Part 11 (1/2)
I blinked. It must have been the lack of sleep. I started walking again. ”Oh, well, just, it makes you wonder if the DI is actually lower than they're saying-”
Find me, Owen.
The voice erased my thoughts. I stopped again and stepped over to the edge of the water.
There it was. Hovering beneath the surface, so faint because of the daylight but definitely there... the siren. I remembered it looking kind of like a figure, and it definitely did now. The ripples on the water blurred it, but I thought I could see a face and long hair.
”Owen?” Beaker asked, it seemed like from far away.
Find me.
Yes. I would. I had to fight the urge to jump in right now. My gills twitched at the thought.
In the temple beneath- A hand slammed into my back and I fell forward, spinning my arms and cras.h.i.+ng into the water. I plunged beneath the surface. My gills tingled, wondering if they should wake, but no, not now. Still, I glanced around... but the siren was nowhere. Like the spell had been broken.
My feet found the bottom, sneakers filling with mud, and I stood. The water was up to my thighs. I spun around to face the sh.o.r.e, and there was Leech. I hadn't even noticed him rejoining our group. He had his black fis.h.i.+ng pole case over his shoulder, like he was just returning from another one of his special mornings with Paul, except Paul had been in his office. Was Leech so special that he could just go off on his own if he wanted? Noah and Jalen stood beside him, laughing. Leech glared at me, and before I could even say anything, he said, ”Stop spreading rumors.”
”What?” I said to him, and I maybe meant it to come out annoyed, but it just sounded confused.
”You'll scare the mice,” he added, nodding his chin toward the water beside me. I realized that Beaker was there, staggering to his feet, soaked as well.
Leech made his smirking face, and all I wanted was to lunge and grab him, drag him down into my lair, rub his face into the mud, but I remembered that instead I had to play the part of the soaked, slow turtle. Still, I had to at least say something back, something to let him know that I was not going to be pushed around like this, except what came out was, ”Shut up, I can say what I want.” I couldn't believe how pathetic I sounded.
But it had an effect, because Leech's grin turned into a scowl. ”Actually, no, you can't. You're just a stupid wastelander and I don't care what you think think you are, you have no idea what's really going on in here, so don't pretend you do.” By the time he finished, his scowl had twisted into a vicious glare. What was he talking about? What did I you are, you have no idea what's really going on in here, so don't pretend you do.” By the time he finished, his scowl had twisted into a vicious glare. What was he talking about? What did I think think I was? What didn't I know about what was really going on? I was? What didn't I know about what was really going on?
He turned and sauntered up the path. Jalen and Noah looked a little surprised, and hurried after him.
Beaker and I trudged out of the water and started after the group.
”Should we tell Todd?” said Beaker.
”No,” I said. ”That would just make things worse.”
I was damp all morning as we put on harnesses and helmets and crossed rope lines from one tree to the next. I stayed away from Leech but I watched him. He couldn't do the ropes because his hand was still bandaged. He seemed back to his normal self, not angry, just grinning annoyingly and even bouncing the rope really hard one time when Todd wasn't looking so that Bunsen fell off.
But the way he'd reacted to me talking about the DI... Maybe Leech's being in tight with Paul meant he knew more about that stuff, and other things, too, like about us gill breathers. If there was one thing about Leech, it was that he seemed like he was observant, always looking for the detail that he could use against you later. But he was also cunning enough not to reveal what he knew. Did he know some of my secret? Did he suspect as much as the CITs did about what was going on here, or did he maybe know even more?
Chapter 10
THE DAY DRAGGED ENDLESSLY UNTIL THAT NIGHT, when I was back on the raft with my people. We'd been swimming for a while, and now a mellow quiet had settled over everyone. We were lying in our arrangement of spokes, feet to the center. I had my head hanging back just a bit off the edge of the raft, so that I could feel the evening breeze on my Adam's apple. I stared up at the foggy projection of the moon, nearing full now. I imagined Aaron up there in the Eye, changing some setting to make it grow. It made me wonder if this moon was synched up to what the actual moon was doing, outside. And if not, if it was just Aaron's whim, what was that doing to the animals in here? Creatures had navigation and cycles linked to the moon. There were theories that people did, too. Was it messing with all of our balance on some deep, primeval level?
I'd been waiting for a good time to ask the CITs if they'd seen anything like that siren. I still wondered if it was just something in my head, though, and I didn't want to sound all weird and crazy. Besides, we'd been busy having fun, and now they were trading stories about their past lives and it was Lilly's turn.
”I remember the last day of water,” she said. ”I was eight, I think. It was January and, like, a hundred and five degrees. We woke up early 'cause we only had until one p.m. At one, Las Vegas was shutting down for good. They had already drained Lake Mead so low that the pumps were pulling in mostly silt. Just about everyone had left, heading north toward the HZ. My dad worked for the city, so we were part of, like, the last thousand people, there to close the coffin lid.
”We'd been packing for days, but then right before we left, I took a walk around our yard. We had a saguaro cactus in our backyard, but even it was brown and dead. Did you guys ever see those things? They were giant, built for so little water, but now we had even less. We'd had a pool, but it had been dry for a couple years, and the bottom had filled with sand ripples. I remember looking inside and thinking about how, like, in ten thousand years, some new humans, or whatever humans become, were going to come along and they were going to dig down into the new layers of earth and maybe all they would find would be this pool, this curvy cement thing, and, like, what would they think it was? Who would they think we were, or what our culture was, based on that?”
