Part 64 (1/2)
”Emily!” he said, sadly; ”is that your old love? Emily! child! come to yourself! What else can I want of you than to free you of these chains, which must have long since become intolerable to you! Oh, do not say no! I see it in your eyes, I see it in your dear, pale face, that you are very unhappy! Emily, sister! darling sister! come with me! By our old father, who is dying for grief and sorrow; by the memory of our sainted mother; by all you hold sacred, I beseech you, come with me!”
Emily had thrown herself into a corner of the sofa, sobbing and hiding her face in her hands. Adolphus knelt down before her. He took both of her hands in his own; he kissed her brow and hair and eyes; he spoke to her with that eloquence which even the simplest of men find when their heart is full of true love. He told her that he did not mean to carry her back to her husband, whom he could not respect, and whom she had married against his wishes; that she should not even return home if she did not wish it; that he would take her to Italy--anywhere. He tried every chord in her soul which he thought would vibrate under his touch, but for a long time it was all in vain.
”I cannot leave him!” she repeated over and over again, amid tears and sobs.
”But, for Heaven's sake, Emily!” cried the young man, ”is it possible that such a folly can last so long? Is it possible that you still love this man?”
”Yes; yes! I love him; love him better than I ever did before!”
Adolphus started up and paced the room for some time. Then he came once more to Emily and said,
”I must believe it, since you say so; but Emily, upon your honor--for it is your honor now which is at stake--answer me this question: Are you as sure of his love?”
Emily's only answer was more violent sobs; and crying bitterly, she shook her head.
”Oh G.o.d!” said Adolphus bitterly; ”have you fallen so low that you follow a man who no longer loves you? to whom you are a burden? who would give much to get rid of you again? Is this my proud sister? Well, well! I shall have to break my coat of arms, and to cast down my eyes before every wretched creature in the streets, and take it in silence if anybody calls me a coward!”
The young man beat his forehead with his hand, and tears of wrath and shame filled his eyes.
Emily started up from the sofa.
”Come!” she said hurriedly. ”Come! You are right! I am a burden to him.
He will be glad to get rid of me. Come!”
”G.o.d be thanked!” said Adolphus.
”Let us go this instant!” cried Emily, following up her resolve of the moment in her usual pa.s.sionate manner. ”I do not wish to see him again.
I will write to him----”
”Yes, yes!” said Adolphus. ”Here is a leaf from my pocket-book; pen and ink are here. Write to him, but just a few words.”
Emily sat down at the table; but she had only written a few words when she broke out once more in violent weeping.
”Oh G.o.d! Oh G.o.d!” she said, dropping her pen; ”I cannot do it.”
”Let me do it,” said Adolphus, taking the pen; ”I will do it. In the meantime get your cloak; I shall be done in a moment.”
While Emily was getting ready, Adolphus wrote rapidly a few lines. He was not generally very expert in such things, but now the words came, as it were, by themselves.
”Are you ready?”
They went down. No one met them.
Adolphus gave the porter the keys to the rooms.
”Tell the gentleman, when he comes home, that the lady has gone out and will probably not come back again.”