Part 3 (1/2)
Oh G.o.d, they're going to rape me, her brain screamed as her body turned boneless and she started a slow slide to the floor.
The young man's hands gripped the flesh of her upper arms and yanked her upright. When he saw her fear, the spark in his black eyes flared, as if her terror fed him. His excitement swirled around them, and she could smell it over the noxious fumes of the garage. Sour and musky.
”Please, please don't hurt me. I'll give you anything you want. Just let me go-please.” The boy's face wavered as sudden tears blurred her vision.
The young man snickered. ”Did you hear that? The fine lady's begging.” He glanced at his companions. ”Let's see if she'll beg on her knees.”
Laughter followed while hands from behind forced her to her knees. The concrete felt cold and the chill traveled through her skin to settle in her bones. Her muscles trembled, but she couldn't tell if it was the cold or her fear that made them shake.
Sam's eyes flew to each face in the circle now gathered tightly around her, looking for sympathy and finding none. One boy, holding a tire iron in his fist, winked. This can't be happening. Beyond fear now, her shaking stopped while her brain disconnected from her body. She felt as if part of her were drifting away. Her gaze fell to the gray concrete.
”Okay, lady, start begging,” said the young man standing in front of her.
”Please, please, I don't want to die,” she whispered, each word rasping from her clogged throat.
Her head was wrenched back until she had no choice but to stare up at the young man standing over her.
”What's that? I didn't hear you.”
She choked. ”Please . . .”
A sudden voice rang out, reverberating through the empty garage. ”Security! What the f.u.c.k are you doing!”
The hands fell away as their eyes flew to one another's faces in silent communication.
Slumping back on her heels as they released her, she gasped with relief.
The young man holding the tire iron took a step forward, glaring at her. And as if in slow motion, she saw him raise the tire iron high over his head . . .
Sam opened one eye slowly. The sun peeking through the slats cast thin horizontal bars across the wooden floor. So Jackson hadn't entered while she was sleeping and opened them. No one had been able to watch her while she slept.
She raised her head, shutting her eyes tightly against the dizziness she always experienced first thing in the morning. Her senses were foggy and her whole body felt wrapped in cotton. A slight headache gnawed at the base of her skull. Always the same. The dream. The headache. Would it ever end?
Opening her eyes, she struggled out of bed and headed for the bathroom.
Leaning against the sink, she forced herself to look at her face in the mirror. Dark circles ringed her eyes and her shoulder-length auburn hair looked as lifeless as she felt. She ran her fingers through her hair, pausing to trace the scar running down her scalp. Another lasting souvenir of her attack. Left by the incision the doctors had made to relieve the pressure caused by her brain swelling. She tugged at the hair sprouting around the puckered skin as if pulling on it would suddenly make it longer. No, still short and still sticking out like a cowlick. She hated the way it looked.
She dropped her hands and her gaze traveled downward. She'd gained back some of the weight she'd lost in the hospital, but she still looked like a refugee from a concentration camp. Underneath her nightgown, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s seemed to sag like sacks above bony ribs and hip bones that jutted out. Yup, she thought, all in all she was quite a looker. Glancing back at the mirror, she stuck out her tongue. Well, at least that looked normal.
As she turned on the faucet, the sound of rattling pans and the smell of brewing coffee drifted through the doorway. That's right . . . her parents were making the two-hour drive up from Minneapolis for brunch. A long drive for just a meal, but after her conversation with Dan, she knew her dad had an agenda. He and Jackson were going to tag-team her into agreeing to a babysitter. Well, it wasn't going to happen. Just because her left leg didn't work perfectly didn't make her an invalid.
She splashed cold water on her face and rubbed hard. No way was she going to allow a stranger to take care of her. They hired this woman . . . they could just as well fire her. Drying her face, she opened the medicine cabinet to grab her brush. Maybe today, and with enough gel and hair spray, she could tame the cowlick.
Her brush was gone.
Where is it? She shoved the a.s.sortment of pill bottles out of the way, knocking several over. They spilled out of the cabinet, rattling as they rolled down the porcelain sink. It wasn't in the cabinet, she thought with a rising sense of panic.
