Part 4 (2/2)
”I love you, too! Take it easy this morning! Call if you want to come home!”
”She will!” Sam called back, and Jill felt a wrench in her chest, knowing it meant Megan had left.
Abby coughed, spitting. ”Please, close the door. This is so embarra.s.sing.”
”Don't worry, wipe your mouth.” Jill handed her some toilet paper, then closed the bathroom door. ”Be still. Let your stomach relax.”
”Thanks,” Abby said, thickly. She wiped her mouth. ”I'm so sorry.”
”Make sure you're finished. Take your time.” Jill rubbed her back. ”There's still some things you haven't thrown up on.”
Abby smiled and let the paper drop in the toilet. ”I'm done.”
”Good. Let me help you up.” Jill steadied Abby, flushed the toilet, and put down the lid, with a clunk. ”Sit here until your head clears.”
”Thanks.” Abby sat down and put her head in her hands. ”Sorry, I ruined our nightgown. Can you help me take it off? It reeks.”
”Reach for the moon.” Jill lifted the nightgown off and dropped it on the floor with the soiled towels. She took Megan's bathrobe from the hook and handed it to Abby. ”Here, stay warm.”
”I'm not a drunk girl, I swear. If I were, I wouldn't be this sick.”
”I know, honey.” Jill eyed Abby, straightening up on the seat. ”Okay, wash up and I'll be right back.”
Jill left the bathroom and went into the bedroom, where Sam was balling up the comforter on the bed. ”How was she? Was she crying when she left?”
”She'll be fine. I gave her a big hug. I say we throw out this comforter and buy a new one.”
”No, don't. She loves it, and I'm not sure they make it anymore. It'll have to go to the Laundromat. I'll take it when I get back.”
”I'll do it, and by the way, Sandy emailed me to say that she'd squeeze Abby in next week, anytime.”
”Jill!” Abby called from the bathroom. ”Help!”
”That's great, thanks,” Jill said, already hurrying back to the bathroom.
Chapter Seven.
”How are you doing, little guy?” Jill smiled at little Rahul Choudhury, an adorable one-year-old she was about to examine. She'd spent the morning treating a leaky procession of sniffles, fevers, and sinus infections, all the while worrying about Abby and Megan. They say a mother is only as happy as her happiest child, and it applied to stepmothers and ex-stepmothers, too.
”He's such a good baby,” said his mother, Padma, steadying Rahul as he sat on the examining table, wobbly in his thick diaper. She was a pretty woman with a ready smile, dressed in a blue cotton sweater, khakis, and clogs. Jill would have normally worn a similar outfit, but she was dressed for the memorial service, in a dark jersey suit. Like most pediatricians, she never wore a lab coat, because children tended to a.s.sociate them with needles.
”Rahul, h.e.l.lo, what a good boy you are.” Jill wiggled her stethoscope, and Rahul's round, dark eyes focused on it so intently that they crossed slightly, under a sloping fringe of eyelashes that any woman would kill for. She kept it wiggling, initiating a tug of war with the baby, and felt satisfied when he reached out, made a swipe for the black rubber tubing, and caught it in his tight little fist. ”Good for you! You're strong, Rahul. You work out?”
Padma smiled. ”I hate when he's sick. I don't have time for him to be sick.”
”I know just what you mean.” Jill was thinking of Megan, with no time to cry. She tickled Rahul, and he giggled, drooling. ”It's so easy to make a baby laugh. I should do standup, for infants.”
Padma chuckled. ”All my sons are fans of yours. Roy loves it when you ask him if he brought his heart today.”
”Aww, good.” Jill didn't add that joking around was part of her exam. The first thing she did with a patient was to engage him, to see if he was sick or not. One of her pediatrics professors had called it the gestalt, or the big picture, and her gestalt about Rahul wasn't good. ”Now, how long did you say he'd been sick?”
”Since Thursday. It's another ear infection. He tugged at his ear most of last night, and I know, I was up, on the phone with my mother, in Mumbai. She's not feeling well.”
”Oh no, I hope she feels better. You have your hands full.” Jill had read the notes from the nurse, who had taken Rahul's vitals. Nothing was remarkable except a fever, at 101 degrees. Anything between 97.5 and 100.3 was normal. ”When did Rahul get the fever?”
”This morning, it's new. I wanted to get him on amoxicillin before it gets worse, because I have the week from h.e.l.l coming up. Two field trips, one for Roy and the other for Devi.”
”Yikes. Got Xanax?”
Padma laughed, and Jill realized she'd made the joke because she must have been thinking of William. It was odd that he was taking prescription drugs, but she tried to put it out of her mind. She offered Rahul a finger in trade for her stethoscope and listened to his lungs, hearing transmitted upper-airway sounds. She checked his ears, and there was purulent fluid, or pus behind the drum.
”How's Dave?” Jill asked. Padma's husband Dave was in the Army Reserves, serving in Afghanistan.
”Fine, and he says hi and thanks for those books you sent. They all shared them. Thanks so much.”
”Please, it's the least I can do.” Jill looked in Rahul's nose, mouth, and throat, and they showed redness, irritation, and post-nasal drip, all consistent with a viral URI, or upper respiratory tract infection. ”I give you so much credit, doing all that you do, on your own.”
”Sometimes it gets to me, but most of the time, I do okay.”
”I'm sure, but you can always vent to me, you know that. Email or call, I mean it.”
”Thanks.” Padma smiled, but Jill knew she wouldn't take her up on the offer.
”Tell me, how are the boys?” Jill palpated the lymph nodes in Rahul's neck, both the anterior and the posterior chain, and the anterior were slightly enlarged, also consistent with a URI and ear infection.
”Doing well in school, and they're brown belts, both of them.”
”Wow, that's great!”
”But they miss their father, so much.”
”I'm sure, poor things.” Jill found herself thinking of Abby and Victoria, and how much they would miss William. She'd have to get Abby to the therapist to deal with her grief, instead of talking about murder. ”I bet it's been hard on them.”
”It has been, but we email and Skype, so that helps.”
”That's good.” Jill lay Rahul down gently and palpated his belly, liver, and spleen, all of which were also slightly enlarged, again, consistent with his little body trying to fight the infection. But for some reason, he was losing the battle, too often. It was Rahul's fifth ear infection this year and he'd also had a pneumonia, which worried her.
”How old is Megan, now?” Padma cupped the back of Rahul's head with her hand. ”In middle school?”