Part 24 (1/2)

A club in Pennsylvania has this somewhat unusual program:

_The American Government_.

_Colonial Times_. Reading, Colonial Heroes.

_Territory Gained by the Revolution_. Reading, ”Paul Revere's Ride.”

_The Const.i.tution_. Reading, The Amendments.

_The Louisiana Purchase and the Acquisition of Florida_. Reading, The Department of Agriculture.

_The Monroe Doctrine_. Reading, The Pan-American Union.

_The Annexation of Texas; the Mexican Cession_. Reading, The Weather Bureau.

_Settlement of the Oregon Boundary; The Gladsden Purchase_. Reading, The Post Office Department.

_The Alaska Purchase: Alaska of To-day_. Reading, from Beach's Silver Horde.

_Hawaii_. Reading, The Smithsonian Inst.i.tution.

_Porto Rico_. Reading, The Patent Office.

_Cuba_. Reading, The Interstate Commerce Commission.

_The Philippines_. Reading, Our Insular Possessions.

_The Panama Ca.n.a.l_. Reading, The Public Health.

_Expansion_. Reading, The White Man's Burden.

_The Executive Department_. Reading, The State Department.

_The Judicial Department_. Reading, The Civil Service Department.

_The Legislative Department_. Reading, Library of Congress.

_The United States Army_. Reading, The Treasury Department.

_The United States Navy_. Reading, The National Capital.

_Discussion_: Woman Suffrage.


”_WE PLEDGE OURSELVES_ to use our united strength to make better homes, better schools, better surroundings, better scholars.h.i.+p, and better lives; to work together for civic health and civic righteousness; to preserve our heritage--the forests, and the natural beauties of the land; to procure for our children an education which fits them for life--the training of the hand and the heart as well as the head; to protect the children not our own, who are deprived of the birthright of natural childhood; to obtain right conditions and proper safeguards for the women who toil.”