” he said to the man.
”Mrs. Peterson expected you to do so, sir, and we have sent your conveyance away. If it is inconvenient for you to remain now, it will be easy to send you anywhere you desire later.”
”For the immediate present,” Mr. Sabin said, ”Mrs. Peterson not having arrived, I want to see that golf course.”
”If you will permit me, sir,” the man said, ”I will show you the way.”
They followed a winding footpath which brought them suddenly out on the border of a magnificent stretch of park-like country. Mr. Sabin, whose enthusiasms were rare, failed wholly to restrain a little exclamation of admiration. A few yards away was one of the largest and most magnificently kept putting-greens that he had ever seen in his life. By his side was a raised teeing-ground, well and solidly built. Far away down in the valley he could see the flag of the first hole just on the other side of a broad stream.
”The gentleman's a golf-player, maybe?” remarked a voice by his side, in familiar dialect. Mr. Sabin turned around to find himself confronted by a long, thin Scotchman, who had strolled out of a little shed close at hand.
”I am very fond of the game,” Mr. Sabin admitted. ”You appear to me to have a magnificent course here.”
”It's none so bad,” Mr. James Green admitted. ”Maybe the gentleman would like a round.”
”There is nothing in this wide world,” Mr. Sabin answered truthfully, ”that I should like so well. But I have no clubs or any shoes.”
”Come this way, sir, come this way,” was the prompt reply. ”There's clubs here of all sorts such as none but Jimmy Green can make, ay, and shoes too. Mr. Wilson, will you be sending me two boys down from the house?”
In less than ten minutes Mr. Sabin was standing upon the first tee, a freshly lit cigarette in his mouth, and a new gleam of enthusiasm in his eyes. He modestly declined the honour, and Mr. Green forthwith drove a ball which he watched approvingly.
”That's no such a bad ball,” he remarked.
Mr. Sabin watched the construction of his tee, and swung his club lightly. ”Just a little sliced, wasn't it?” he said. ”That will do, thanks.” He addressed his ball with a confidence which savoured almost of carelessness, swung easily back and drove a clean, hard hit ball full seventy yards further than the professional. The man for a moment was speechless with surprise, and he gave a little gasp.
”Aye, mon,” he exclaimed. ”That was a fine drive. Might you be having a handicap, sir?”
”I am scratch at three clubs,” Mr. Sabin answered quietly, ”and plus four at one.”
A gleam of delight mingled with respect at his opponent, shone in the Scotchman's face.
”Aye, but we will be having a fine game,” he exclaimed. ”Though I'm thinking you will down me. But it is grand good playing with a mon again.”
The match was now at the fifteenth hole. Mr. Sabin, with a long and deadly putt--became four up and three to play. As the ball trickled into the hole the Scotchman drew a long breath.
”It's a fine match,” he said, ”and I'm properly downed. What's more, you're holding the record of the links up to this present. Fifteen holes for sixty-four is verra good--verra good indeed. There's no man in America to-day to beat it.”
And then Mr. Sabin, who was on the point of making a genial reply, felt a sudden and very rare emotion stir his heart and blood, for almost in his ears there had sounded a very sweet and familiar voice, perhaps the voice above all others which he had least expected to hear again in this world.
”You have not then forgotten your golf, Mr. Sabin? What do you think of my little course?”
He turned slowly round and faced her. She was standing on the rising ground just above the putting-green, the skirt of her riding habit gathered up in her hand, her lithe, supple figure unchanged by time, the old bewitching smile still playing about her lips. She was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
Mr. Sabin, with his cap in his hand, moved slowly to her side, and bowed low over the hand which she extended to him.
”This is a happiness,” he murmured, ”for which I had never dared to hope. Are you, too, an alien?”
She shook her head.
”This,” she said, ”is the land of my adoption. Perhaps you did not know that I am Mrs. Peterson?”
”I did not know it,” he answered, gravely, ”for I never heard of your marriage.”
They turned together toward the house. Mr. Sabin was amazed to find that the possibilities of emotion were still so great with him.
”I married,” she said softly, ”an American, six years ago. He was the son of the minister at Vienna. I have lived here mostly ever since.”
”Do you know who it was that sent me to you?”
She a.s.sented quietly.
”It was Felix.”
They drew nearer the house. Mr. Sabin looked around him. ”It is very beautiful here,” he said.
”It is very beautiful indeed,” she said, ”but it is very lonely.”
”Your husband?” he inquired.
”He has been dead four years.”
Mr. Sabin felt a ridiculous return of that emotion which had agitated him so much on her first appearance. He only steadied his voice with an effort.
”We are both aliens,” he said quietly. ”Perhaps you have heard that all things have gone ill with me. I am an exile and a failure. I have come here to end my days.”
She flashed a sudden brilliant smile upon him. How little she had changed.