Part 31 (1/2)
”More than most,” Liende answered.
”Are the players still here?”
”Where else would we be?” asked the player gently.
”Sorry. I'm still not thinking that well.” Anna gave a small headshake, a very small headshake. ”Can you start them working on the next two spellsongs?”
”We have started.”
”Good.” Anna glanced around the room. ”In a day or two, I'll hear them. There's room enough to practice here.”
”We will not be soon returning to Falcor?”
”I have not decided,” Anna temporized. She wasn't about to decide anything until she found out from Jecks exactly what the situation was.
Liende nodded, then stood as the door to Anna's quarters opened.
Jecks stepped into the room, his eyes going to Anna. Since he didn't look shocked, he must have looked in on her a few times. That, or Anna was beginning to look human. She suspected Jecks' lack of surprise wasn't because of her improved appearance.
Liende moved away from Anna with a nod. ”By your leave, Lady Anna?”
”Until later, Liende.”
Jecks inclined his head to Liende. ”My thanks to you, chief player.”
”We did as we could, but she is strong, and her elixir is powerful,” Liende acknowledged before easing out the door.
”Lady Anna.” Jecks stepped toward the bed.
”Lord Jecks.” What could she say that wouldn't.sound stupid or helpless or hopeless? Anna glanced at the white-haired Lord of Elbeld. There had been times when she had wished him in her bedroom, but the present didn't qualify, even if she did need to talk to him.
”I am pleased to see you are awake. Are you still fevered?”
”Sometimes, but it seems to be getting better.” She frowned. Without antibiotics, a fever should have worsened. She gestured toward the chair with her left hand.
He nodded. ”Good.” Then he sat down.
Anna still hadn't figured out exactly how the d.a.m.ned arrow had gotten her, especially since Jecks and Alvar had said that they'd all been beyond range. She was also less than pleased about being a target for the second time in less than a year. ”That arrow...”
”The arrow was ensorcelled,” Jecks said.
”Spelled somehow?”
”Aye. It curved. That I saw.”
Anna wanted to beat her own head-again. Not having been born on Erde left her blind to the simplest matters. She'd been required to use huge spells, and ones that took all her ability and strength, so often that she'd totally overlooked the simpler-and still potentially deadly use of spells. You aren't devious enough, either You're not used to poisons and other local nasties.
”You are troubled,” offered Jecks.
”Troubled and angry.” Anna said. ”I didn't think about spelling arrows or poisoning them. Even when I saw those players, it didn't really dawn on me.” Stupid!
”The quarrel was tainted?'
”It had to be poison. I wouldn't have gotten a fever or chills from...filth that fast.”
”You are fortunate-or enchanted.”
You're a d.a.m.ned fool, Anna. She shook her head slowly and far from vigorously. ”I still don't know enough. I've been incredibly lucky.”
”You were prepared. You.had the elixir.”
”And that breastplate.'' She met his hazel eyes. ”How did you know about the breastplate? That I'd need it?” Anna forced herself to take another slice of the white cheese. At least it was hard and cold, rather than soft, moldy, and mushy, like so much of the white cheese Brill had favored.
.Jecks glanced at the yellow brick floor. ”I was fortunate. We were fortunate.”
”There's something you're not telling me, my lord Jecks,” Anna said wryly. ”Why not?”
The white-haired lord shrugged, but did not speak. Finally, Jecks answered. ”At times... I feel as though I know things. Sometimes I am wrong. Most times, I was right to fear. I have feared this journey from the day you first spoke of it.” His eyes did not meet hers.
”What else do you fear?” she queried.
”I have no feelings of danger now. He smiled his movie-star smile.
Anna wanted to smile back. She didn't, though she hoped he was right. ”That's good.”
”I still worry.” The smile vanished with a frown.
”So do I.” She coughed gently, trying not to wince.
Jecks' frown deepened.
”I'll be all right.” You hope.
”You should not strain yourself”
Anna tried not to bridle at the male condescension in his tone. ”Was it Lord Sargol?”
”We do not know with certainty. I did not feel we should spare armsmen to chase those on the hilltop.
Your safety was more important.” Jecks shrugged. ”Once well...I thought you would be able to find out.”
”If I got well, then I'd be able to find out. If I didn't, you and Jimbob had bigger problems.” Anna forced a smile.
”You surprise me, even when I expect it.”
She did not answer immediately, but sipped more of the wine, wis.h.i.+ng she were strong enough to orderspell just plain water. Could she have someone boil some? How would she know if it had been boiled enough, or put into something that was clean enough not to be contaminated? ”I suppose we'll have to do something about Sargol now.”