Part 16 (1/2)
He has murdered many, and perhaps someone will try to find room for the blade of a knife between his ribs. If so, I for one shall not weep. But hand me my supper. There is one consolation in the fact that he cannot cut me from my meals.”
Thankful to have escaped discovery, which would have meant failure at the very commencement of his little plot, Hal swaggered to the steps, and stood there a moment to roll one of the many cigarettes with which the average Spaniard regales himself during the day. Taking care to keep his back to the sentry, who stood upon the balcony above, he struck a match and lit up, sending a cloud of smoke flying into the air.
”Now for it,” he murmured gently. ”I don't want a scene, and I wish to avoid bloodshed, but I mean to prevent this fellow D'Arousta from robbing Mr. Brindle. He is my employer, and it is only my duty to do all that I can.”
He ran lightly up the steps, and would have pa.s.sed the sentry without a word, but the man came forward, and held his rifle forward to bar the path, as if he had noticed something strange. But, more probably he was half asleep, or had been day-dreaming, for when Hal gave vent to an exclamation of impatience and anger, the Spaniard sprang back, and at once offered an apology. Hal took no notice of it, for to do so would have been to betray himself. Instead, he pushed on, and, pausing just for one moment to drag his hat still more over his eyes, entered the big room of the hacienda, which lay on the left.
A tall shaded lamp stood close to the wall, and some paces from it was a table at which Jose d'Arousta sat, with a flood of light illuminating his face. Opposite him, seated in a chair, to which his wrists and ankles were lashed, was Mr. Brindle, while standing close beside him was Dora, white and trembling, but for all that preserving an undaunted mien.
Hal took in the whole situation in an instant, and, clattering across the room without ceremony, dragged a seat to that end of the table farthest from the lamp, and sat down with the rays upon his back.
Puff! A cloud of tobacco smoke came from his lips and enveloped him.
”Ha, you are back, then, Pedro!” exclaimed Jose d'Arousta, turning to him. ”What luck, my partner? Has it been good?”
At that moment Hal emitted another cloud of smoke, and at once commenced to choke violently. He dragged a big red handkerchief from the pocket of Pedro's coat, and held it to his face, nodding meanwhile as if to answer the question.
”Good! Better than ever! Things have gone well for us!” Jose exclaimed.
”Here, senora, get me another gla.s.s of this wine. This is stuff which one does not find in Santiago, and it is well to make the most of one's opportunities. Besides, I would drink to the health of my friend, for he has just paid off a heavy score for me. Think what it is.”
As if determined to do all in her power to conciliate the coward before her, Dora refilled his gla.s.s from a decanter that stood on the table, and then returned to her father's side. As for Jose, he lifted the wine to the light, and, having inspected it carefully, swallowed it with a gulp.
”Come,” he said, with a sardonic smile, ”you have not yet answered my question, senora. Surely it is not because you are too timid a donzella (maiden)? What score do you imagine the gallant Pedro has paid for me?”
”If I heard that he had murdered every hand upon the plantation I should not be surprised,” exclaimed Mr. Brindle. ”He is villain enough for anything.”
”Do you hear that, my Pedro?” Jose cried, with a gay, bantering laugh.
”See what a high opinion the Senor Brindle has of you. My dear sir, please remember that you are speaking of my friend. He is an amiable fellow, I do a.s.sure you, and has a very tender heart. But, supposing that score referred to the overseer, the brat of an Englishman who thwarted me before? You will recollect the occasion of which I speak.”
”Pshaw! he was too clever for you,” answered Mr. Brindle, with a disdainful smile, ”and I am sure he has outmatched you again.”
”Sure! Are you, my friend? Then we will soon let you know,” said Jose harshly. ”But we will not discuss that matter now. The most important business is to settle the debt you owe me. Let me see, you said, I think, that the cash and what valuables you possess are in that safe in the corner of the room. I want the key. Where is it?”
”There it is, hanging on my watch-chain,” Mr. Brindle said brokenly.
”You are too strong for me, and I must submit. If I did not know well that you would shoot me like a dog, I would have defied you long ago, and left you to make these discoveries for yourself. But you have the upper hand. Wait till my turn comes; I will then hound you out of the island.”
”Quite so; I believe you would if you could,” answered the Spaniard, with a satirical smile. ”But you have unfortunately failed to take stock of current events. For instance, war was declared between Spain and America yesterday. That very naturally throws Santiago into a turmoil, so that you might hunt the town and never find us. Again, you are an American, and once you leave your estate you are spying. Remember that, for I shall swear that it is the case, and you must know the reward you would meet with.”
”War declared! Ah, I thought as much! But still, I repeat that I shall repay you for this day's work, Jose d'Arousta,” said Mr. Brindle sternly. ”Once before you attempted to rob me, and failed. You are successful this time, but it is the last, for I will never rest till you are punished.”
”Really you will put yourself to much unnecessary trouble,” the Spaniard replied. ”But we are wasting time. Let me see what the safe contains. I am far more interested in seeing to that than in listening to what a beggarly American has to say.”
He started to his feet, and, striding up to Mr. Brindle, removed the key from his watch-chain. Then he opened the safe, and pulling out the drawers, emptied their contents upon the table.
”A very pretty haul, Pedro!” he exclaimed, thrusting his fingers greedily amongst the gold which lay piled up before him. ”A good reward, indeed, and one worthy of our labors. Stow it in your pocket, my friend.”
Hal, who up to this had preserved a strict silence, gave vent to a guttural laugh, and hastily transferred the gold and silver to his capacious pockets. The Spaniard watched him eagerly, his attention being so much occupied with the booty he was stealing that he did not give more than a pa.s.sing thought to his supposed accomplice.
”Good! That is done; and now I fancy we can bid you adieu,” he said at last, turning to Mr. Brindle. ”Pedro, go to the door, and give our men the order to saddle up. Senor, forgive my rudeness in hurrying away, but duty calls, for your countrymen will be exchanging shots with us very soon, and it is well that I should be there to help read them the same lesson as you have been taught. Senora, your pardon. In the absence of our mutual friend, the handsome Senor Marchant, who, I fear, is dead, permit me to proclaim myself your very devoted servant.”