Chapter - 30 Casually Binding the Hero (2/2)

Xue MuHua said: ”My master's disciples and followers are deaf and mute, but this is only for the past 10 years. My master is not deaf, and he is certainly not mute, he was agitated by his younger martial brother the Old Freak of XingXiu Ding ChunQiu and became deaf and mute.” XuanNan and the rest gave an 'Oh' sound. Xue MuHua continued: ”My Grand-Master took in two disciples, the senior disciple is surname Su, named XingHe, naturally his our Master, the second disciple is Ding ChunQiu. Their martial arts were originally on par with each other, but eventually, one of them became slightly better......”

Bao BuTong interrupted: ”Haha, say no further, your martial uncle Ding ChunQiu must have surpassed your Master.” Xue MuHua said: ”You can't say that, my Grand-Master is a celestial being of knowledge, his skills all encompassing......” Bao BuTong said: ”Not necessarily, not necessarily.” Xue MuHua knew Bao BuTong like to argue for the sake of arguing, he ignored him and continued: ”Originally, my Master and Ding ChuanQiu both focus solely on martial arts, but afterwards, my Master's attention was divided, he learnt music and zither from my Grand-Master.....”

Bao BuTong pointed at Kang GuanLing and said: ”Haha, your stupid zither skills must have been acquired from your Master.”

Kang GuangLing glared at him and said: ”Obviously my skills came from my Master, don' tell me it came from you?”

Xue MuHua said: ”It's not much of a hindrance if my Master only learnt zither skills, but my Grand-Master's knowledge is simply too vast, zither, chess, calligraphy, painting, medicine, divination and astrology, arts and crafts, finance and commerce, plants and pottery, he knows everything, he mastered all of them. Originally, my Master only learnt zither skills, but soon after he started to learn chess, and then calligraphy, and then painting. Everyone please think for a moment, all these skills require pain-staking effort and time, initially Ding ChunQiu pretended to be interested and tried to learn all these skills, but after 10-15 days, he claims his aptitude is low and his too stupid, it's difficult for him to learn, thus he focus solely on martial arts. After 8-10 years, their martial arts were at different levels.”

XuanNan nod his head repeatedly, he said: ”Learning zither or chess alone would require half a lifetime of effort and energy, although Mr Intelligent is smart and talented, it's difficult for him to undertake such tasks. Ding ChunQiu gave his undivided attention to martial arts, its not surprising that his martial arts would eventually surpass his senior martial brother.”

Kang GuangLing said: ”5th brother, there is something even more important, why aren't you telling them? Quickly tell them.”

Xue MuHua said: ”Ding ChunQiu focus solely on martial arts, it should be a good thing, but.....but....sigh.....if i narrate this matter, it would be really shameful for our sect. Ding ChunQiu took advantage of the fact that his younger than Grand-Master by 20-30 years, his also handsome and elegant, unexpectedly he seduced Grand-Master's lover. This matter really disgraced my Grand-Master, we were sympathetic and didn't say anything, we pretended to be deaf and mute. To cut the long story short, Ding ChunQiu used various despicable tricks, he also mastered some extremely evil skills, Grand-Master tried to kill him in his fit of rage but Ding ChunQiu made the first move and managed to inflict serious injuries on my Grand-Master. Luckily, my Grand-Master possess peerless skills, although he was backstabbed, he managed to resist until my Master arrive to save him. My Master's martial arts were no match against that evil traitor, after a fierce battle my Master was injured and Grand-Master fell into deep ravine, his whereabouts unknown. My Master neglected his martial arts as he learnt various miscellaneous skills, but these miscellaneous skills were not completely useless. In the midst of danger, my Master deployed his eight divinatory trigrams and complex metaphysical art, Ding ChunQiu's sight and hearing was disturbed, both of them deadlocked in stalemate.”

”Ding ChunQiu was unable to break through the formation or kill my Master, moreover, he knew there are quite a few divine skills in the sect and Grand-Master did not impart these skills to either disciples, he expected Grand-Master to pass on the manuals of these divine skills to my Master and he would slowly coerce my Master to hand them over. Thus, he made a pact with my Master, as long as my Master remains silent and not speak, he will not trouble him. At that time, my Master had the eight of us as his worthless disciples. My Master wrote a letter and expelled us, and from that point onwards he pretended to be deaf and mute, never speaking or hearing a word, his subsequent disciples and followers all had their eardrums pierced and tongues cut off, his sect became known as Deaf-Mute Sect. In my opinion, Master must have regret getting distracted and learning all sorts of miscellaneous skills, his martial arts suffered and he fell short against Ding ChunQiu, thus he became deaf and mute so that he would never get distracted and learn those miscellaneous skills.”

”The eight of us, other than learning martial arts, each one of us also picked up a unique miscellaneous skill. At that time, Ding ChunQiu had yet to revolt, my Master had yet to understand the ill-effects of being distracted, thus he did not forbid us to learn the miscellaneous skills, he even encourage us and spent time to specially instruct us. Senior martial brother Kang GuangLing learnt zither from him.”

Bao BuTong said: ”He only knows how to play zither to cows, nobody understands.”

Kang GuangLing was furious: ”My zither skill is poor? Come, i will play it for you now.” And he took out his jade zither and placed it horizontally on his kneecaps.

