Part 42 (1/2)

Jill stiffened, uncomfortable, but she didn't interfere, as much as she wanted to. She knew it wasn't her place, and since she'd been deceived herself, she could understand Victoria's reaction. On the other hand, she felt for Brian, who was only doing his job, and was obviously crazy about Victoria, job or no.

Abby rested a hand on the bedrail, her young face falling into prematurely sad lines. ”Brian, I'm not mad at you. I got to know some of the other FBI agents and I understand why you did what you did, with Victoria. I even get it, about Dad. I love him and I always will, but I know that he was the one doing wrong, not you.”

”Thanks, Abby.” Brian frowned, in a sympathetic way. ”I know this is hard for you, for both of you, and just so you know, your Dad talked about you guys all the time. He loved you both.” Brian turned to Victoria, again. ”Victoria, I really am sorry. I'm sorry I deceived you. I want you to know that I mean that, whether we stay friends or not.”

”We've known each other for a year, and you lied to me every day.” Victoria shook her head. ”You lied about what you were doing, where you were going, even who you are. What am I supposed to do about that?”

”I had a job to do, and I did it, but I'm really sorry.”

”But still.” Victoria exhaled, frowning, her eyebrows sloping down, as anger gave way to hurt. ”It's just that you lied to me about everything, even your name.”

”Not everything. I care about you, that was real.”

”How do I know that?”

”I'm telling you, now.”

”But you told me before, when you were lying.” Victoria tilted her head, pained. ”And what about your imaginary girlfriend, in Paris?”

”I had to say that, it was part of the cover. What can I do to convince you?”

”I don't know. That's your problem, not mine.”

”What if I proposed?”

Victoria blinked. ”What?”

Brian smiled, a new smile, one full of feeling. ”Will you marry me, Victoria? I love you, you have to know that.”

”What?” Victoria asked, astonished.

”Please, marry me. I don't have a ring and I can't get down on one knee, but I love you, and I've loved you every day for a year.” Brian's voice thickened, suddenly. ”And when I thought I might die in that car, you were my last and only thought. You. Marry me. Please. That is, if you love me, too.”

Victoria's mouth dropped open. Her eyes filmed, but she didn't say anything.

Everybody held his breath, all equally amazed. Sam and Steven exchanged glances. Jill felt tears on the way. Megan's eyes popped with delight.

Abby interjected, ”Yes, yes, yes! She loves you, she's crazy about you! She told me she wants to marry you, a million times! Yes, already!”

Victoria burst into teary laughter, rolling wet eyes. ”Abby, shut up, please, and let me think.”

”Victoria, say yes! You know you want to!”

”Abby, please. This is my business, not yours.”

”Tell him!” Abby gestured at Brian. ”He's waiting!”

Jill couldn't believe these girls. She stepped in and separated them, smiling. ”Girls, don't fight, not now, okay? Abby, please be quiet. Victoria, you have the floor.”

”Thank you, Jill.” Victoria turned to Brian, trying to compose herself. Her eyes filled with tears, and she pursed her lips, but she didn't answer.

Brian's eyes stayed glued to her, a steady blue, but his face began to fall, and his smile slowly faded. ”Vick?”

Victoria smiled sweetly, her lower lip a little shaky. ”Brian, please understand, I love that you asked me. But don't you think we should go on a date before we get married?”

Brian laughed, a little sadly, then he nodded. ”Okay, if you want, I guess we could do it that way. It's somewhat conventional, but I can work with that.”

”Wonderful.” Victoria smiled, her eyes s.h.i.+ning, and she stepped over to his bedside. ”But I can tell you this, I love you, too.”

”You do?” Brian asked, grinning again.

”Yes, I do, so much.” Victoria leaned over and kissed him, once, then again.

Sam and Steven clapped, and Jill burst into happy laughter, proud of Victoria.

Abby squealed, and Megan chanted, ”Victoria's in love! Victoria's in love! Victoria's in love!”

Victoria straightened up, breaking into a huge grin. Her face flushed with happiness, and she turned to Megan. ”Mega, can you wait a little longer until we go dress-shopping?”

”Yes! Yes! Yes!” Megan squealed, running into Victoria's arms. ”Yes!”

Chapter Seventy-seven. afternoon swim meets always drew the biggest crowds, with parents home from work and siblings off from school, and the pool gallery was packed to bursting, with the crowd talking, laughing, and joking around. The meet was held at Sequanic High, and the last time they were here, Megan had had that panic attack. Jill prayed that today wouldn't be an instant replay as she and Sam made their way down the row to Victoria, Abby, and Steve, who had driven separately in Steve's rental car, taking Megan.

Jill and Sam waved h.e.l.lo to the Cohens, the McGraths, and Bill Roche and Jenny Zeleny, then sat down on the hard wooden bleacher, where Jill turned to Victoria. ”How was Megan on the ride over?”

”Fine, and we gave her lots of support.”

”It has to be hard for her to see that boy again. I hope she'll be okay.”

”I know she will. We gave her a pep talk in the car.”

Steve turned to Jill, grinning warmly. ”I drove and pretended not to hear anything.”

”Way to go. I do the same thing, all the time.” Jill smiled, then caught sight of the boys' team, grouped on the far side of the pool, against the sunny window. She squinted at the swimmers. ”Which one is he?”

Victoria pointed. ”The blond in front.”

Jill spotted a skinny kid with curly blond hair, and almost growled. ”Is his mother here? Can I deck her?”

”Down, girl.” Victoria looked over. ”Megan's stronger than you think. After all, she's her mother's daughter.”