133 s.....hell hath no furry like a womans wraths (1/2)

He smirked at me before releasing what I'd already assumed was only going to be pieces of a full story maybe even half of it if I was lucky. Though this wasn't anime this was real life so I'd doubted this so called Armageddon could actually come to play things like that just were something humans or demons made up as...well as a sick and twisted never yet ending practical joke to play on all to come generations ahead of them... or just Hollywoods way of making more dough from the public who's obsessed with the end of days and see it as a form of entertainment during their mundane waiting time.

*she didn't believe a word he said*

He told me how in his world this was a game series which I was standing in...utter bullshit complete bullshit!!

*She laughed*

”...what I'm telling you is the truth, alsofrom my version of the game V died and Nero was the one to defeat Vergil but instead of Vergil being the final boss it's urizen...also your husband and his brother go back to hell to cut down the tree routes so maybe you should send someone else since he'll be leaving three month olds alone with just their mother-”

”Bullshit darling will be back tomorrow morning he said so the job in Italy's only going to be a week at most darling would never leave me for a whole year!”

”...-.- oh so you can do basic math nice”

(nothing I say to her she'll believe so what's the point of using the geass on her now?)

”...if you did something to darling I'll kill you”

”And you expect to do so without a godslayer? Tough luck cuz that's literally impossible without a god and it's puppets tag team”

”.....hell hath no furry like a woman's wrath”