Xue MuHua quickly held out his hand to stop him, he pointed at the chessboard wielding person and said: ”This is my 2nd brother Fan BaiLing, he learnt the game of Go (Chess), his one of the most skilled chess player around and rarely meets his match.”

Bao BuTong gave a glace at Fan BaiLing and said: ”Its not surprising that you use chessboard as your weapon, but the chessboard is made of magnetic metal, it trap and take away your opponent's weapon, it's a cheap trick, not the actions of upright gentleman.” Fan BaiLing said: ”When playing chess, there are magnificent moments and orderly deployment of chess pieces, but there are also moments where you need to employ sly tactics and ambush.”

Xue MuHua said: ”The chessboard of 2nd brother Fan is made of magnetic metal, originally it's for his research in chess. When his walking, sitting or sleeping, he will have suddenly inspirations and he will set up his chessboard to try out the moves. Since the chessboard is made of magnetic metal, when he put the chess piece on it, even if his travelling on horse, the chess piece will never move or drop off. Afterwards, he found the chessboard to be quite convenient and hence made it as his weapon, the chess piece became his hidden projectile. He did not purposely make use of magnet to take advantage of his opponents.”

Although Bao BuTong was convinced, he still argued: ”The reason is not justified, really not justified. Base on 2nd brother Fan skills, he can simply use a wooden chessboard and smack the metal chess piece onto the board to embed it, don't tell me the chess piece will still drop off?”

Xue MuHua said: ”Its still not as convenient as using a metal chessboard. My 3rd brother Gou, his name is Du, it represents his fondness in reading, the hundred schools of thought he read them all, his an extremely knowledgeable scholar, i think everyone must have witnessed it.”

Bao BuTong said: ”His just a lowly scholar, not worth mentioning.” Gou Du was furious: ”What? You call me a lowly scholar, don't tell me you are a noble scholar?” Bao BuTong said: ”I don't deserve such praise, i don't deserve such praise.”

Xue MuHua knew that if these two start debating, they won't stop even after 3 days and 3 night, he quickly interrupted and change the subject, he pointed at the judge-pen wielding scholar and said: ”This is my 4th brother, his an expert in painting, landscape or people, animals or flowers, he can draw them elaborately. His surname is Wu, before he came under the tutelage of our Master, he was a general of Great Song and led the army, thus everyone called him Wu LingJun”

Bao BuTong said: ”I am afraid he led the army to its defeat, as for his paintings, you can't distinguish between human or ghost.” Wu LingJun said: ”If you ask me to describe your face, it's certainly hard to differentiate you from a ghost.” Bao BuTong burst out into loud laughter: ”Buddy if you have time, can you please draw my face as an example, a ghost picture, it will be really wonderful.”

Xue MuHua laugh and said: ”Brother Bao is handsome and elegant, why so modest? I am ranked number five, i learnt medicine and medical procedures, i have some minor reputation in the martial arts fraternity, i still remembered the martial arts taught by my Master.”

Bao BuTong said: ”You can barely treat common cough and cold, as for my frost poison, you can't do anything at all. You can't treat any serious illness, anyone seeking treatment will just die. Hey hey, this title of 'Divine Physician', it surely is well deserved.”

Kang GuangLing smoothen his long sleeves, his looks askance, he said: ”Hey old chap your temper is really odd, you really stand out from the masses.” Bao BuTong said: ”Haha, my surname is Bao, named BuTong, naturally i stand out from the masses (pun on his name).” Kang GuangLing laugh heartily: ”Your surname is really Bao? Named BuTong?” Bao BuTong said: ”How can my name be fake? En, this old chap who specializes in making mechanism, your skilled in construction and industrial arts, you must be under the tutelage of Mr Lu Ban? (legendary Chinese craftsman)”

Xue MuHua said: ”Exactly as you stated, 6th brother Feng ASan, before joining the sect, his already a skilled carpenter, after entering into our Master tutelage, he became even more skilful. 7th sister Shi is skilled in growing flowers, she has cultivated all sorts of exotic flowers and rare herbs, all of them flourishing.”

Deng BaiChuan said: ”The drug which made me dizzy, Miss Shi must have gotten them from flower pollens, not poison.”

The pretty middle-age woman is known as Shi QingFeng, she gave a faint smile: ”I offended you just now, teacher Deng please forgive me.” Deng BaiChuan said: ”I am even more impertinent, i exerted too much strength and injure you, Miss please forgive me.”

Xue MuHua pointed at the opera actor and said: ”8th brother Li KuiLei, throughout his entire life his addicted to acting opera, his wild and unrestrained, as for martial arts, he inevitably neglected it due to his passion for opera. Alas, its not only him, the eight of us all neglected our martial arts. The martial arts imparted by my Master, i will never be able to master it during my lifetime, but i was greedy and went around to learn other people's unique moves, as a result.....sigh.....”

Li KuiLei was lying down on the floor, he said: ”I am lonely Emperor Li CunXu, i don't love my country but i love opera, sigh, well played, well played!”

Bao BuTong said: ”I am lonely Emperor Li SiYuan, i overthrow and took over your country, i chop off your head.”

Bookworm Gou Du interrupted: ”Li CunXu was killed by his own subordinate Guo CongQian, he did not die by Li SiYuan's hands.”

Bao BuTong is not familiar with such matters, he knew he definitely can't try to fake information and bluff Gou Du, he said: ”Bah! So what if its Guo CongQian, yawn, i am Qin ShiHuang, i burn the books and bury alive the Confucian scholars, i specializes in dealing with lowly scholars.”

