Part 44 (1/2)

The nurse stood and bowed. ”Regent.”

”She called me lady. Bregha. She called me lady.”

”You are the lady of Suhl,” Anna said gravely.

”Indeed you be,” added Bregha.

”Ma, she was lady of Suhl.”

”She was, but she did not hold SuhI. If you study and learn, you will.” Anna smiled faintly, turning to the nurse. ”Does she know her letters?”


”We will find someone to help with that. The Lady Herene will be her guardian, and she can help her with her letters. It may be several weeks.”

The nurse bowed.

”Take care, Dinfan.” Anna smiled.

Dinfan offered a faint smile in return.

As she left. Anna shook her head, ignoring Fhurgen's frown as he fell in behind her. Would every child always remind her of her own, blocked as she was from even using sorcery to see their images?

”Do you know where Liende might be, Fhurgen?”

”In her quarters on the second level, lady. Beyond the back stairs.”

Anna could hear the woodwind player's practice from well down the corridor. She rapped on the door, and the notes stopped.

The chief player opened the door, horn in hand.

”Lady Anna” Liende looked rested, more rested than Anna felt.

”Liende, you look more rested.”

”Several days' sleep has helped.” A wry grimace crossed the older woman's face.

”That's good. Unfortunately, I have some work for you. I'd like you to keep the players working on those songs. I may have one more for you in a day or so.”

”Kaseth cannot play yet.”

”I understand. He collapsed. But you and the others can start, can't you?”

Liende nodded. ”Kaseth, he has more experience, and he can learn more quickly.”

”There will be a gold bonus for each of the players for this past battle. Two for you. That's when we get back to Falcor.” While they had found somewhere over fifteen hundred golds in Sargol's storeroom, the amount left after deducting the past due liedgeld would be less than a thousand, and most of that had to be left in Markan's care to run the holding. Another reason why Sargol hadn't paid? Then why hadn't he asked for relief? Male pride? d.a.m.n male pride! Anna swallowed, trying to get her thoughts back in line, and added, ”We aren't carrying lots of golds with us.”

”Your word is more than good, lady.” Liende smiled. 'All the players know that, and it will be better to have their golds safe.”

”Good.” Anna hoped they all felt that way, and still would after their ever-extended journey was over-if it ever ended. ”We'll be leaving for Lerona three days from now. I don't know what we'll need. We may not have to fight. . . and we may.”

”We know you will do what is necessary, and no more.”

”Thank you.” Anna smiled. ”I'm glad you're here. I know it's hard on you to be away from Kinor and Alseta, but I appreciate it.”

”I can return to them.” Liende smiled sadly. ”You have lost yours, and... I wish it were otherwise.”

”So do I.” Anna swallowed. ”Thank you.” After a moment, she turned and started toward the stables. She still had Farinelli to groom.

Anna bad hoped not to have to use Liende in battle. That hadn't worked. She'd hoped not to have to kill off so many Defalkan armsmen. That hadn't worked. She'd hoped not to have to continually rely on sorcery...but pitched battles took armsmen and equipment she lacked...and so the list went.


”That's her...” hissed a young voice from the darkness beyond the stall where Anna saddled Farinelli.

”The regent.”

”Looks too pretty to be a regent.”

”That's 'cause she uses sorceiy. Bet without it, she'd be ugly.”

Anna smiled, then called back toward the two unseen stable boys. ”I look the way I am, boys.”

Scurrying feet and the rustle of straw were the only answer.

Anna led Farinelli out of the stables, hoping that Markan could find a good stablemaster. She'd ended up mucking Farinelli's stall at Suhl because the big gelding hadn't let anyone else near, not that there had been many souls left in the keep after her magic.

Fhurgen waited outside, already mounted, his dark eyes fficking from side to side. Rickel stood guard on his mount a dozen yards across the courtyard, his eyes more toward the open gate.

Anna checked her four water bottles, the lutar ease, and the leather pack that contained her spell gla.s.s, then swung easily into the saddle.

Farinelli whuffed once, and she patted his neck, glancing toward the stables as Jecks led out his mount.

The white-haired lord was still muscular, if slightly stocky, and still handsome.

If only... If only what?

”Lady Anna?”

The sorceress turned toward the armsman approaching on foot. ”Markan.”

”Lady Anna. . . you know we would ride with you,” Markan offered, his eyes momentarily traveling past Anna to the players and the armsmen mounted up along the length of the courtyard. Behind him, Fridric nodded.