71 Chaos take 2 (1/2)

”Fuck it I'm looking”

Trish said as she walked upstairs leaving lady and Dante alone...

”So thankfully they gave you tickets but there's only one in here maybe the proxy didn't know about your wife? You wanna tell her or are you gonna splurge and take her with you to save the world?”

*Dante rubbed the back of his head*

”Should I? I mean I'd only take the job so we can get our tickets and move to Japan wouldn't that just put it off more if I take her with me? Also what about safety sure she's walking death but if someone got her from her blindside and I'm not close enough to stop it because I'm slaughtering a high class demon strength wise...she's not immortal at least until she turns 21 then she said she'll switch on one of those powers my point is until then she can still die... also even if she was immortal already that shit still hurts and I'd feel awful if I just couldn't keep her from getting hurt”

Lady couldn't say much since he went on a semi paranoid tangent but he wasn't wrong on any of it.

”That's why your pushing the wedding sooner rather then later since you don't know how long your going for? It'll probably be five days max knowing you... you shouldn't worry she's not the type to cheat”

*Dante gave her a look like she crossed a line*

”Why you insinuating that you think I think she'd cheat on me I know she'd never do something like that, if anything I'm pretty sure if that situation came to light it wouldn't be because she wanted to”

*Dante's eyes went red at the thought of anything happening to his precious lily*

”Dam calm down she's got all of us to protect her while your gone geez... don't get al-”

Trish came down and cut lady off pulling her by the arm like she needed to get somewhere with her in a hurry.

”Let's chat later me and lady need to uh pick up something yeah...”

She pulled lady close so she could whisper something to her.

”When we leave do me a favor and teach her how to use those pregnancy things”

*Lady screams hell no to trish*

”I don't wanna either so Rock Paper Scissors after we pick the goods up bye Dante good luck with Nero he seems kinda pissed but her dress is hot...oh wait now I get why he's mad”

*the two leave but thanks to Dante's demon enhanced senses he heard everything trish tried to whisper*

Nero ignores the stairs and decided to jump down instead.

”...we fight or we get her a dress that doesn't look like the one she just made”

*Dante seemed confused*