Xue MuHua said: ”After the eight of us was expelled from the sect, we did not forget our Master's benevolence and instructions, we called ourselves 'Eight Friends of HanGu' to commemorate the times when Master imparted the skills to us at HanGu Pass. Outsiders only know we share vile habits......” Bao BuTong sniff a few times with his nose, he said: ”Very smelly, very smelly!” Gou Du said: ”The Book of Changes says: [The unanimous opinion of people, its as strong as the smell of orchid] the smell is sweet fragrance, old chap you really lack any knowledge.” Bao BuTong said: ”You words are so fragrant that is smells like fart!”

Xue MuHua smiled and said: ”No one knows that we came from the same sect and are fellow apprentices. To guard against the Old Freak of XingXiu when he returns to Central Plains, and to avoid letting him kill all of us in one fell swoop, we only meet once every 2 years, normally we scatter all over the world and live apart.”

”Not long ago, Ding ChunQiu sent his disciple here, he ask me to treat a big belly monk. The one surnamed Xue has a weird temper, if someone wants medical treatment, he definitely have to ask me nicely, moreover the person who came to seek treatment is a disciple of Old Freak Ding, naturally i don't want to treat. The person is unable to coerce me and left in rage. I knew Old Freak Ding will come sooner or later, thus, i feign my death and put deadly poison in the coffin, hoping that he will take the bait. My entire family, young and old, all hid in this underground cave.”

Bao BuTong said: ”You want someone to ask you nicely when requesting treatment, how is this weird? The one surnamed Bao also has a weird temper, if someone wants to treat my illness, he has to ask me nicely and not pressure or coerce me, else i will rather die of illness than let him treat it.”

Kang GuangLing burst into loud laughter: ”You think you are some kind of rare treasure? People provide you with treatment and they still have to plead you, unless......unless.....” and he couldn't think of the scenario.

Bao BuTong said: ”Unless you are my son.” Kang GuanLing was startled and thought the words were pretty true, if a father had a son who refuse to see a doctor, he has to beg and plead persistently. His a reasonable person, but he didn't expect Bao BuTong to take advantage of him with wordplay, he said: ”AiYa, i am not your son.” Bao BuTong said: ”Only your mother knows whether your my son or not, how you know your not?” Kang GuangLing was startled, he nod his head and said: ”Quite true.” Bao BuTong laugh and thought: ”This person is really a big idiot, this will just be a one-sided contest if i continue to take advantage of him.”

Xue MuHua said: ”There is too much coincidence, the eight of us are suppose to meet again after 2 years. My old servant mistook all of you as the enemy, the situation was urgent, he did not consult me and immediately set off the fireworks signal. The fireworks were made by my 6th brother, when set off, they illuminate the skies for several li, there are eight of us and each one has a unique firework signal. This matter is really fortunate and yet unfortunate, the fortunate thing is that the 'Eight Friends of HanGu' can assemble in times of danger to resist the enemy together. But the unfortunate thing is that the Old Freak of XingXiu can solve his problem in one fell swoop and kill the eight of us.”

Bao BuTong said: ”Even though the Old Freak of XingXiu is highly skilled, he might not be superior to Master XuanNan from Shaolin. In addition, there is all of us the minor troops, we will shout loudly to show our power and do our utmost and fight with them, we might not lose. There's no need to be” as he said 'so' three times, his teeth starts clattering with each other, his frost poison flared up and he can no longer talk.

Li KuiLei sang loudly: ”I am Jing Ke who tried to assassinate Qin ShiHuang. Feng XiaoXiao contracted a cold, the brave warrior shivered and can't speak!” Suddenly a shadow of a human flew up and rammed head-first at Li KuiLei's chest. Li KuiLei cried out 'Ayo' and wave his arm to push the person away. The person grabbed onto him and they started fighting, the person is 'Gust of Wind' Feng BoE. Deng BaiChuan quickly said: ”4th brother, don't be rude!” and he extended his hands to pull Feng BoE away.

Deng Bai Chuan said: ”Everyone is very frank, you did not cover the truth, you are certainly a true friend. We are facing a powerful enemy, we don't know if we will live or die, we Gusu Murong will also tell you everything we know. Previously, our old master Murong discuss something with us, he said the Grand-Master of Ding ChunQiu practice a skill called [Eternal Youth Never Ageing Skill]. Old master Murong told us, this eternal youth and never ageing is fake, everyone must die eventually. But with the correct cultivation of internal energy you can delay ageing, 30-40 years old woman can appear as if she is 18-19 years old, 50-60 years old married woman can make their skin radiant and flesh supple, face snow-white and lips red, as if she is 20-30 years old. All women wants to maintain their youthfulness, but aren't men the same? Ding ChunQiu did not kill your Grand-Master, mostly likely his trying to coerce him to impart this set of eternal youth skill. Ding ChunQiu most probably tried to practice this skill but its not very effective and his slowly showing signs of ageing. If he knows his eternal youth skill is losing its effectiveness he will mostly like come to Suzhou and try to search for a book.”

Gou Du said: ”Look for book? This is strange, he should come and ask me.” Deng BaiChuan said: ”Mr Gou, although you are a scholar with great erudition, but the secrets to the eternal youth skill most probably can't be found in the books you read. Ding ChunQiu seduced your Grand-Master's lover, the two of them escape to Suzhou and live in seclusion in a village near Lake Tai. The large quantities of martial art manuals which they stolen are also hidden at Suzhou.”

