Part 20 (1/2)

Honor Thy Father Gay Talese 93440K 2022-07-22

”On your business card,” Krieger continued, ”did you represent yourself to be a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering?”

”Yes sir,” Torrillo said, quietly.

”A Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering?”


”A Ph.D.?”


”What does the Ph.D. mean that you were representing yourself to be?”

”I don't understand your question,” Torrillo said. ”I told you it was a doctorate, doctorate t.i.tle.”

”In what?”

”I don't see where it makes any...” Torrillo caught himself, and said, ”I didn't have any specific goal in mind. I didn't give out any cards, by the way. I thought it was a bad ploy to use. I had them with me, but I never represented myself as anything.”

”Did you have offices in 1966 and 1967 at 15 Park Row?”

Phillips stood to say, ”In view of the witness's last answer, I again object to the admission into evidence of this.”


”Did you have offices in 1966 and 1967 in 15 Park Row?” Krieger repeated.

”I had an office in a suite of offices.”

”Did you have an office at the San Jeronimo Hilton at San Juan, Puerto Rico?”

”Well, I had set up temporary--I had set up a temporary room in a hotel in San Juan.”


”In '66 and '67.”

”Forhow long?”

”Oh, on and offfor a period of about four or five months.”

”Do you recall when?”

”Do I recall--I beg your pardon?”

”Do you recall when you had this office in Puerto Rico?”

”In the early part of '66, the middle six months.”

”The early part of '66?”


”And that was when you were in syndications and real estate and mortgages and so forth?”

”Trying to get into that. I was involved with it, but I wanted to go in on my own.”

”And you felt representing yourself to be an electrical engineer and a doctor of something or other would help you?”


Soon Krieger decided that the time had come to see what he could learn about the circ.u.mstances surrounding Torrillo's arrest on March 14, 1968, right after Perrone's murder.

”Now Mr. Torrillo, the first law enforcement officials to whom you spoke about the matters concerning which you have given testimony on direct examination were the New York police, isn't that so?”


”And that was after March 14, 1968, was it not?”

”After March 14,” Torrillo repeated, seeming somewhat confused.

”March 14, 1968,” Krieger said.

”Well, I didn't hear the first part of your question, Mr. Krieger.”

”That was after March 14, 1968?”

”What was after March 14?”

”That you spoke to law enforcement officials for the first time concerning the matters about which you have given testimony here on direct examination.”


”And those law enforcement officials were New York City police?”


”And you were speaking to them in relation to a problem that you had?”

”Objection, Your Honor,” said Phillips.

”Sustained,” said the judge.