Part 34 (1/2)
”No, Truthseeker is not made of magicked metal,” Dain said, wondering how Lord Odfrey could own such a holy weapon and not know what he had. The chevard released his breath. ”Thod be thanked. I thought you were going to tell me of some power I didn't-” ”It's made of G.o.d-steel.” Lord Odfrey stared at him, looking dumbfounded. ”What?”
”Aye. G.o.d-steel. Have you heard of it? It's rare and very old. The metal is so hard that dwarves who have found pieces of it in places of ancient battles cannot hammer it. They cannot soften it with fire. They cannot work it at all, despite their skill. Some ancestor of yours must have fought in the great battles of long ago.”
Lord Odfrey sank down on the edge of the bed again, as though his legs would not hold him. ”G.o.ds'
mercy,” he whispered at last. ”I cannot believe it.” ”The power was not mine,” Dain said, surprised that Lord Odfrey had even thought so. ”Everything lay inside the sword.” Lord Odfrey ran his hand across his face. ”My father was afraid to touch it. I have never carried it in battle.”
”That's where it belongs,” Dain said. ”That's what it sings for.” The chevard turned his gaze on Dain and frowned. ”I have heard it said that the dwarves believe metal sings. You can hear it, can't you?” Dain's smile faded. He met Lord Odfrey's eyes and knew he must tell the truth. ”Aye. I felt it speak to me. It told me its name, and I believed it right to use it. Or, in doing so, have I broken another law?”
”No, lad,” Lord Odfrey said kindly. ”You used it for the greatest good possible, that of saving someone's life.”
”It is an incredible weapon,” Dain said, remembering the feel of it. ”I would see you use it-” ”Nay!”
Lord Odfrey said hastily, standing up again. ”My father warned me as his father did warn him, that it is too strong for mere men to handle. And if you are right about its being made from G.o.d-steel, then my father spoke truth. Mortals have no business with such weapons. But you swung it as though it had been made for your hand.”
”Desperation, lord, that is all.”
”False modesty does not become you,” Lord Odfrey said. ”By the laws of our church, men cannot own G.o.d-steel.”
Dain looked up in alarm. ”You will not destroy it, lord! You will not fling it in the river.”
”I should,” Lord Odfrey said, but shook his head. ”Nay, I will not. My father told me it was won as a prize in battle by our ancestor.” ”It was a very great reward,” Dain said. ”Your ancestor must have fought bravely indeed.”
Lord Odfrey nodded and blinked in amazement. ”G.o.d-steel,” he said softly, looking secretly pleased.
”Well, well. Let this be our secret, Dain, kept between you and me. Let the others think you have powers against the Nonkind if they wish.”
”But I do not-”
”It does no harm. Otherwise, I must explain the sword, and I would rather not.” ”Of course,” Dain agreed quickly. ”I would not wish to cause you trouble.” Lord Odfrey smiled.
”Enough about Truthseeker. You saved the prince's life. And the king has already sent his grat.i.tude.”
He reached into his pocket and drew forth a rolled-up parchment, which he handed to Dain.
”How did it come so quickly?” Dain asked, puzzled. ”When this all happened only last night, how did he know?”
Lord Odfrey chuckled. ”Be at ease, lad. There's no magic here. You've been asleep five days since you swooned. I thought you might never awaken, but Sulein a.s.sured me you would recover.”
”Five days!”
”Aye. No wonder you're hungry, eh?”
Dain nodded. He unrolled the parchment slowly, having trouble because his wounded arm was so heavily bandaged he could barely move it. Lord Odfrey held one side of the parchment while Dain unrolled the rest. There were many seals and flouris.h.i.+ng signatures, but it was all written in the same small characters that Sulein had showed him earlier, characters that Dain could not read.
He frowned in shame, realizing what it meant to be ignorant. ”I cannot read this, lord,” he admitted.
”No, your education has far too many gaps. That is why I wanted you to begin lessons with Sulein. If you are to live in Mandria, you must be able to read and write our language.”