XuanNan said: ”If they want to look for book, then simply let them look.” Deng BaiChuan said: ”We knew the ambition of Old Freak Ding is not small. If he purely wants to use that eternal youth skill to delay ageing, not matter how handsome he is we will simply not look at his sickening face. But i am afraid his real intention is to strengthen his [Great Energy Dissolving Skill].” XuanNan trembled with fear, he said: ”I want to ask Divine Physician Xue, the [Great Energy Dissolving Skill], how exactly does it work? Everyone in martial arts fraternity all turn pale when they hear about the skill and they detest it bitterly.”

Xue MuHua said: ”Its rumoured that this demonic skill requires alot of venom fluid from poisonous snakes and bugs, this fluid will be absorbed into the palm, when fighting with an opponent, this deadly poison will be transferred to the other party. When we practice martial arts, out internal energy flow from the meridians channel, for example, the 'Guankang' acupoint is connected to the 3 yin meridian, the 'Dazhui' acupoint is connected to the 3 yang meridian of hand and feet, if these two acupoint comes into contact with poison, the internal energy within these meridians would seem to disappear without a trace. Ordinary people spread lies and claims that Ding ChunQiu can dissolve internal energy. But in my opinion, since the internal energy is already cultivated it cannot be dissolved, Old Freak Ding sends his deadly poison into his opponent's meridians channel and stop his opponent from exerting internal energy, the victim will assume that his internal energy is gone. Its the same logic as contracting normal poison, the poison will spread to the brain and the victim will feel numbness in his hand and feet, but it doesn't mean the muscle strength is dissolved. I invite Great Master to correct me if i am wrong.”

XuanNan nod his head and said: ”Divine Physician is correct, you cleared all my doubts and suspicions.”

At this moment, a thin slender voice transmitted into the cave: ”Disciples of Su XingHe, quickly come out and surrender, maybe i can still spare your life, if you still delay don't blame me for disregarding Sect relations.”

Kang GuangLing was furious and cursed: ”His really shameless, still dare to talk about Sect relations.”

Feng ASan said to Xue MuHua: ”5th brother, looking at the wood markings and stone quality, this cave is around for 300 years, which skilled workman made it?” Xue MuHua said: ”This property is pass down by my ancestors, it is passed on from generation to generation, it can be use for refuge in times of danger but i don't know who constructed it......”

He did not complete his sentence as a loud exploding sound was heard, it was like earthquake, everyone felt the ground sway and vibrate, their footing unstable. Feng ASan expression turns pale, he said: ”Not good! Old Freak Ding used explosives to forcibly blow open the entrance, his going to attack soon!”

Kang GuangLing was furious: ”Despicable to the extreme, shameless. Our Grand-Master and Master are skilled in building and crafting, mechanism and traps our Sect's specialty. Old Freak of XingXiu did not even invest effort to try and unravel the mechanism, he simply use explosives and blow everything to bits, how can he be considered a disciple of our Sect?” Bao BuTong shivered and said: ”He killed his Master, injure his fellow martial brother, you still consider him as your martial uncle?” Kang GuangLing said: ”This........”

Suddenly there was another loud explosion, the dust in the cavern fly about and irritated everyone's eyes. The cave is sealed off and does not allow air flow, after this explosion, draft of fresh air surge in, everyone felt their eardrum ache.

XuanNan said: ”Rather than allow him to blow open this cave and attack in, we will be better off going out and attack him.” Deng BaiChuan, GongYe Gan, Bao BuTong and Feng BoE all agreed in unison.

Fan BaiLing knew XuanNan is a senior eminent monk from Shaolin, asking him to hide in a cave to avoid the enemy is really a disgrace to the fame of Shaolin, since this battle is unavoidable he said: ”If that's the case let us all go out together, we will risk our lives and fight that Old Freak.”

Xue MuHua said: ”Great Master XuanNan you don't have any enmity with this Old Freak, its best that you don't get involve and stand aside and watch.” XuanNan said: ”Shaolin will interfere in all matters related to martial arts in Central Plains, you lot have to forgive me for interfering. Moreover, my martial brother XuanTong's death is due to the poison of the disciple of XingXiu, thus Shaolin has deep enmity with XingXiu Sect.”

Feng ASan said: ”Great Master is willing to help us, your sense of justice, we fellow apprentices are extremely grateful. Let us go out by the original path and surprise that Old Freak.” Everyone nod their head and agreed.

Feng ASan said: ”The family of 5th brother Xue, Mr Bao and Mr Feng can stay in this cave, i don't think the Old Freak will come in and search.” Bao BuTong gave him a glance and said: ”Its better that you stay here.” Feng ASan quickly said: ”I don't dare to look down on you two, but both of you carry serious injuries, its not convenient for you to fight.” Bao BuTong said: ”The heavier the injury, when we start fighting the more energy we have!” Fan BaiLing and the rest all shake their head, this person is really impervious to reason. Feng ASan operated the cave motor.

In the midst of operating the motor, 3 cannon fire rang out, 'Peng' 'Peng' 'Peng' they exploded and white smoke pervade the area. After the cannon fire, the stone slab finally move away, revealing a hole big enough for a person to pass, Feng ASan quickly crawl out.

