Chapter 35 - GOD OF DESTRUCTION (1/2)

I am scared to get close, and I hate being alone.

I long for that feeling, to not feel at all.

-Bring Me The Horizon-


Anne didn't know what had happened before, but seeing the little girl being terrified like this, made her feel bad for whatever she had been through in the school today. She knew that Knox was solely called because Blue fought a fellow student of hers.

However, it had happened several times before, so there was no way Knox did something so terrifying to scare her. Blue was not an easily scared child after all.

Especially when she had to shift into her white wolf to ensure her safety even inside the house.

”Do you want me to tell you a story?” Anne laid down on the floor and stared at the white cub.

The white wolf did nothing, she just stared back at her and Anne took it as a sign that she was willing to listen.

”I will tell you a story about the God of destruction…” she started and wriggled her old body to find a comfortable position on the floor.

The story was about a God, who was feared by the other Gods and Goddesses because of the calamity that he would bring wherever he went.

He was the God of destruction after all, so there was nothing that he could do, but to bring misery to the people around him, causing him to be left behind and avoided by the others.

The destruction that was bound to his soul was a blessing that entitled him as the God, but also a curse that made his life miserable all the same.

He was all alone, often feeling lonely and the only beings that were willing to see him were the creatures of the dark or the God of death himself. He could not be in the company that he wanted, to be honest…

Until one day, a beautiful creature from the moon Goddess came to approach him. It was a wolf, a white wolf.

”A white wolf?” At this point, Blue had turned into her human skin, without realizing it herself. She loved hearing stories. The last time someone read a story for her was years ago when her father was still alive and she lived happily in her pack.

”Yes, a white wolf.”

”Like me?”

”Yes, like you.” Anne smiled, she gave back the blanket that she had taken from Blue to cover her naked body, as the little girl listened to her closely.

The white wolf was captured by humans and treated poorly, but when their eyes met, the God of destruction knew that the wolf was not a mere wolf.

Thus, out of pity, he helped her.

”He has a kind heart,” Blue commented.

”Yes he did,” Anne agreed.

However, just like any other time when he was around, the town people died because of famine and natural disasters, since they were only humans and the curse of destruction of the God was too much for them to handle.

In the end, it was only the God of destruction and the white wolf who were left.

The white wolf would follow him, even though he had chased it away. In the long run, the white wolf was the only creature that could stand beside him. And as the God of destruction thought that the white wolf was immune to his curse, he simply let her stay.