Part 19 (1/2)

_A Lady Weeping._ Montalvan. [1651, 1657] (p. 75).

63:1. P. 76, line 10. 'Stars' in both texts; but this may be in error for 'tears.'

_The Hasty Kiss._ Secundus. [1647, 1651, 1657] (p. 76).

64:1. P. 76, line 1. 1647: 'she did.'

64:2. P. ” line 2. 1647: 'her.'

64:3. P. 76, line 3. 1651: 's.n.a.t.c.h.'

64:4. P. ” line 4. 1651: 'mock.'

64:5. P. ” line 5. 1647: 'my Chariessa!'

64:6. P. ” line 6. 1651: 'gavest.'

_Translations from Anacreon._ [1651, 1657.]

65:1. No. II. P. 79, line 7. 'Love,' in both originals, is self-contradictory.

66:1. No. V. P. 80, line 5. 'To' omitted in 1657.

66:2. No. V. P. 81, line 13. So 1657. 'My fair one' elsewhere.

67:1. _Seven Epigrams: Plato._ From Laertius and the Anthology. (p.



[NOTE.--The present 'List' may be looked upon as an _apology_ for a Stanley Bibliography, which, on the present occasion, is an impossibility to the compiler, who has, to some extent, had to satisfy himself with the spa.r.s.e details of the ordinary bibliographical works; in addition, he has been aided by the Editor of the present edition of Stanley's Poems.--J. R. TUTIN.]

1. [Anonymous lines[A] to Sir John Suckling occurring beneath Marshall's portrait of him in edd. 1646-1696 of Suckling's Works.

[Footnote A: Commencing: 'Suckling, whose numbers could invite.']]

2. Poems and Translation. By Thomas Stanley, Esquire. Quae mea culpa tamen, nisi si lusisse vocari Culpa potest: nisi culpa potest &, vocari? Tout vient a poinct qui peut attendre. Printed for the Author, and his friends, 1647. Collation--[13 pp.] 49 pp. [+8 pp.]

In a copy of this edition in the Bodleian Library, Oxford [Mason cc.

297], is the following Note:--

'Privately printed for presents only; afterwards reprinted in 1649 and 1650 for sale. The only other copy of this first edition I can trace was in Isaac Reed's Sale.'

This 1647 edition has half-t.i.tles for Europa, Cupid Crucified, and Venus Vigils; but for Oronta and for Aurora, etc., a t.i.tle: Oronta, The Cyprian Virgin, by Sig^r Girolamo Preti. London. Printed by F.

B. for Humphrey Moseley at the Signe of the Princes Armes in St.

Pauls Churchyard, 1637.

Aurora, Ismenia. By Don Juan Perez de Montalvan, 1648.