Feng ASan had yet to stand up when a black figure emerge from the white smoke, the figure move past him and rush out towards a crowd of people outside and shouted: ”Which one of you is Old Freak of XingXiu, the one surnamed Feng will fight with you.” the person is 'Gust of Wind' Feng BoE.

He saw a man standing in front, his wearing hemp clothes, Feng BoE shouted loudly: ”Eat my fist!” 'Peng' his fist already hit the person's chest. The person is the 9th disciple of XingXiu Sect, his body sway and Feng BoE second fist hit him on his shoulder. Chopping and slapping sound rang out endlessly, Feng BoE executed his moves quickly, it seems all his fists and palms landed on his opponent's body, but his devoid of strength after contracting the poison, he could not topple the XingXiu disciple. XuanNan, Deng BaiChuan, Kang GuangLing and Xue MuHua all came out of the cave.

They saw a tall and big old man standing at the south-west corner, to his left and right is one short man and one tall man, the iron-head man is one of them. Kang GuangLing shouted: ”Old Traitor Ding, you still not dead yet? Remember me?”

The tall and big old man is the Old Freak of XingXiu Ding ChunQiu. When he captured HuiJing he wanted to force him to look for the frost silkworm, but he found that the monk is extremely sick, he quickly search for Xue MuHua to ask him to provide treatment. Xue MuHua tried to fake death but he eventually still can't escape Ding ChunQiu. Ding ChunQiu gave a quick glance and recognize all his opponents, his wave his feathered fan and said: ”Nephew MuHua, if you can cure that fat Shaolin monk, i will spare you life, but you have to take me as your Master and join XingXiu Sect.” originally he wanted Xue MuHua to just cure monk HuiJing and he will bring them to Kunlun Mountain to catch the frost silkworm, but afterwards he wanted to recruit Xue MuHua so that both of them can research the secrets to the [Eternal Youth Never Ageing Skill].

Xue MuHua listen to his tone and expression, Ding ChunQiu disregarded all the opponents before him, he seems confident of controlling everyone's life and death and do as he pleases. Xue MuHua knew his martial uncle is very powerful, he felt really scared, he said: ”Old Traitor Ding, i only listen to the orders of one person, whoever he ask me to treat i will do it, its easy for you to kill me, but to treat someone, you will have to go beg that person.”

Ding ChunQiu said coldly: ”You only listen to orders from Su XingHe correct?”

Xue MuHua said: ”Only scoundrels who are worse than beast will dare to deceive and exterminate their Master.” As he said this, Kang GuangLing, Fan BaiLing and Li KuiLei all cheered.

Ding ChunQiu said: ”Very good, all of you are obedient disciples of Su XingHe, but Su XingHe already sent someone to inform me that he had long expelled the eight of you, you people are not longer his disciples. Don't me tell that one surnamed Su lied and secretly maintain this Master and disciple relationship?”

Fan BaiLing said: ”Master for a day, father for an entire life. Master did expel the eight of us. All these years we never saw him at all, when we drop by to pay our respects he refused to see us. But our love and respect for our Master has never decrease at all. The one surnamed Ding, you are the reason why the eight of us became lonely souls and wandering ghosts, with no Sect to depend on.”

Ding ChunQiu smile and said: ”You words are quite true. Su XingHe was afraid that i would kill all of you. He expelled the eight of you to preserve your insignificant lives. His not willingly to pierce your eardrum or cut off your tongue, his really has deep feelings for you people, humph, what great things can he achieve by being so indecisive and fainthearted? Hey, very good, all of you tell me, you still consider Su XingHe as your Master?”

When Kang GuangLing and the rest heard his words, they knew that if they claim that they are still 'Disciples of Su XingHe', Ding ChunQiu will immediately kill them, but the relationship between Master and disciple is deep, how can they be cowardly and betray their Master, out of the eight, only Shi QingFeng is seriously injured and has to stay behind in the cave, the seven of them shouted in unison: ”Although we are expelled, but the relationship between Master and disciple is eternal and will never change.”

Li KuiLei suddenly shouted: ”I am the mother of Old Freak of XingXiu, i had an affair with the dog of ErLang Shen and gave birth to this little bastard. I will break your dog leg!” he imitated the accent of an old lady and then he bark 3 times like a dog.

Kang GuangLing, Bao BuTong and the rest all laugh wildly.

Ding ChunQiu was in a towering rage, his eyes gave a peculiar radiance, he flick his left sleeve, a stream of oily green flame shot towards Li KuiLei, its even faster than shooting star. Li KuiLei already suffered a broken leg, his holding onto a wooden crutch and can't move freely, he wanted to dodge the flame but how can he do it in time, there is a 'Chi' sound and his clothes ignited. He quickly lie on the ground and roll, but as he roll the flame became even more fierce. Fan BaiLing quickly grab some mud off the ground and spray it on his body.

Meteor-flame shot out from Ding ChunQiu's sleeves in quick succession, it went towards Kang GuangLing and the other four, only Xue MuHua was spared. Kang GuangLing push out with both palms and shock the flame away. XuanNan wave both his palms and cleave two flame. But Feng ASan and Fan BaiLing got hit and their clothes ignited. Immediately, the two of them along with Li KuiLei got burnt and cry out in pain.

The numerous disciples of Ding ChunQiu praised: ”Master only displays his little trick and you all turn into roasted pigs, quickly surrender now!”

”Master has the ability to shift the heaven and split the ground, no one has ever done it before him and no one will be able to replicate it in the future, you all pigs and dogs really get to see the power of XingXiu Sect today.”

