Part 23 (1/2)
The text from which he translates is Kemble's[2].
Hunfer Ecglafs sohn, der zu des scildingenfursten fussen sasz, began da ein streiterregendesz gesprach; denn er wird eifersuchtig auf den rum, den Beowulf sich zu erwerben geht. Er selbst wil der berumteste sein unter den wolken. Er sagte: 'Bistu der Beowulf, der mit Brecca ein wetschwimmen hielt sieben tage und nachte lang, bis er dich in schwimmen besigte, der kraftigere man; dann am achten morgen stig er auf Heaorames ansz land und gieng heim zu den Brondingen, wo er eine burg und edlesz gefolge und reichtum hatte? Beanstanes sohn hat dir allesz geleistet, wasz er gewettet hatte.'
Line 502, modges mere-faran.
507-517 _entire_.
520, sw?sne eel, leof his leodum.
_Criticism of the Extract._
As an a.n.a.lysis this is good enough; as a translation of the pa.s.sage it is of course utterly inadequate--it omits the very best lines in the original. The book served, however, as a running digest of the story, and as such gave an excellent idea of the contents of the poem. But Ettmuller was justified in calling the translation which he published the next year, 'the first German translation[3].'
[Footnote 1: Leo was a spelling reformer.]
[Footnote 2: See supra, p. 33.] [[Kemble]]
[Footnote 3: See supra, p. 37.] [[Ettmuller]]
De carminibus anglo-saxonicis Caedmoni adjudicatis Disquisitio. Has theses Parisiensi Litterarum Facultati proponebat S. G. Sandras in Lycaeo Claromontensi Professor. Parisiis, Apud A. Durand, Bibliopolam, 1859. 8vo, pp. 87. Beowulf described _Cap. Primum_, - 2, De Profana Poesi, pp. 10-19.
Extracts Translated into Latin Prose.
The only significance of this book is that it contained the first information about _Beowulf_ given to the French public. About ten lines are literally translated in Cap. I, - 1, all under the general t.i.tle, De Poesi Saxonica. In - 2 the poem is rather carefully sketched, much after the manner of Leo[1], from Beowulf's arrival in the Danish land to the fight with Grendel.
[Footnote 1: See supra, p. 122.] [[Leo]]
Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. By George W. c.o.x, M.A., and Eustace Hinton Jones. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1871. 8vo, _Beowulf_ (by E. H. Jones), pp. 382-398.
*Second edition, in one volume (containing, in addition to the romances in the first edition, those formerly published under the t.i.tle 'Tales of the Teutonic Lands'). C. Kegan Paul & Company: London, 1880 (1879).