Part 10 (1/2)

”You wish to remind him personally of his obligations?”

”None of my other reminders have worked, have they?”

Jecks shook his head.

”How many armsmen should I bring?” Her eyes went from Jecks to Hanfor and back again.

”As many as you can spare, I would say,” answered Jecks. ”I would have your spells and instrument ready as you ride toward his gate”

”I would that we had more archers,” added Hanfor. ”You think Arkad is likely to rebel?”

”If he has not paid his liedgeld, he has already rebelled,” said Jecks dryly. ”Best you put an end to it quickly,”

”Do you think the other lords will regard any action against Arkad as too high-handed? Or me as the mad- woman of Defalk?” asked Anna.

”Better to be thought headstrong and high-handed than weak” Jecks touched his chin and the hazel eyes twinkled. ”And those lords you worry about already say you are headstrong.”

In Defalk, having an opinion meant a woman was headstrong.

Anna took a swallow from her goblet. ”Another week, if the roads don't get worse?” She glanced to Hanfor.

The veteran nodded.

”Lady ,” Jecks coughed.

Anna turned toward her local equivalent of a movie star.

”I might suggest that Jimbob be with us' Jecks covered his mouth and coughed.

”To give an impression of friendliness, or to convey that the Regency is acting on his behalf?”

”Both, and to give him a greater understanding of how frail a lord's loyalty can be.”

”Is it wise to have us all together?”

Jecks laughed. ”It matters not. If you fall, so do we all”

Hanfor nodded. ”He must see things as they are, while he is still young enough.”

Anna wanted to wince, even as she recognized the truth of the two men's observations, even as she wanted to protest that she was scarcely that important. Except, Lord knew bow, she had become just that.

The door creaked ajar, and Cens peered inside. ”Counselors Dythya and Menares, as you requested. Lady Anna.”

”In a moment,” Anna said. ”I'll ring.”

Cens nodded and closed the door.

”Dythya will never return to Elhi,” Jecks said. ”Not since you have made her a counselor.”

”I needed someone to put Menares in his place, and I couldn't keep ordering him to work with her.”

Positions and prestige and t.i.tles were almost as bad in Defalk as they bad been in academia, except in Defalk a lot more was at stake.

”And will you find someone to do that to me?” Jecks' tone was somewhere between idle and playful.

”I already have. When I need her, Lady Essan will do quite nicely.”

”Ha! You are a dangerous woman.”

Anna doubted that. In order to stay alive, she'd done what bad been necessary, and as a result, got stuck doing a very large job that she didn't know nearly enough about The one saving grace was that no one else alive knew the job, either. The bad part was that those who knew the job had died trying to do it.

The sorceress lifted the bell and rang, and the door opened. She waited until Menares and Dythya had seated themselves around the table.

”You sent word that we had gotten an answer from the Ranuan traders, the Exchange or whatever?”

”Yes, Lady Anna,” answered Dythya, half rising from her seat and extending a scroll.

Anna took it. ”What does it say?”

”They will extend credit to the southern lords for this crop year, and they hope that the debt can be resolved after harvest.”

”That means we have to come up with another thousand golds by next year at this time.”

Menares and Dythya nodded. Jecks frowned.

”Has there been any response to our scrolls and messages for artisans and smiths?”

That got two head shakes.

”It is early,” Dythya said.

”Very early,” Menares added. ”Those who might seek another situation would not do so until the roads clear.”

Always, it was the roads, the d.a.m.ned roads. Anna shrugged. ”Can you two write some messages for my signature to Birfels and the other southern lords noting that I've made the necessary arrangements for them to obtain seed grain on credit?”

”Who might the others be?” asked Menares smoothly. Anna wanted to grin and smack Menares simultaneously. The former counselor to the late and unlamented Lord Behlem still tended to ensure that Anna spelled out anything that might reflect unfavorably on him later-a great tendency for an academic or a bureaucrat, but not exactly what she wanted. Still. . . it made her think.

”Lord Geansor, out of courtesy, although he probably won't need it. Lord Dencer, Lord Sargol, and Lord Gylaron. Maybe, the other lord down there-Arien.”

”Tybel,” supplied Dythya.

”Thank you. That should do it.” Anna pursed her lips. ”And in the scrolls to Sargol, Dencer, and Gylaron, add a few words about how this should help in ensuring that they pay the remainder of the liedgeld they owe.” Jecks smiled. Hanfor grinned.

”Is that all, Lady Anna?” asked Dythya.

”For now,” Anna answered. ”Thank you.”

”By your leave?”

The sorceress and regent nodded.