”Master triumph in every battle and win every fight, his the hero of ancient and modern times, be swept away by his might and power!”

Bao BuTong shouted loudly: ”Bullshit! Bullshit! Aiyo, this is so corny! Old Thief Ding, you are really thick-skinned!”

Bao BuTong just barely finish speaking when 2 meteor-flame swiftly came at him. Deng BaiChuan and GongYe Gan both sent out a palm and deflected the flames, but both of them felt a as if a giant hammer smash their chest, they groan and quickly took three steps back. Ding ChunQiu used his powerful internal energy to send out the meteor-flame, XuanNan and Kang GuangLing have high internal energy and they did not suffer any injury when they deflected the flame, Deng BaiChuan and GongYe Gan are not at the same level and they could not withstand it.

XuanNan move towards Li KueiLei and wave his palm, the palm force brush across his body, there is a 'Chi' sound and his clothes were ripped apart by the palm force, large portion of clothes tore off, the remaining flames that continue to burn were extinguished by the palm wind.

A disciple of XingXiu Sect call out: ”The palm force of this bald donkey is not too weak, its around 10% of my Master's level.” Another disciple said: ”Pei, its only around 1%!”

XuanNan send out another two palm and extinguished the flame on Fan BaiLing and Feng ASan, at this moment, Deng BaiChuan, GongYe Gan, Kang GuangLing and the rest had thrown themselves into the crowd and attacked the disciples of XingXiu Sect.

Ding ChunQiu stroke his long beard and said: ”Senior monk from Shaolin is indeed extraordinary, little brother will ask you for advice today.” As he finish speaking he took a step forward, his left palm floated lightly towards XuanNan. He considered himself to be a young man, he did not call himself 'old man' but 'little brother'.

XuanNan knows Old Freak Ding has deadly poison covering his entire body, his also proficient in [Great Energy Dissolving Skill], thus he dare not be complacent, both his palm dance about, immediately he send out 18 palm strikes at Ding ChunQiu, this 18 palm strikes came out consecutively in a chain, his left palm has yet to withdraw but his right palm already strike out, its incomparably fast, he did not give Ding ChunQiu any time to use his poison. This is Shaolin's [Quick Palm], it is indeed strong and formidable as Ding ChunQiu was force to retreat continuously, XuanNan send out 18 palm and Ding ChunQiu retreated 18 steps. After completing 18 palm strikes, both his legs flew up consecutively in a chain, its incomparably fast and he kicked out 36 times, the shadow of his leg flash, nobody can tell whether he kicked out with his left or right leg. Ding ChunQiu move his body and quickly sidestep, he avoided the 36 kicks, but he heard two slapping sounds, his shoulder was hit by two fists, it seems when XuanNan is on his last two kicks he send out both his fists. Ding ChunQiu avoided the kicks but he can't avoid the fists. Ding ChunQiu said: ”Very powerful!” his body sway two times.

But XuanNan felt a burst of dizziness, immediately he felt distracted and empty. He knew his situation was not good, Ding ChunQiu clothe is covered with deadly poison, when his fists hit Ding ChunQiu's shoulder he contracted the poison, at once he exhale his breath, the air within his body circulated and he send out his left fist at Ding ChunQiu.

Ding ChunQiu wave his right fist to block the incoming fist, immediately after, he violently strike out with his left fist. After contracting the poison, XuanNan could not turn his body effectively, its difficult for him to dodge the attack, he can only stick out his right fist to counter the force. In this situation, they are competing their inner strength, XuanNan was secretly alarmed: ”I cannot compete internal energy with him!” but if he does not exert any internal energy, his opponent energy would come crashing in and his inner organ would immediately shatter, he knew he had fallen into a trap, but there was no other choice and he channelled his internal energy to resist. As he channel his internal energy, he felt his energy scatter and disappear into thin air, he could not gather his internal energy, as he heard the explanation from Xue MuHua before he knew his meridian is poisoned.

Ding ChunQiu laugh out loudly, his shrug his shoulder, there was a slapping sound and XuanNan collapsed onto the ground.

After beating XuanNan, Ding ChunQiu surveyed his surroundings, GongYe Gan and Fan BaiLing had collapsed and they kept shivering, they were beaten by You TanZhi's frost poison palm, Deng BaiChuan, Xue MuHua and the rest are still fighting fiercely with his disciples, from his XingXiu Sect he had around 7 disciples either dead or injured.

Ding ChunQiu gave a long laugh, his big sleeves fluttered in the air and he pounce towards the back of Deng BaiChuan and send one palm at him, he turn around and gave a kick, Bao BuTong collapsed from the kick. Deng BaiChuan send out his palm to meet his opponent's palm, immediately he felt his chest is empty, as he was about to inhale and concentrate, Ding ChunQiu send another palm at him. Deng ChunQiu can only grudgingly send out another palm to meet him, he felt a slight cooling sensation on his palm, his entire body felt soft and devoid of strength, he was in a daze and all he saw was white fog. A XingXiu disciple came over and bump Deng BaiChuan with his arm, Deng BaiChuan collapsed onto the ground.