It was always in the cabinet. Ever since returning home from the hospital, she'd been careful about placing her things exactly in the same spot every day. Her brush on the second shelf; her slippers on the right side of the bed; her robe draped across a chair. It gave her a small sense of control over a life that had changed so dramatically.
She ripped open the top drawer with enough force to pull it off its rollers. The end tipped downward, dumping washcloths and hand towels onto the tiled floor.
”What are you doing?”
Sam shot a glance over her shoulder to see Jackson standing in the doorway, watching her.
Grabbing the edge of the sink for balance, she squatted down and began to pick up the towels. ”I couldn't find my brush.”
With two steps, he was beside her. He grabbed her upper arm and hoisted her to her feet. ”There's no need to turn the place upside down trying to find it,” he said. ”Maybe you left it in the bedroom.”
She shook her head. ”No, I know I left it in the cabinet.” Turning toward him, she saw the expression on his face. Sam's losing it. ”Okay, I'll go look.”
With uneven steps, she went into the bedroom and began searching. Jackson followed and stood in the doorway watching her. With a sigh, he turned and left, only to return a moment later.
”Is this it?” he asked, waving the brush at her.
She grabbed it out of his hand. ”Where did you find it?”
His lips tightened in a frown. ”On the second shelf in the medicine cabinet.”
”But . . . but,” she stammered as her fingers gripped the smooth wooden handle. ”I looked . . . I swear, it wasn't-”
A loud knock on the front door of the cabin interrupted her.
”It doesn't matter, Sam,” Jackson said with a glance over his shoulder. ”Your parents are here. Hurry up and get dressed. Brunch will be ready soon.”
Alone, Sam sank down on the bed and stared at the brush in her hand. She didn't care what Jackson said, the brush hadn't been on the shelf. She would've seen it. Tipping her head back, she stared at the ceiling. Unless her eyesight was beginning to betray her, too.
”Let it go,” she murmured to herself, ”and calm down.”
Leaving the brush on the bed, she stood and crossed to the closet. If she wanted to convince her father and Jackson that she would be okay staying alone, she didn't need to be acting hysterical over a missing brush. She pulled out a pair of jeans and took a moment picking out the right s.h.i.+rt. Something flattering. Appearances had always been important to her parents. If she looked more like her old self, they'd be more likely to listen to her.
Makeup might help, she thought, touching the side of her face. In her past life, she would've never considered going without it, but now it had been so long since she'd worn any, her skills at achieving that flawless look were rusty.
She dressed as quickly as she could. As she slid her feet into a pair of black flats, her heel hit something lying at the edge of the dust ruffle. Bending over, she picked it up. The book Jackson had been reading last night. She remembered knocking it to the floor. Turning it over, she studied the t.i.tle: The Minnesota Guide to Haunted Locations.
Puzzled, she stared at the cover. What is this? Jackson's taste has never run to the paranormal.
”Never mind,” she whispered to herself. ”You have more important issues than pondering Jackson's reading material.”
With a sigh, she placed the book on the nightstand and went back into the bathroom. Jackson had already cleaned up the mess she'd made. Grabbing her makeup bag, she quickly brushed on mascara, a little eye shadow, and concealer to cover the dark circles under her eyes. Stepping back, she gave herself the once-over in the mirror. Not as good as she once looked, but it would have to do. At this point, she really didn't have much to work with. Her eyes strayed to the chunk of hair sticking out. She grabbed the can of hair spray and tried smoothing it down. It popped right back out. Hopeless.
Setting the hair spray down, she braced her hands on the edge of the sink and stared into her own eyes in the mirror.
”You can do this,” she whispered to herself. ”Be calm . . . be in control.”
With a nod, she turned and slowly walked out of the bathroom and down the hall to face her parents.
They were gathered in the living room, holding mimosas, her mother's favorite beverage.
Her parents made a handsome couple. Dressed in navy slacks and a white starched s.h.i.+rt with the sleeves rolled back, Lawrence Moore managed to look as distinguished in the living room of a lakeside cabin as he did in a boardroom. His silver hair waved back from his high forehead and his green eyes were as sharp as a broken bottle. With his military-straight posture, he could intimidate by the sheer force of his presence.