Part 2 (1/2)

Elsbeth shook her head. ”I'm not up for some kind of high-tech torture.” But she calmed and comforted them as well. Was her resignation, I wondered, her way of rea.s.suring the rest of us?

Korky k.u.mmerbund came over right away, bringing a big bouquet of lilies. He wept and figuratively, anyway, banged the walls. He is quite literally a sweet man, gay, but not in the least fussy about it. He's of the opinion that people of his predilections should stay in their closets, but make them much bigger, with porches and mountain views, and invite in special friends.

The Reverend Alfie Lopes, Wainscott Minister and Plumtree Professor of Morals (They've dropped the ”Christian,” I've noticed, in the name of fair play. As long as they don't drop the ”Morals,” I shan't complain.), said he would come to see both Elsbeth and me whenever we wanted him. I said why not simply come over for dinner and a chat. We made a date. As the years go by, I have come to appreciate Alfie more and more. He refers to himself as an Afro-Saxon and is not shy about being proud of both traditions.

Elsbeth's plight has certainly put matters in perspective for me. I can care for and think of nothing else. Everything else pales to insignificance. Let killers roam the Genetics Lab. Let Wainscott have the museum. Let war begin and the glaciers return. I don't care. I want my Elsbeth restored to her old vibrant self. I feel cursed. It seems I no sooner have Elsbeth in my life, have scarcely sat down at life's feast, when it is all going to be taken away from me. Perhaps I am being selfish in this. I know Elsbeth is the one who must suffer and die in the prime of her life. But I would change with her, take her place, in a moment. Only the result would be the same. My life would be over.


It is Friday, the thirteenth of October, and the trees are in their autumn beauty as never before. And though as suspicious as anyone, I no longer fear bad luck. Surely we have had our quotient.

Lieutenant Tracy, an edge of worry to the serious set of his face, came by to make what appears to be in retrospect a curious request. It seems that Police Chief Francis Murphy has been putting the pressure on. I watched attentively as the lieutenant rubbed his hands together. ”Of course, Norman, he's only getting heat from the Mayor's office. His Honor is planning to run for Congress and doesn't want a monkey around his neck.”

I nodded, indicating my understanding in a general way. Then the lieutenant told me something I had heretofore more felt than realized: It would be better for all concerned if Ossmann-Woodley was a clear-cut murder case; if someone had deliberately dosed them with the intention of having them kill each other in a s.e.xual frenzy.

”People can tolerate evil,” he said. ”It's the unknown that frightens them. Especially when a genetics lab is involved. We still believe in monsters.”

”But Lieutenant, we don't have enough evidence yet to call it murder,” I pointed out.

He nodded his agreement. ”Would you or the museum mind if we did make it official. I mean as a murder?”

I thought over his request for a moment. ”It won't help us much. Any new hook gives the Bugle Bugle and others the opportunity to drag the whole thing through the mud again. But I appreciate being asked.” and others the opportunity to drag the whole thing through the mud again. But I appreciate being asked.”

”And it wouldn't be the truth, would it?”

I rebuked myself inwardly for having neglected that most important consideration. But I said, ”Perhaps it would be more effective for your purposes if you could announce new evidence at the same time.”

He turned thoughtful, then said, ”I think you're right. If the ME has anything new from those follow-up tests, we can do it then.” He smiled and rose to go. ”Norman, thanks. And I'll keep you updated.”

I wish I could be as positive about the special meeting of the University Oversight Committee I attended this afternoon, an ordeal by pettiness. There are people who ask me why I bother at all with the committee. Why do I mouth bromides about maintaining cordial relations with the university, why do we want to remain, however independently, a member of the greater Wainscott family? Especially since the museum has become, in their opinion, anyway, the inst.i.tutional equivalent of the rich eccentric uncle everyone secretly hopes will pop off sooner rather than later and leave them a bundle.

In part it's because I do want to continue the long and fruitful bond between the two inst.i.tutions, a bond based on mutual respect. Indeed, I would not like it to become well known how highly I regard the faculty at Wainscott. Perhaps it's because I am, at heart, an academic manque manque, what Elsbeth calls a wannabe. I feel that the involvement of Thad Pilty and even Corny Chard, not to mention Father O'Gould and Izzy Landes, makes us, as an inst.i.tution, an intellectual force to be reckoned with.