”Gill people,” said Marco. ”And those were our water houses.”
”Ha,” said Lilly. ”So anyway, the lawn was dried and gone, and it would crunch and disintegrate under my toes. From the back of the yard, I could see what was left of the Strip, you know, all those casinos that used to light up the sky so you couldn't see the stars. They'd had this big closing party, like a festival really, that ended up getting out of control and going on for weeks, with all the Blazers coming in and going on this bender of booze and s.e.x and gambling and everything.”
”Who?” I asked.
”Blazers were people, back when the Rise was really starting to hit, who decided that life was doomed, that everything was going to h.e.l.l, so they just came to Vegas with everything they had left and tried to go out in a blaze of glory. Basically kill themselves. But it got so crazy it led to the Strip Fire, when ten of the casinos burned and people were dancing and throwing themselves into the flames and a lot of other terrible things you'd hear about. We stayed away from the Strip, but I remember being able to see the fire from my window, watching it go for days, and almost thinking it was beautiful. I mean, not actually beautiful but... you know how you feel like if the world is going to end, you want to be there to see it? You want to know what comes next?”
”Totally,” said Marco.
”It was like that. 'Course what came next was lighting our own house on fire.”
”You had to burn all your stuff?” Aliah asked.
”No, but most of it. You didn't have to burn your house, but there was a citywide initiative not to leave too much fuel for wildfires, or possessions that might encourage vandals. Back then, there were reports of Nomad groups starting to organize, too, and word was they would comb over the abandoned towns, gathering supplies. For some reason, that bothered some people a lot. They didn't want their things being taken by anyone else. But then there were other people who couldn't bear to burn their stuff, like doing that was somehow burning their ident.i.ty. It was like your things were somehow you. I'm not saying it didn't suck to get rid of my bed, most of my clothes, stuffed animals, and all that, but I'm glad my parents decided to burn it. We'd backed up all our photos and videos and filled the trunk of the car with clothes and camping supplies for the drive north, and so it was kind of poetic, how by burning we were helping the earth recycle itself or something.
”We all stood at the end of the driveway, crowded around the incendiary line. Dad gave my brother, Anton, the match, but he didn't want to do it, so he gave it to me. Then, just before I did, Mom freaked out and ran back inside and she came out with this dumb little lamp that was shaped like a palm tree, that I guess she'd gotten in college or something, and she was crying and was like, 'Please can we just take this too?'
”Dad said okay, and then I lit the line and watched the spark go bounding up the driveway like a little freed animal, and then it hit the dead shrubs, and leaped to the baseboards, the front door, and then the house went up. We watched it burn and Mom cried and Dad kept saying over and over that it would be all right.”
”That must have been hard,” I said.
Lilly laughed. ”I think I kinda liked it. Watching it all burn? I don't know, it was... exciting. I mean, it was where I spent my whole life, and then suddenly all of it was being reduced to a thin layer of ash. I guess I should have been sad, but it didn't even feel like we had a right to it anymore, you know? Who were we to get some house with eight rooms and two bathrooms and water and electricity that just magically appeared if you turned a k.n.o.b or flipped a switch? Already, lots of people were living without that stuff, and we'd watch the news about the fighting and the riots up north and the ma.s.s suicides in Lagos, and my dad would say it could be worse.”
”You don't miss it?” I asked.
”Nah,” said Lilly, like she was certain she didn't. ”Well, but it was strange. I mean, I was only eight, so I think I just a.s.sumed we'd get to have a new home pretty soon. But then we traveled north, spent a couple years in Calgary living in this one-room apartment where you shared a bathroom with the whole floor, and waiting for the war to calm down and for our ACF immigration papers to get processed. And things were bad there, and getting worse around the world, and then Mom started getting sick, and Anton took off and... that was when my parents decided to put me in here....” She paused. Her voice had gotten heavier at that last part. When she continued, she was quieter. ”And it was weird to wake up and have everything be perfect, you know? To be in this place. I felt like I'd missed out on the life I was supposed to have, almost like I'd died, and like this was the afterlife. Like I got cheated.”
”You were lucky,” said Evan. It sounded like he was trying to be sensitive. They seemed to have a truce in place tonight, but I still wondered if this would be the comment to break it.
”Right,” she said quietly.
Silence pa.s.sed over us. I wanted to ask her about what had happened to her brother, what it was like to say good-bye to her parents, but I wasn't sure if she'd want to talk about it, and the CITs probably already knew.
There was a white flash in the sky behind us, and a low rumble, like thunder. ”What was that?” I asked, leaning my head back off the trampoline. Another bolt of white lightning appeared, zigzagging from straight above us over toward the hills. Thunder rolled around the dome. I had an urge to head for cover, like I was back home and lightning rains were coming.
”It's particle de... ,” said Marco. ”De-um...”
”Deionization,” finished Lilly.
”Nerd,” said Aliah.
I stretched my neck to look over at Lilly. ”What's that?”
”The solar radiation hitting the dome all day causes charged particles to build up,” she said. ”The lightning burns it off. There's that big antenna hanging below the Eye, and then a tower over behind Mount Aasgard.”
Another bolt flashed.
”It's cool,” I said. ”Safe lightning.”