Chapter - 173 The Cripples of Wuhu (6) (1/2)
Huang Rong was about to answer when the door of the study suddenly slammed open and a person, who was wet from head to toe, rushed in. It was Wanyan Kang.
Huang Rong tugged on Guo Jing's sleeve and whispered, ” Look at the art pieces, don't look at him.”
The two turned around and lowered their heads to the calligraphy works. Actually Wanyan Kang didn't know how to swim and thus when his boat sunk earlier on, although he was well versed in martial arts, he could not save himself. He then fainted and when he regained conscious, he was already captured and brought to the manor for questioning by Lu Guanying. Wanyan Kang saw that the guarding pirate did not carry his usual dagger and secretly came out with a plan. He summoned his internal strength and used his fingers to grab onto the ropes, which bounded him before yelling out and used the ”Nine Yin White Bone Claws” to free himself of the ropes. The group of guards were stunned and rushed forward to capture him but were attacked by his claws and fell to the ground. Wanyan Kang ran off but who would have guessed that the manor was structured with bizarre mazes and if a stranger did not know the secret to the formations and did not have a guide from the manor, he or she would get stuck in the manor. Wanyan Kang got anxious after he could not find his way out and barged into Master Lu's study. Although Lu Guanying saw that he had freed himself of the ropes, he knew that Wanyan Kang would not be able to find his way out of the manor and thus did not worry. He chased after Wanyan Kang and saw him dash into Master Lu's study. Afraid that his father would get hurt, he hurriedly dashed forward and stood in front of his father. The various section leaders of Lake Tai blocked the doorway.
Wanyan Kang was furious for being trapped, he pointed a finger at Lu Guanying and yelled, ” Despicable pirates! You people used dirty tricks to sink my boat, have you no sense of shame, aren't you afraid to be mocked by other Jiang Hu swordsmen?”
Lu Guanying laughed heartily and said, ”You are a Jin Prince, what business do you have with us Han swordsmen? What has Jiang Hu people got to do with you?”
Wanyan Kang answered, ” When I was in Beijing, I heard of many stories regarding the heroes in Jiangnan and thought that the men in Jiangnan were all upright and courageous but hah! Who would have thought in actual fact, you people…hai, you people do not live up to your reputations at all!”
Lu Guanying was furious and shouted, ” So?”
Wanyan Kang answered, ” You people are no more than just despicable cowards who use vast strengths to win over one person!”
Lu Guanying laughed coldly, ” So if anyone takes you on solely and win, then you will die without regrets?”
Wanyan Kang was actually using words to infuriate Lu Guanying so as to trick him into saying exactly this. He immediately replied, ” If the manor has one person who can win me in terms of fighting, I willingly give in and will die without regrets. But I wonder who would I spar with?” As he said this, he arrogantly looked through the crowd with hands behind him and laughed coldly.
These words angered Lake Tai's Mo Li Peak's chief, the section leader, Golden Rock head who shouted, ” Bastard, I am going to beat you up!”