What I want to avoid in the museum is the management style of Wainscott, especially the forces represented by Malachy Morin. These are the people who would corporatize, to b.a.s.t.a.r.dize a perfectly innocent word, h.e.l.l itself. They would bring in their systems, which never quite work, and their regimentation, which renders everything and everyone colorless, all the while basking in the glow of the work done by the scholars.

While independent in fact and in law (the university is challenging us in the courts, but that, we have good reason to believe, will come to nothing), we need Wainscott as a buffer between the outside world and ourselves, especially where the Genetics Lab is concerned. Groups such as the Coalition Against the Unnatural remain under the mistaken impression, which I do little to rectify, that the MOM is part and parcel of Wainscott. I know the public relations apparatus of the university would like to direct such obloquy toward us, but to do so would be to admit our independence. As may be obvious, after a few years of real inst.i.tutional responsibility, I have turned into something of a Machiavel.

Ah, yes, the committee meeting. We a.s.sembled in the Rothko Room, one of those repellent boxy s.p.a.ces filled with the kind of raw light you find in the upper reaches of modern buildings. It was designed to hold the paintings of the eponymous dauber, but thank G.o.d those have been stowed away. It's the kind of place you would expect to find in Grope Tower, that offensive slab of concrete and gla.s.s that mars the redbrick gentility of the older Wainscott buildings surrounding it. (Why, I often wonder, has there been, in the long stretch between Gaudi and Gehry, such a paucity of architectural imagination?) But I digress. The usual suspects, all getting a bit grayer, showed up for the meeting. Professor Thad Pilty, creator of the Diorama of Paleolithic Life that now graces Neanderthal Hall, has stayed on as a member. I don't doubt his intentions, but I believe he's being vigilant - and with good reason. Any changes in the models and the roles of the Neanderdroids, so to speak, still come in for close scrutiny by certain members of the committee.

Constance Brattle, the expert on blame, preened a little in accepting congratulations about the success of her latest book, Achieving the No-Fault Life Achieving the No-Fault Life. I'm told it's a sequel to Effective Apologizing Effective Apologizing, her best seller of last year. She remains the somewhat wooden Chair of the committee.

Berthe Schanke, larger than life, no-fault or otherwise, her head perfectly shaven, in studded black jacket over a T-s.h.i.+rt lettered with some slogan about the patriarchy, rootled as usual in the donuts that had been provided. She remains the guiding force behind b.i.t.c.h b.i.t.c.h, a coalition of groups comprising what Izzy Landes has called ”the complaining”

Izzy himself, academically respondent in bow tie, his nimbus of white hair swept dramatically back, took a plaudit from Father S.J. O'Gould, S.J., regarding the publication of his latest tome, The Evolution of Evolution The Evolution of Evolution, successor to The Nature of Nature The Nature of Nature and and The Science of Science The Science of Science. And while not a best seller, it has been very well received in those quarters where it matters.

Understatedly dignified in Roman collar, Father O'Gould, now best known for Wonderful Strife: Natural Selection and the Inevitability of Intelligence Wonderful Strife: Natural Selection and the Inevitability of Intelligence, took me aside before the meeting to offer me his sympathy regarding Elsbeth's situation. He said he would like to drop by as a friend to see her. I thanked him and said I was sure Elsbeth would be delighted. I told him I looked forward to hearing him give the first Fessing Lecture.

Corny Chard didn't show up, of course, being down in the Amazon somewhere trying to doc.u.ment people eating other people. Standing in for Corny for the semester was John Murdleston, also a professor of anthropology and Curator of the Ethnocoprolite Collections in the MOM. He recently published an article, ”Expressive Flatulence and Male Prerogative in an Evolutionary Context,” that created a small stir in those circles devoted to such things.

Professor Randall Athol of the Divinity School arrived late and a little breathless. He apologized and voiced the hope he hadn't missed much. Even he has published recently, something on the nature of divine fairness t.i.tled, I believe, When Good Things Happen to Bad People When Good Things Happen to Bad People.

Ariel Dearth, the Leona Von Beaut Professor of Situational Ethics and Litigation Development at the Law School, sat restlessly, as usual, looking around him as though for the press or for clients. He cranks out books pretty regularly, Sue Your Mother Sue Your Mother being his latest. I'm told there are cases now where children have sued their parents for wrongful birth, bad genes, and all that. being his latest. I'm told there are cases now where children have sued their parents for wrongful birth, bad genes, and all that.

