Chapter 97 - JELLY BOYFRIEND (1/2)
”Okay, so, can we go now?” he asked them again, making sure that it didn't look like he was trying to escape from this mess.
”Mr. McKeltar, why don't you try this while you are here?” the man asked him, raising another unused needle at him.
”Oh, I had my test today and I don't think I want to be poked again,” he then added. ”As it turned out, I am a magus.”
They laughed again, thinking that was only another joke of his. There was no way Gael McKeltar would be here if he was tested as a non-human being.
”Wow, what is that? Another species of non- human beings?” the principal asked. He looked more relaxed when he talked to this McKeltar.
”Kind of, A magus is more awesome than a shifter actually, but unfortunately their number is decreasing nowadays,” he said in a sad tone and they were still thinking that he was just joking around. ”Okay, I will take my leave, see you again. Blue, what do you say to them?”
Blue wanted to bite Gael for treating her like a child, but she couldn't do that. ”Thank you,” she said sullenly.
”I am sorry, I think she is still disappointed because she is not a shifter, since she loves to act like a spiderman at home.” Gael pinched her cheek and she swatted his hand away from her.
And then after a few casual words and another goodbye, Blue and Gael were in the corridor, walking together with Nikolai, who had been waiting for them there.
The little boy wanted to ask how Gael did that and why the result came out saying Blue was human? But, he needed to wait until they were inside the car.
”I took your blood actually and changed it.” Gael put on his seatbelt and answered his question, as they drove away from school.
”But, how can you do that?” Nikolai wasn't satisfied with that answer.
”Magic,” Gael replied simply.
July was slightly nervous when she had to shoot this scene under Knox's hawk eyes, it almost felt like she was an easy prey that was going to be eaten.
Knox's presence was very strong until all of the people there didn't even dare to walk in front of him, or stare in his direction for longer than two minutes, for that matter. He gave off a hostile vibe, sending chills down everyone's spine.
Yet, July needed to do this, though she started regretting her decision. This was very different from all the times she teased him. It was very dangerous for her to continue.
”What is your relationship with him?” Alex, July's co- star, who would be kissed by her later, approached July and asked quietly, glancing at Knox every now and then fearfully, because now those vicious eyes were on him. He could feel that man breathing down his neck for staying too close to July, which was very creepy.
”He is… my boyfriend,” July replied, as she glanced at Knox and knew right away that he heard that answer, because she could see a triumphant smirk on his lips. Stupid supernatural creature and their excellent senses! She cursed silently.
Alex gasped, his eyes opened widely. He looked more nervous than before. ”Do you think he will kill me if we act out the scene?” The question came out as an exaggerated one.
But, July knew Knox would do that for real if he deemed it was necessary. Necessary in his case, of course, it meant you could have died only by annoying him alone.