Chapter 27 - HYPERVENTILATING (1/2)
Be careful of what you tell people. A friend today, could be an enemy tomorrow.
Riana's expression looked dreamy when she said that she really wanted to be in Lise's position; being obsessed by the young successful Gael McKeltar and to be able to see the mysterious Knox McKeltar, Gael's older brother. If only she was Lise, that would be the peak of her life.
Or at least that was what Riana thought about what kind of life that Lise was living currently…
Lise wanted to throw up when she heard that.
”Excuse me,” she mumbled and immediately rose from her seat to go to the bathroom.
But, before that, she heard Riana say; ”I think she is not grateful for being Gael McKeltar's girlfriend, if I were her…”
And Lise didn't hear the rest of the conversation or how Riana pictured her as an ungrateful girl that loved to complain.
Lise went straight to the first cubicle and threw up all of the food that she barely ate today. Her body was shaking uncontrollably and she didn't feel well at all.
Once she felt her bile reach her throat and the bitterness was hard to bear, she stopped throwing up and pushed the flush button.
Lise leaned her back against the cubicle wall and started hyperventilating. Her chest felt uncomfortably tight and made it hard to breathe. She felt hopeless and lethargic, and without her knowing it, tears streamed down her cheeks.
There was no one inside the bathroom except herself, or else, people would start knocking on her door, thinking that she was about to do something crazy. Or maybe Lise would…
Lise took her phone from her pocket and dialed a number. ”Can you… can you pick me up?” she asked, it took her a great effort to talk to Daniel, the man that Gael had appointed to be her personal guard.
Lise didn't think she could go out of this bathroom alone without tumbling a few times and drew unnecessary attention until she reached the parking lot.
”Are you all right?” Daniel asked Lise, who was sitting in the back seat when they were alone inside the car.
”Yes,” Lise said weakly. She knew that she had left her friends without saying anything and they would demand an explanation from her, just like how they demanded to know what was happening to her when she was absent for three weeks straight.
However, for now, Lise didn't have the energy to do so. They could get angry with her for as much as they wanted, but now, Lise felt like she was dying.
”Do you want to go somewhere?” Daniel couldn't help feeling sorry for her, since he knew the way Gael treated Lise. It wasn't that he hit her or hurt her psychically, but he abused her in another way.
However, he could do nothing since he was only an employee that must do exactly what he was told.
”I want to go home…” Lise said. She received a bottle of water from Daniel, as he handed over her bag as well. He took care of her things before he fetched her in the bathroom.
Fortunately, Daniel wore casual clothes and jeans, thus he could blend with the other students just fine.
”I will take you home, so you can rest.”