Part 93 (1/2)

The Beth Book Sarah Grand 53380K 2022-07-22

”I am not bound to tell her all my doings,” he protested.

”You are in honour bound not to deceive her,” Beth said; ”and if you deceive her it is none the less low because she does not suspect you.

On the contrary. It seems to me that one of the worst things that can happen to a man is to have docile women to deal with.”

”I am grieved to hear you talk like that,” he said. ”I am really grieved. It shows a want of refinement that surprises and shocks me. I maintain that I do her no injury. These things can always be arranged so that no one is injured; that is all that is necessary.”

”These things can never be arranged so that no one is injured,” Beth replied. ”We injure ourselves, if no one else. We are bound to deteriorate when we live deceitfully. How can you be honest and manly and lead a double life? The false husband in whom his wife believes must be a sneak; and for the man who rewards a good faithful wife by deceiving her, I have no term of contempt sufficiently strong.”

”I am disappointed in you,” he said. ”I should never have suspected that you were so narrow and conventional.”

”Are you prepared to defy public opinion?” Beth asked.

”No, that would be gross,” he said. ”Outwardly we must conform. Only the _elite_ understand these things, and only the _elite_ need know of them. You are of the _elite_ yourself; you must know, you must feel the power, the privilege conferred by a great pa.s.sion.”

”Pray do not cla.s.s me with the _elite_ if pa.s.sion is what they respect,” Beth said. ”Pa.s.sion at the best--honourable pa.s.sion--is but the efflorescence of a mere animal function. The pa.s.sion that has no honourable object is a gaudy, unwholesome weed, rapid of growth, swift and sure to decay.”

”Pa.s.sion is more than that, the pa.s.sion of which I speak. It is a great mental stimulant,” he declared.

”Yes,” said Beth, ”pa.s.sion is a great mental stimulant--pa.s.sion resisted.”

”Georges Sand, whom I would have you follow, always declared that she only wrote her best under the influence of a strong pa.s.sion,” he a.s.sured her.

”But how do we know that she might not have written better than that best under some holier influence?” Beth rejoined. ”George Eliot's serener spirit appeals to me more. I believe it is only those who renounce the ruinous riot of the senses, and find their strength and inspiration in contemplation, who reach the full fruition of their powers. Ages have not talked for nothing of the pains of pa.s.sion and the pleasures of love. Love is a great ethical force; but pa.s.sion, which is compact of every element of doubt and deceit, is cosmic and brutal, a tyrant if we yield to it, but if we master it, an obedient servant willing to work. I would rather die of pa.s.sion myself, as I might of any other disease, than live to be bound by it.”

Pounce, who had been pacing about the room restlessly until now, sat down by the fire, and gazed into it for a little, discomfited. He had come primed with the old plat.i.tudes, the old sophistries, the old flatteries, come to treat amicably, and found himself met with armed resistance, his flatteries and plat.i.tudes ridiculed, his sophistries exposed, and his position attacked with the confidence and courage of those who are sure of themselves.

”Have you no feeling for me?” he said at last, after a long pause, speaking somewhat hoa.r.s.ely.

”I feel sorry for you,” was the unexpected answer.

”Pity is akin to love,” he said.

”Pity is also akin to contempt,” she rejoined. ”And how can a woman feel anything else for a man who is false to the most sacred obligations? who makes vows and breaks them according to his inclination? If we make a law of our own inclinations, what a.s.surance can we give to any one that we shall ever be true?”

”I have found at last what I have yearned for all my life long,” he protested. ”I know I shall never waver in my devotion to you.”

”That may be,” she answered. ”But what guarantee could you give me that _I_ should not waver? What comfort would your fidelity be if I tired of you in a month?”

Again he was discomfited, and there was another pause.

”If you did change,” he said at last, ”I should be the only sufferer.”

Beth sat silent for a little, then she said slowly, ”What you have ventured to propose to me to-night, Mr. Cayley Pounce, is no more credit to your intelligence than it is to your principles. You come here and find me living openly, in an a.s.sured position, with powerful friends, whose affection and respect for me rest on their confidence in me, and with brilliant prospects besides, as you say, which, however, depend to a great extent upon my answering to the expectations I have raised. You allow that I have some ability, some sense, and yet you offer me in exchange for all these----”

”I offer you _love_!” he exclaimed fervently.

”Love!” she e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed with contempt, ”you offer me yourself for a lover, and you seek to inspire confidence in me by deceiving your wife. You would have me sacrifice a position of safety for a position of danger--one that might be changed into an invidious position by the least indiscretion--and all for what?”

”For love of you,” he pleaded, ”that I may help you to develop the best that is in you.”

”All for the prestige of having your name a.s.sociated with mine by men about town in the event of mine becoming distinguished,” she interrupted.