Part 79 (1/2)

[283:5] Williams' Hinduism, p. 215.

[283:6] Ibid. p. 216.

[283:7] Matt. xvii. 1-6.

[283:8] ”He was pure and chaste in _reality_,” although represented as sporting amorously, when a youth, with cowherdesses. According to the pure Vaishnava faith, however, Crishna's love for the Gopis, and especially for his favorite Radha, is to be explained allegorically, as symbolizing the longing of the human soul for the Supreme. (Prof. Monier Williams: Hinduism, p. 144.) Just as the amorous ”_Song of Solomon_” is said to be _allegorical_, and to mean ”Christ's love for his church.”

[283:9] See Indian Antiquities, iii. 46, and Asiatic Researches, vol. i.

p. 273.

[283:10] John, xiii.

[283:11] Vishnu Purana, p. 492, _note_ 3.

[283:12] I. Timothy, iii. 16.

[283:13] Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva. _Crishna is Vishnu in human form._ ”A more personal, and, so to speak, _human_ G.o.d than Siva was needed for the ma.s.s of the people--a G.o.d who could satisfy the yearnings of the human heart for religion of faith (_bhakti_)--a G.o.d who could sympathize with, and condescend to human wants and necessities. Such a G.o.d was found in the second member of the Tri-murti. It was as _Vishnu_ that the Supreme Being was supposed to exhibit his sympathy with human trials, and his love for the human race.

”If _Siva_ is the great G.o.d of the Hindu Pantheon, to whom adoration is due from all indiscriminately, _Vishnu_ is certainly its most popular deity. He is the G.o.d selected by far the greater number of individuals as their Saviour, protector and friend, who rescues them from the power of evil, interests himself in their welfare, and finally admits them to his heaven. But it is not so much _Vishnu_ in his own person as _Vishnu_ in his _incarnations_, that effects all this for his votaries.” (Prof.

Monier Williams: Hinduism, p. 100.)

[283:14] Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Jesus is the Son in human form.

[284:1] Williams' Hinduism, p. 211.

[284:2] Matt. vi. 6.

[284:3] Williams' Hinduism, p. 212.

[284:4] I. Cor. x. 31.

[284:5] Williams' Hinduism, p. 213.

[284:6] John, i. 3.

[284:7] Williams' Hinduism, p. 213.

[284:8] John, viii. 12.

[284:9] Williams' Hinduism, p. 213.

[284:10] John, xiv. 6.

[284:11] Williams' Hinduism, p. 213.

[284:12] Rev. i. 17, 18.

[284:13] Williams' Hinduism, p. 214.

[284:14] Matt. ix. 2.