Part 31 (1/2)

”Shall I see you again?”

”I go often to Doctor Rohan's!”

The door was unlocked from within.



Oswald seized Helen's hand and pressed it pa.s.sionately to his lips.

The door opened.

”Till next time!” whispered Oswald.

”Till next time!” replied Helen, in a still lower tone. Oswald thought she mentioned his name also. The next instant she had disappeared in the house.

Oswald went back into the town in a state of excitement which was by no means altogether joyous. Pure, chaste joy could no longer enter his heart--as little as we are able to play a correct air upon an instrument out of tune.

Thus he reached town. Where Market street opens upon the square all the windows were brilliantly lighted up in the corner house, carriage after carriage drove up to the door, dressed-up ladies and gentlemen stepped out and disappeared under the lofty portal. When Oswald, walking close to the house, had come immediately in front of me door, another carriage was driving up. The driver checked the fiery horses too violently, and the servant, who was just jumping down from the box, was thrown violently upon the ground. He gathered himself up immediately, but the pain was probably too great--he remained immovable, as if stunned. Oswald, who had seen that there was only a lady in the coupe, who had already risen, expecting the door to be opened, seized the bolt, opened the door, and offered his hand to the lady, who, placing her hand in the well-fitting white glove unsuspiciously upon his arm, came down in a cloud of tulle and laces.

At that moment the light from the interior of the house fell brightly upon the lady and Oswald, and the former uttered a cry, remaining motionless, and staring at Oswald with wide, open eyes.

A deep blush overspread her face, her eyes flamed up--was it love or was it hatred, who knows? Her lips trembled; evidently she had been overcome with surprise.

The poor servant, who came limping up, hat in hand, broke the charm.

”Pardon me, my lady----”

Oswald's face showed an ironical smile.

”I congratulate you, _my lady_,” he said, offering his hand to escort her up the steps.

Oswald felt the slender fingers grasping his arm very firmly.

”Was it not your will?” she whispered. And now he knew that the great gray eyes had flamed up with love, and not with hatred. ”Many thanks!

Let me see you soon. I promise you Cloten will receive you well!”

They had reached the last step.

Oswald bowed.

”Then I shall see you again?”

”I will come!”

The young lady entered the house. Oswald went down the steps, past the lame servant, who was still rubbing his knees, and looked wonderingly at his improvised colleague.

Oswald laughed aloud as he went on: ”Emily Breesen--Frau von Cloten!