In a short period of time, all the subordinates of Murong family, XuanNan and the rest of the Shaolin monks, Kang GuangLing and the rest of 'Eight Friends of HanGu', all of them were defeated by Ding ChunQiu and You TanZhi. You TanZhi had extremely deep and profound internal energy, but his martial art is mediocre and weak, under a few days of guidance under Ding ChunQiu he learnt 7-8 palm moves, although his martial art is still weak compared to common fighters, but along with the frost poison accumulated in his body, his power is formidable and extraordinary. When GongYe Gan attacked You TanZhi with his palm, he hit him on the first strike, but he got counter-attack by the frost poison and ended up injured.

The only person who did not sustain any injury is Xue MuHua, he attacked numerously times but the XingXiu disciples only sniggered and ran away from him, they did not fight back at all.

Ding ChunQiu smile and said: ”Nephew Xue, your martial arts are much higher than your fellow apprentices, amazing!”

Xue MuHua saw his fellow martial brothers collapsing one by one, only he was left unscathed, obviously Ding ChunQiu was being lenient and let him off. He gave a long sigh and said: ”Old Traitor Ding, the external injuries of that fat monk is easy to treat but his internal injuries is difficult, he can't live for more than a few days, you want to force me to cure him, dream on!”

Ding ChunQiu wave his hand and beckon him: ”Nephew Xue, come over here!”

Xue MuHua said: ”Kill me if you want, i won't listen to what you say.”

Li KuiLei shouted: ”5th brother Xue devotion to righteousness inspires reverence, you are Su Wu, exiled for 19 years and remained loyal to the Han.”

Ding ChunQiu gave a slight smile, he stood 3 steps away from Xue MuHua, lightly resting his left palm on his shoulder, he smile and ask: ”Nephew Xue, how long have you been learning martial arts?” Xue MuHua said: ”45 years.” Ding ChunQiu said: ”Practicing day and night for 45 years, its really not easy. I heard you provide medical treatment in exchange for martial arts, you must have learnt numerous exquisite moves from various school and sect, correct?” Xue MuHua said: ”I learn all these moves to kill you, but....but no matter how exquisite it is, it completely useless against your sorcery.....alas!” he shakes his head and gave a deep sigh.

Ding ChunQiu said: ”Not necessary! Internal energy is the root, martial art moves is the branch and leaf, if the root is solid and strong the branch and leaf will naturally flourish, it doesn't mean martial moves are useless. If you join my sect, i can impart you matchless internal energy cultivation method, afterwards it easy for you to dominate Central Plains.”

Xue MuHua was furious: ”I have my own Master, you ask Xue MuHua to join your sect, i would rather bang my head and die!”

Ding ChunQiu smile and said: ”You need energy and strength to bang your head till death. If you lose all your internal energy, you will have difficulty walking, why the need to talk about banging your head? 45 years of hard work, hei hei, what a pity, what a pity.”

Sweat stream down endlessly from his forehead when he heard this, Xue MuHua felt the hand on his shoulder gradually warm up, Ding ChunQiu only need to will it and his [Great Energy Dissolving Skill] would come forth, 45 years of hard work would immediately vanish and disappear without a trace, he clenched his teeth and said: ”You are heartless enough to kill your own Master, martial brother and now the eight of us, do you even care? Its a pity if i lose 45 years of hard work, but i will die anyway, why do i care about hard work or not?”

Bao BuTong cheered: ”Well said, you have moral backbone and integrity. Does XingXiu sect have such a hero?”

Ding ChunQiu said: ”Nephew Xue, i won't kill you now, but i will ask you 8 times: 'Will you treat that fat monk?', if you reply that you won't treat, i will kill your senior elder brother Kang GuangLing. The 2nd time you reply that you won't treat, i will kill your 2nd brother Fan BaiLing. You martial sister, the one that knows how to cultivate flowers, where is she hiding? I will eventually find her. The 6th time you reply that you won't treat, i will kill that pretty martial sister of yours. The 7th time, i will kill your 8th brother Li KuiLei. If i ask the 8th time and you still refuse to treat, make a guess, who will i kill?”

Xue MuHua heard him narrate his ruthless method, he turn pale and trembled: ”At that time you will kill me, no big deal. All eight of us will just die together.”

Ding ChunQiu smiled and said: ”There is no hurry to kill you, the 8th time you reply that you won't treat, i will go kill 'Mr Intelligent' Su XingHe.” Xue MuHua shouted loudly: ”Old Traitor Ding, you dare touch a single hair on my Master!”

Ding ChunQiu smiled and said: ”Why not? The Divine Elder of XingXiu always operate alone, the words i said today, i might forget them tomorrow, although i had an agreement with Su XingHe as long as he remain mute i won't kill him. But you dare offend me and make me angry, the mistakes made by a disciple would naturally be borne by the Master, i like to kill him, who can stop me?”

Xue MuHua mind was in a mess, he knew this old traitor is coercing him to treat HuiJing, his purpose must be very sinister, if he agree to treat he would be aiding a tyrant, but if he refuse to treat, the lives of his fellow martial brothers and sister would be lost, even their master Mr Intelligent would die for sure. He muttered to himself for a long time and finally said: ”Fine, i will yield, but after treating that fat monk you must not trouble all my friends, martial brothers and sister and my Master.”

Ding ChunQiu was overjoyed, he quickly said: ”Sure, sure! I promise to spare their dog life.”

Deng BaiChuan said: ”The honourable gentleman fell into the evil scheme of a treacherous villain, he deserves to die, who needs you to show mercy?” originally his voice is strong and bright, but his internal energy had dissipated, although his indignant, his voice inevitably became breathless and devoid of strength. Bao BuTong shouted: ”Xue MuHua, don't fall into his trap, this swindler admit it himself, his words cannot be trusted.”

