Part 143 (1/2)

The ancient Mexicans had the legend of the _confusion of tongues_, and related the whole story as to how the G.o.ds destroyed the tower which mankind was building so as to reach unto heaven.[533:6]

The Mexicans, and several of the Indian tribes of North America, believe in the doctrine of _Metempsychosis_, or the transmigration of souls from one body into another.[533:7] This, as we have already seen,[533:8] was universally believed in the Old World.

The legend of _the man being swallowed by a fish_, and, after a three days' sojourn in his belly, coming out safe and sound, was found among the Mexicans and Peruvians.[534:1]

The ancient Mexicans, and some Indian tribes, practiced _Circ.u.mcision_, which was common among all Eastern nations of the Old World.[534:2]

They also had a legend to the effect that one of their holy persons commanded _the sun to stand still_.[534:3] This, as we have already seen,[534:4] was a familiar legend among the inhabitants of the Old World.

The ancient Mexicans were _fire-wors.h.i.+pers_; so were the ancient Peruvians. They kept a fire continually burning on an altar, just as the fire-wors.h.i.+pers of the Old World were in the habit of doing.[534:5] They were also _Sun-wors.h.i.+pers_, and had ”temples of the Sun.”[534:6]

The _Tortoise-myth_ was found in the New World.[534:7] Now, in the Old World, the Tortoise-myth belongs especially to _India_, and the idea is developed there in a variety of forms. The tortoise that holds the world is called in Sanscrit Kura-mraja, ”King of the Tortoises,” and many Hindoos believe to this day that the world rests on its back. ”The striking a.n.a.logy between the Tortoise-myth of North America and India,”

says Mr. Tyler, ”is by no means a matter of new observation; it was indeed remarked upon by Father Lafitau nearly a century and a half ago.

Three great features of the Asiatic stories are found among the North American Indians, in the fullest and clearest development. The earth is supported on the back of a huge floating tortoise, the tortoise sinks under the water and causes a deluge, and the tortoise is conceived as being itself the earth, floating upon the face of the deep.”[534:8]

We have also found among them the belief in an Incarnate G.o.d born of a virgin;[534:9] the One G.o.d wors.h.i.+ped in the form of a Trinity;[534:10]

the crucified _Black_ G.o.d;[534:11] the descent into h.e.l.l;[534:12] the resurrection and ascension into heaven,[534:13] all of which is to be found in the oldest Asiatic religions. We also found monastic habits--friars and nuns.[534:14]

The Mexicans denominated their high-places, sacred houses, or ”_Houses of G.o.d_.” The corresponding sacred structures of the Hindoos are called ”_G.o.d's House_.”[535:1]

Many nations of the _East_ entertained the notion that there were _nine heavens_, and so did the ancient Mexicans.[535:2]

There are few things connected with the ancient mythology of _America_ more certain than that there existed in that country before its discovery by Columbus, extreme veneration for the _Serpent_.[535:3] Now, the Serpent was venerated and wors.h.i.+ped throughout the East.[535:4]

The ancient Mexicans and Peruvians, and many of the Indian tribes, believed the Sun and Moon not only to be brother and sister, but man and wife; so, likewise, among many nations of the Old World was this belief prevalent.[535:5] The belief in were-wolves, or man-wolves, man-tigers, man-hyenas, and the like, which was almost universal among the nations of Europe, Asia and Africa, was also found to be the case among South American tribes.[535:6] The idea of calling the earth ”mother,” was common among the inhabitants of both the Old and New Worlds.[535:7] In the mythology of Finns, Lapps, and Esths, Earth-Mother is a divinely honored personage. It appears in China, where _Heaven_ and _Earth_ are called in the _Shuking_--one of their sacred books--”Father and Mother of all things.”

Among the native races of _America_ the Earth-Mother is one of the great personages of mythology. The Peruvians wors.h.i.+ped her as _Mama-Phacha_, or Earth-Mother. The Caribs, when there was an earthquake, said it was their mother-earth dancing, and signifying to them to dance and make merry likewise, which they accordingly did.[535:8]

It is well-known that the natives of Africa, when there is an eclipse of the sun or moon, believe that it is being devoured by some great monster, and that they, in order to frighten and drive it away, beat drums and make noises in other ways. So, too, the rude Moguls make a clamor of rough music to drive the attacking Arachs (Rahu) from Sun or Moon.[535:9]

The Chinese, when there is an eclipse of the Sun or Moon, proceed to encounter the ominous monster with gongs and bells.[535:10]

The ancient Romans flung firebrands into the air, and blew trumpets, and clanged brazen pots and pans.[535:11] Even as late as the seventeenth century, the Irish or Welsh, during eclipses, ran about beating kettles and pans.[536:1] Among the native races of America was to be found the same superst.i.tion. The Indians would raise a frightful howl, and shoot arrows into the sky to drive the monsters off.[536:2] The Caribs, thinking that the demon Maboya, hater of all light, was seeking to devour the Sun and Moon, would dance and howl in concert all night long to scare him away. The Peruvians, imagining such an evil spirit in the shape of a monstrous beast, raised the like frightful din when the Moon was eclipsed, shouting, sounding musical instruments, and beating the dogs to join their howl to the hideous chorus.[536:3]

The starry band that lies like a road across the sky, known as the _milky way_, is called by the Basutos (a South African tribe of savages), ”The Way of the G.o.ds;” the Ojis (another African tribe of savages), say it is the ”Way of Spirits,” which souls go up to heaven by. North American tribes know it as ”the Path of the Master of Life,”

the ”Path of Spirits,” ”the Road of Souls,” where they travel to the land beyond the grave.[536:4]

It is almost a general belief among the inhabitants of Africa, and was so among the inhabitants of Europe and Asia, that monkeys were once men and women, and that they can even now really speak, but judiciously hold their tongues, lest they should be made to work. This idea was found as a serious matter of belief, in Central and South America.[536:5] ”The Bridge of the Dead,” which is one of the marked myths of the Old World, was found in the New.[536:6]

It is well known that the natives of South America told the Spaniards that inland there was to be found a fountain, the waters of which turned old men back into youths, and how Juan Ponce de Leon fitted out two caravels, and went to seek for this ”Fountain of Youth.” Now, the ”Fountain of Youth” is known to the mythology of India.[536:7]

The myth of foot-prints stamped into the rocks by G.o.ds or mighty men, is to be found among the inhabitants of Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Egyptians, Greeks, Brahmans, Buddhists, Moslems, and Christians, have adopted it as relics each from their own point of view, and _Mexican_ eyes could discern in the solid rock at Tlanepantla the mark of hand and foot left by the mighty Quetzalcoatle.[536:8]

The Incas, in order to preserve purity of race, married their own sisters, as did the Kings of Persia, and other Oriental nations.[537:1]

The Peruvian embalming of the royal dead takes us back to _Egypt_; the burning of the wives of the deceased Incas reveals _India_; the singularly patriarchical character of the whole Peruvian policy is like that of _China_ in the olden time; while the system of espionage, of tranquillity, of physical well-being, and the iron-like immovability in which their whole social frame was cast, bring before us _j.a.pan_--as it was a very few years ago. In fact, there is something strangely j.a.panese in the entire cultus of Peru as described by all writers.[537:2]