We have a couple of newcomers, chief among them one Luraleena Doveen, a very fetching young woman of color from the President's Office of Outreach. I think she may be the only one not in the toils of publis.h.i.+ng something.

A Professor J.J. McNull, who joined the committee last year, smiled on everyone. He strikes me as one of those academicians who, with a bottomless capacity for boredom, sit on committees trying to look sage and saying no. I'm not sure what he's professor of. He glances around a lot, either smiling with approval or glowering with disapproval.

Ms. Brattle opened with a short statement about ”what appear to be dark happenings in the Museum of Man again leading to concerns about the administration of that inst.i.tution.” A large woman with the self-obliviousness of a professional professional, so to speak, Ms. Brattle looked over her at me in a manner meant to level blame. She spoke darkly of the need for ”a very active subcommittee to monitor the day-to-day operations of the museum, especially the part dealing with the very sensitive area of genetic research.” She concluded by reminding us that, as Chair, she reports directly to President Twill himself.

Remaining imperturbed, I responded that the museum's Board of Governors was not likely to allow me to acquiesce in such a step even were I inclined to do so. I informed the committee that the museum is in strict compliance with the Animal Welfare Act and all other local, state, and federal regulations governing the research conducted at the lab. I told them that I was cooperating very closely with the Seaboard Police Department in their ongoing investigation into what had transpired the night that Professor Ossmann and Dr. Woodley died. I reminded them that what happened that night might very well have nothing to do with the lab or with their research there.

Ms. Schanke, in the kind of non sequitur non sequitur to which she is given, stood up and spoke as though reading from a prepared statement. Looking directly at me, she said, ”I know that people like you, Mr. Ratour, think that people like me are perverts. But we all know that what's going on in those labs is the real perversion. You people are perverting nature and you're going to f*ck everything up. You pretend to be scientists, but all you're really interested in is the bottom line and how much money you can make...” After several more minutes of this kind of diatribe, Ms. Schanke sat down and helped herself to a Chocolate Frosted. to which she is given, stood up and spoke as though reading from a prepared statement. Looking directly at me, she said, ”I know that people like you, Mr. Ratour, think that people like me are perverts. But we all know that what's going on in those labs is the real perversion. You people are perverting nature and you're going to f*ck everything up. You pretend to be scientists, but all you're really interested in is the bottom line and how much money you can make...” After several more minutes of this kind of diatribe, Ms. Schanke sat down and helped herself to a Chocolate Frosted.

I let the silence at her outburst gather and provide its own reb.u.t.tal.

Attorney Dearth bestirred himself. ”What Berthe's trying to say -”

Ms. Schanke, standing again, interrupted him. ”I'm not trying trying to say anything. I have said what I wanted to say.” to say anything. I have said what I wanted to say.”

In what appeared to be an attempt to strike a moderating note, Professor Athol opined how ”the research into the secrets of life needs a spiritual dimension.”

”Yeah, until they find the G.o.d gene, and then they'll find a way to market that as well,” Ms. Schanke rejoined with some bitterness.

Izzy perked up at that. ”Well, judging from what's out there, there must be lots of different G.o.d genes. I mean a Methodist G.o.d gene, a Catholic G.o.d gene, a couple of Jewish G.o.d genes, one for the Reformed and one for the Orthodox. And think about the Hindus...”

Professor Murdleston, who is hard of hearing, asked, ”A Methodist gene?”

”Well, not a Methodist gene per se per se...”

”I think Randy is trying to say something important here,” Mr. Dearth put in.

And in rare agreement with the attorney, Father O'Gould, the lilt of his native Cork still in his speech, said, ”If we are nothing more than our genes, then what are we?”

No one seemed to know.

Mr. Dearth wondered aloud what two people were doing in the lab alone at night.

Izzy asked the learned counsel if he was suggesting there ought to have been chaperones.

”No, I am wondering where the security guard was.”

I informed the committee that there were, as usual, two guards on duty in the Genetics Lab building itself, one making rounds, ”who can't be in all places at all times,” and one watching an array of monitors.

”You mean to say there was no video monitor set up in the lab where this tragedy occurred?” Dearth asked me in his best withering courtroom manner.

”There was a monitor,” I replied, ”until several of the researchers, led by Professor Ossmann, took the matter to the American Civil Liberties Union and forced us to remove it on the grounds it was an invasion of privacy.”