Part 31 (1/2)
”Okay.” I gave him a goofy little curtsy. ”I get it.” Playing the game and sharing a secret was the prize.
I stepped closer to him, glanced back to make sure Jill or someone wasn't watching me from the stairs or server station across the room, and then bent over to reach into the pocket nearest to me. The jacket was a surprisingly soft fabric that felt almost like suede, a stylish cut, but it still had pockets like a traditional suit.
The pocket was empty. His eyebrows twitched with amus.e.m.e.nt. Okay, other pocket. Now I had to lean across him.
As I did so, he probably got an eyeful down my white, b.u.t.ton-down s.h.i.+rt and I kind of liked that thought. My nipples tightened as I wondered if he liked the view. I slid my hand into the pocket and found it empty also. ”Hey-”
Before I could voice my protest, he spoke. ”There is one more pocket.”
Oh. The exterior breast pocket was clearly a fake one, which meant the real pocket was inside the jacket. The expression on his face was bemused. Well, what did I know? I'd never played this game before. Maybe I should have thought of that first. Whatever. I gave him the old eyebrow right back, and slid my hand inside the jacket.
As I did, I caught a whiff of a spicy, masculine scent, not quite strong enough to be cologne. It was as if I could feel his body heat with my nose.
Intoxicated by his scent, I finally felt something square and hard. I pulled it free: a ring box? Now I really wondered why he was drinking alone, if this was an engagement ring or something like that...
I glanced at him before I opened the box only to find a marble perched on a bed of velvet. I plucked it free.
The marble felt warm from being kept close to his heart. Just a round, gla.s.s marble with a swirl in it.
So, what were the instructions again? Put it in my mouth? I shared a look with him as I held the marble between two fingers. The request was a little bit dirty and a little intimate without being overtly s.e.xual, and I think he knew that. It was a dare.
Did I dare?
I did. I made a show of dropping the marble into the alcohol he had left, swirling the gla.s.s around with a clinking sound, and then fis.h.i.+ng the marble out and popping it into my mouth.
”Don't swallow,” he warned.
I smiled, took up his gla.s.s, and went to fill his order.
Thankfully I didn't have to speak to send his drink order to the bar. I typed it on the upstairs order station, and then went down to put the gla.s.s in the bus bin.
Then what? I couldn't chance going into the main section of the bar, and I had to keep busy or it'd be obvious I was slacking off.
The ladies' room. I'd take a quick ”powder” and then see if the drinks were up.
In the employee restroom, I straightened my hair and my s.h.i.+rt. Normally I wouldn't give a d.a.m.n about what a customer thought of my appearance. In fact, normally I hoped they didn't even notice me. But he was so impeccable and smooth! I wished I could seem even half that sophisticated, and since I couldn't, usually being invisible was better. I'd gotten some ketchup on the cuff of one sleeve at some point during the night. Sloppy. And this was my last unstained s.h.i.+rt. I made a note to ask Jill if she could cover that, too, at least a thrift store one. I hated being broke. I needed to get the h.e.l.l out of grad school and start making some money. I had to find something to do with my life other than staring at pre-Raphaelite art and writing pretentious a.n.a.lyses of it. My mother told me endlessly that grad school was a waste of time, except for the fact that I might meet a well-educated guy to marry. I hadn't even gotten that part right.
A knock on the door jolted me. I hoped it wasn't anyone I would have to say much to. I tucked the marble into my cheek. ”One sec!” I ran the water and washed my hands.
When I came out, Jill was standing there, her beefy arms crossed. ”You okay in there? I've been waiting.”
Well, nothing like the truth at a time like that, right? ”I'm hiding because the advisor I blew off tonight to cover your a.s.s is out there right now!” The marble clicked against my teeth as I tried to make myself understandable. Hopefully she would think it was a cough drop or an ice cube.
”What advisor? You didn't tell me you blew someone off!”
”Would it have mattered? 'Karina' ”-it came out ”Kawina” with the marble in the way-” 'I'm desperate. You're the only one who can do this. I need you,' ” I hissed, imitating the way she had wheedled me on the phone.
”Of course it would have mattered.”
I shook my head. ”Last time I told you I had plans and didn't drop everything to work for you, you got Mom all p.i.s.sed off at me and made my life a living h.e.l.l for months.”
”You had 'plans' with stupid Brad, who was no good for you anyway! I really did need you, and that night blew chunks without you.” Jill had just turned thirty and was a good deal heavier than me. When she smacked the door frame next to my head, I swear the door felt it.
”Well, this is it, the last time. Now, excuse me. My order's up.” I pushed past her. I loved Jill, but she thought because she was the oldest that my brother, Troy, and I were her lord- and lady-in-waiting or something. Troy was only a year younger than me, but he might as well have lived on another planet for all I saw of him or understood of him. And that was a cheap shot bringing up Brad. He was a failure in every sense of the word. I had thought dating an older, more distinguished guy was a good idea for someone about to leave grad school. He was thirty-three, seven years older than me, and I'd made the mistake of thinking that meant he was a functioning adult. Instead, he'd bounced between acting like he was fifty-three and in need of a geriatric nurse and acting like he was three and in need of a time-out. Worst of all, he was already trying to get a prescription for v.i.a.g.r.a.
I meant it when I said failure in every way.
Thankfully, the order was up. I took the gla.s.s of water and the bourbon up the stairs, thinking, So far, so good.
The four-top of women had left, and the couple was holding hands and had their faces close together. I could see the tatters of wrapping paper on the table from the gifts they'd exchanged. I'm sure they were perfectly nice people, but all I wanted was to tell them to get a room.
As I approached my mystery man's table, I realized I had no idea how I was going to get the marble out of my mouth.
It was too late to go in the back and drop it into the gla.s.s there. He'd already seen me, and his gaze seemed to be drawing me toward him. His eyes never left mine as I crossed the floor, feeling like each step was getting heavier and heavier.
At last I stopped in front of his table, drew in a deep breath, and set down the gla.s.s of water. I then held up the shot gla.s.s of bourbon as if I were smelling it, brought the marble out until I held it with just my lips in an O shape, and let it go, almost like I was blowing him a kiss. The marble fell with a plop and I set the bourbon on the table, resisting the urge to wipe my lips. I settled for licking them.
He ignored the gla.s.s on the table, his eyes never leaving my face, and I saw his gaze sharpen at the momentary appearance of my tongue. I wondered if he was as turned on as I was. I had never flirted with a customer. Not like this.