53 Canst get to where you are (1/2)

When I'd woken up it seemed I'd missed the entire rest of the day yesterday.to be honest I was hungry and I definitely needed the restroom but how could I wake him. I didn't want to that's not what a good girlfriend would do. I'd never been against any form of affection I get from him this is nice but I need to get up. I heard the phone ring only for Dante to let out a groan and

”Five more minutes”

Which caused him to let go of me to turn the ringing off. I got up and kissed his check.

”I'll be right back.”

She went across the hall since she really needed to use the restroom after literally sleeping for a day straight. When she got back Dante had already gotten up now she felt terrible.(damit should've held it and snuggled him) well now I can try to figure out where Vergils been hiding.

~after a very long time of zooming in and out of 3 different screenshots Dante had taken lily came to this conclusion~

”He can literally be fuckin anywhere this is a generic shot of a city with skyscrapers...”

*lily downs a doctor pepper*

”Babe don't scream”

Dante ”why would I screa-”

*lily activated the all seeing eyes of the gods power”

”what in satans asshole?”

[see blood blockade for details since author chan doesn't want to give a long description every time lily uses a power]