Part 16 (2/2)

As de catbird quits his song-- Fo' de soundin' ob de welcome dinner-ho'n, Kase his knees am growin' wabbly, An' de rows am growin' long-- An' he's hoin' an' a-whis'lin' in de co'n!

W'en de fiery sun am smilin'

An' a-sinkin' in de wes', An' de shadders creep along de dusty road; W'en de martins am a-chatter'n'

An' dey hurry home to res', An' de longes' row ob all am nea'ly hoed; W'en de bullfrog 'gins to holler, An' de cowbell down de lane 'Gins to tinkle in a way dat's mos' fo'lo'n, Den amid de gloomy echoes Comes dat soul-refres.h.i.+n' strain-- Ob de darky as he whis'les in de co'n!



John Maynard was well known in the lake district as a G.o.d-fearing, honest, and intelligent man. He was pilot on a steamboat from Detroit to Buffalo.

One summer afternoon--at that time those steamers seldom carried boats--smoke was seen ascending from below; and the captain called out, ”Simpson, go below and see what the matter is down there.”

Simpson came up with his face as pale as ashes, and said, ”Captain, the s.h.i.+p is on fire!”

Then ”Fire! fire! fire!” on s.h.i.+pboard.

All hands were called up; buckets of water were dashed on the fire, but in vain. There were large quant.i.ties of rosin and tar on board, and it was found useless to attempt to save the s.h.i.+p. The pa.s.sengers rushed forward and inquired of the pilot, ”How far are we from Buffalo?”

”Seven miles.”

”How long before we can reach there?”

”Three-quarters of an hour at our present rate of steam.”

”Is there any danger?”

”Danger! Here, see the smoke bursting out!--go forward, if you would save your lives!”

Pa.s.sengers and crew--men, women and children--crowded the forward part of the s.h.i.+p. John Maynard stood at the helm. The flames burst forth in a sheet of fire; clouds of smoke arose.

The captain cried out through his trumpet, ”John Maynard!”

”Ay, ay, sir!”

”Are you at the helm?”

”Ay, ay, sir!”

”How does she head?”

”Southeast by east, sir.”

”Head her southeast and run her on sh.o.r.e,” said the captain. Nearer, nearer, yet nearer she approached the sh.o.r.e. Again the captain cried out, ”John Maynard!”