Xue MuHua said: ”Correct, you said it before: 'the words i said today, i might forget them tomorrow'.”

Ding ChunQiu said: ”Nephew Xue, my first question is: 'Will you treat that fat monk?'” as he finish he extend his right leg and targeted the temple of Kang GuangLing, obviously if Xue MuHua reply 'won't treat' he would immediately strike out and kill Kang GuangLing. Everyone felt their heart thumping around madly, suddenly someone shouted: ”Won't treat!”

The one that shouted 'won't treat' is not Xue MuHua, but Kang GuangLing.

Ding ChunQiu sneered: ”You want me to kick out and end your life, not so easy.” He turn towards Xue MuHua and ask: ”Do you want to act as my proxy and kill your own senior martial brother?”

Xue MuHua sigh and said: ”Forget it! Forget it! I promise to treat that fat monk.”

Kang GuangLing cursed: ”5th brother Xue, how can you be so useless. This Old Traitor Ding is the enemy of our Sect, how can you be so cowardly and afraid of death, you actually yield to his threats?”

Xue MuHua said: ”Its no big deal if he kills the eight of us! But didn't you listen, this old traitor wants to trouble our master!”

When they thought about the safety of their master, Kang GuangLing and the rest became speechless.

Bao BuTong said: ”Co.......” he wanted to scold 'Coward', but before he can finish Deng BaiChuan extended his hand and covered his mouth. Bao BuTong revered this elder brother, he yield to him 50% of the time, thus he endured his anger and swallow his words.

Xue MuHua said: ”The one surname Ding, since i yield to you and agreed to treat that monk, you have to be polite to my friends here.” Ding ChunQiu said: ”I will comply with everything you say.”

Immediately Ding ChunQiu ordered his disciples to carry HuiJing over. Xue MuHua ask HuiJing: ”You interacted with an extremely powerful poison object for long period of time, thus the frost poison penetrated deep into your inner organs, what is that poison object?” HuiJing said: ”Its the frost silkworm from Kunlun Mountain.” Xue MuHua shakes his head and did not probe further, he carried out acupuncture and moxibustion, he also took out two crimson pill and fed it to him, afterward he treated the rest of the people, mended their bones and treat their injuries, this went on until dawn and finally everyone got treated, the injured lay on beds or wooden door boards. The family members of Xue MuHua came out and made noodles for everyone to eat.

Ding ChunQiu ate two bowls of noodles, he smiled at Xue MuHua and said: ”You really adapt well to circumstances, you didn't poison the noodles.” Xue MuHua said: ”Speaking of poison, there is no one better than you. Although i have the intention but i dare not display my lowly skills in front of an expert.”

Ding ChunQiu laugh out loudly and said: ”Ask your family members to go out and hire 10 donkey carriages.” Xue MuHua said: ”You need 10 donkey carriages for what?” Ding ChunQiu roll his eyes and said coldly: ”I need to inform you of my own business? Divine Physician Xue must be quite popular with the residents here, it won't be difficult to hire 10 donkey carriages.” Xue MuHua was helpless and could only order his family members to go out and hire the carriages.

It was afternoon when the 10 donkey carriages arrived. Ding ChunQiu said: ”Kill all the carriage drivers!” Xue MuHua was shock and said: ”What?” but he saw the palms of the disciples of XingXiu flying around, a few slapping sound and the 10 dead bodies of the drivers lay on the ground. Xue MuHua was furious: ”Old Traitor Ding! How did the drivers offend you? so far as to kill them?”

Ding ChunQiu said: ”My XingXiu Sect wants to kill a few people, why the need to discuss about right or wrong, reason or justification? All of you enter the carriages now, no one stays behind! Nephew Xue, if you have any medical books or drugs bring them along with you, i am going to burn down you house.”

Xue MuHua had another huge shock, but this person commits all sorts of evil misdeeds imaginable, its a waste of time to debate with him, he had thoroughly memorize all the medical books, but all those pills, ointments and pellets that he painstakingly concocted, he cursed endlessly and start gathering the medical herbs and drugs. He have yet to finish packing when the XingXiu disciples set fire at the back of his house.

Shaolin monk HuiFang originally receives order from XuanNan, he have to escape and deliver news to Shaolin Temple, but Ding ChunQiu was strict and kept a tight surveillance, he did not escape far and eventually got captured back. XuanNan and 6 monks from Shaolin, the 4 subordinates from Gusu Murong family, Eight Friends of HanGu, except for Xue MuHua all of them were injured, some had their internal energy sealed or injured by Ding ChunQiu's palm, some got hit by You TanZhi's frost poison and the rest got hit by deadly poison from XingXiu disciples, all of them were unable to move a single step. In addition, the family members of Xue MuHua were brought along as well and packed into the 10 carriages. Some of the XingXiu disciples became carriage drivers, some escorted the carriage, the curtains in the carriage were pulled down and tied with ropes, there is no light at all in the carriage and they could not see the outside view.

XuanNan and the rest had the same question: ”This old traitor, where is he bringing us to?” they knew that if they start inquiring they would get insulted and humiliated by the XingXiu disciples, they definitely won't get any answer, they thought it in their heart: ”We can only be patient for now, we will know when the time comes.”