Part 57 (1/2)

[209:4] Seneca, a celebrated philosopher and historian, born in Spain a few years B. C., but educated in Rome, and became a ”Roman.”

[209:5] Pliny the elder, a celebrated Roman philosopher and historian, born about 23 A. D.

[209:6] Seneca: Quaest. Natur. l. i. 15, vi. l. vii. 17. Pliny: Hist.

Natur. l. ii.

[209:7] Gibbon's Rome, i. 589, 590.

[209:8] Matt. xvi. 20.

[210:1] Hamlet, act 1, s. 1.



The doctrine of Christ Jesus' descent into h.e.l.l is emphatically part of the Christian belief, although not alluded to by Christian divines excepting when unavoidable.

In the first place, it is taught in the _Creed_ of the Christians, wherein it says:

”_He descended into h.e.l.l, and on the third day he rose again from the dead._”

The doctrine was also taught by the Fathers of the Church. St.

Chrysostom (born 347 A. D.) asks:

”Who but an infidel would deny that Christ was in h.e.l.l?”[211:1]

And St. Clement of Alexandria, who flourished at the beginning of the third century, is equally clear and emphatic as to Jesus' descent into h.e.l.l. He says:

”The Lord preached the gospel to those in Hades, as well as to all in earth, in order that all might believe and be saved, wherever they were. If, then, the Lord descended to Hades for no other end but to preach the gospel, _as He did descend_, it was either to preach the gospel to all, or to the Hebrews only. If accordingly to all, then all who believe shall be saved, although they may be of the Gentiles, on making their profession there.”[211:2]

Origen, who flourished during the latter part of the second, and beginning of the third centuries, also emphatically declares that Christ Jesus descended into h.e.l.l.[211:3]

Ancient Christian works of art represent his descent into h.e.l.l.[211:4]

The apocryphal gospels teach the doctrine of Christ Jesus' descent into h.e.l.l, the object of which was to preach to those in bondage there, and to liberate the _saints_ who had died before his advent on earth.

On account of the sin committed by Adam in the Garden of Eden, all mankind were doomed, all had gone to h.e.l.l--excepting those who had been translated to heaven--even those persons who were ”after G.o.d's own heart,” and who had belonged to his ”chosen people.” The coming of Christ Jesus into the world, however, made a change in the affairs of man. The _saints_ were then liberated from their prison, and all those who believe in the efficacy of his name, shall escape hereafter the tortures of h.e.l.l. This is the doctrine to be found in the apocryphal gospels, and was taught by the Fathers of the Church.[212:1]

In the ”_Gospel of Nicodemus_” (apoc.) is to be found the whole story of Christ Jesus' descent into h.e.l.l, and of his liberating the saints.

Satan, and the Prince of h.e.l.l, having heard that Jesus of Nazareth was about to descend to their domain, began to talk the matter over, as to what they should do, &c. While thus engaged, on a sudden, there was a voice as of thunder and the rus.h.i.+ng of winds, saying: ”Lift up your gates, O ye Princes, and be ye lifted up, O ye everlasting gates, and the King of Glory shall come in.”

When the Prince of h.e.l.l heard this, he said to his impious officers: ”Shut the bra.s.s gates . . . and make them fast with iron bars, and fight courageously.”

The _saints_ having heard what had been said on both sides, immediately spoke with a loud voice, saying: ”Open thy gates, that the King of Glory may come in.” The divine prophets, _David_ and _Isaiah_, were particularly conspicuous in this protest against the intentions of the Prince of h.e.l.l.