Part 37 (1/2)
”Who's f.u.c.ked?” Lilith came back from the bedroom wearing blue jeans, leather boots and a knit top pulled off her shoulders.
”We are. We have no case now.”
”You mean the F.B.I. has no case,” said Carlos.
”Ah-huh.” Lilith tossed her hair back with a flip and pointed at the floor. ”What's that?”
I looked down by my feet and saw that familiar blue vein crackling between Ursula and me. Carlos and Spinelli looked, too, but could not see it. I raised my head and my eyes met Lilith's. ”Oh, that. Yeah, see that's what I have been trying to tell you.”
”Is that a witch's light?”
”It is.”
”I see. And you thought you would wait until you f.u.c.ked me four times before telling me.”
”No. We only did it three times.”
She crossed the floor, stopping within arm's reach of me. I don't know why, but I honestly expected a hug at that point. Goes to show how you never really know a witch. I started to give her my pitiful me look when she hauled back and slapped my face.
”You b.a.s.t.a.r.d. How could you?”
”Lilith. I'm sorry. It was an accident.”
”An accident?” She slapped me again, this time on the right cheek. ”Oops. Sorry. That was an accident.”
”Okay. Maybe I deserved that.”
”Maybe?” She hauled back for a third time, but I caught her hand in mid-swing, our fingers locking together tightly. Undeterred, she came around with her right, and again I intercepted her swing. Holding both her hands at either side of my face, I said, ”Enough, Lilith. I told you I was sorry. It's not what you think.”
”No? You didn't f.u.c.k Ursula?”
”What? No. Of course not. It was just a stupid kiss in the circle, after the ceremony.”
”A kiss?”
”Oh.” I felt her arms go limp, enough so I thought it was okay to let her hands go. ”So, you didn't do her?”
”No. I didn't DO her.”
I unclasped my fingers. Her hands came down. Mine came down. She turned. I thought to walk away. But she was only winding up. Next thing I knew, her palm crossed my face so hard the lamp on the Clapper shut off.
”Son of a.... Lilith. What the h.e.l.l was that for?”
”That's for stopping me when I tried to slap you.”
”Alright fine. We're even now. Right? You're not angry with me?”
”I'm not angry with you. I'm angry with her.” She pointed to Ursula.
”Me? Pray tell why?”
”Because you should know better. You can't kiss a witch inside a witch's wedding circle without risking a permanent link.”
”Wait just a minute,” Spinelli argued. ”She didn't kiss Tony. He kissed her.”
”But she had to like it or they would not have sparked the witch's light and the link would not have taken.”
As soon as she said that, I could see Lilith wis.h.i.+ng she had not. The look on Dominic's face even made Carlos wince. ”Dominic,” I said. ”She didn't mean that. There's nothing between Ursula and me.”
”Yeah,” said Lilith. ”I didn't mean that. I was just mad at Tony.”
”Me? I thought you said you weren't angry with me.”
”Shut up. This isn't about you anymore. Dominic, you need to know something about Ursula. She”
”Lilith. No.” Ursula inserted herself between the two. ”'Tis mine to explain.” She wrapped her arms around Dominic's waist and held him. He turned his head. She coaxed it back with the tips of her fingers. Their eyes locked. This time he did not turn away. She pulled him closer, taking a breath and letting it out, allowing not a slither of light between their bodies to escape. I faded back some, giving them room. Carlos did the same. Lilith did not. Ursula began, her voice softly falling into a confession meant only for Dominic. Naturally, we all heard her. We stood so near.
”Hear me darling,” she said, ”for I know not what words to speak but those from my heart. 'Tis thee I want and no other do I covert. Thou art all I know and all I love. What joy fills me doth fill me whole and this I know to be true. 'Tis not mine but thine whose heart doth make it so. Shouldst thou wonder if I kiss a stone so cold and like it? Thou hath made me that happy. Yet what hath a stone that hath no heart? It hath naught. Shouldst thou make no bones and hold me faultless for this kiss? Methinks. For a stone is cold and empty, as is my love for all but thee. Thou hast not a need to worry. I honor thee and always will. Thy heart holds mine in tender shackles what break not in life, but in death. This, also, I hold true, and I beg naught of thee but forgiveness.” She leaned in and kissed him softly. ”Doest thou forgive me?”
Dominic cupped her face in his hands. Stroked his thumbs along her cheeks. She closed her eyes, as if closing an ugly chapter on her conscience. When she opened them again, he returned the kiss. ”Ursula. There is nothing to forgive,” he said. ”Tony kissed you. You didn't ask for it. That you told me before I found out on my own is enough. That's why we are here together. To make it right.”
”Make it right?” said Lilith. ”How are you going to do that?”
Ursula said, ”'Tis simple. 'Twas a kiss what linked us. Another shall break us.”
”You mean Tony must kiss another.”
”Another witch?”
Lilith surveyed the room with exaggerated impetuous. ”Uh-uh. I don't see another witch here.”
Carlos said, ”I think she means you.”
She reached out and smacked him. ”I know that, Fidel. Of course, she means me. You think I'm stupid.”
”Don't answer that,” I said. ”Lilith, what is your problem? I know you don't want me and Ursula linked for the rest of our lives.”
”Neither do I,” said Dominic.
Lilith squared her shoulders to me, leveled her eyes and thinned her lips tightly. It is a form of posturing akin to a bull scratching the dirt and snorting before charging a red cape. I fully believed another slap would follow. But again, one can never truly antic.i.p.ate a witch's next move.