Part 17 (1/2)

In one second, Asher had been on her bed, devouring her lips.

In the next second, he ran out of there like his c.o.c.k was on fire and he needed to plunge in a tub of water.

He was there and then he wasn't, and Diana wondered if it had all been a dream. A sick, twisted dream that she suddenly wanted to be reality.

She pinched herself hard, and yelped, ”Okay. So that crazy s.h.i.+t really just happened.”

No, it had not been a dream. Asher Bishop had just woken her up, kissed her as no man had done before, and then ran away like a creepy person.

She fell onto the bed.

This situation with Asher gets crazier and crazier.



He ran away, because he was scared.

It didn't matter that there was no logic in his reasoning.

It didn't matter that she probably thought he should be committed to a mental facility.

He just knew that he couldn't touch Diana anymore, without giving up a part of himself.

That morning hadn't start like he'd planned. He'd hoped to seduce Diana, not kiss her like a teenager, and then run out the room like some virginal jerk.

That wasn't how it was supposed to be.

Asher avoided Diana the rest of the day, skipped breakfast, and headed to the office without leaving her a message.

I'll come up with some explanation later. She probably thinks I'm crazy. And what about her saying that she'll only stay for a few days. No. That can't happen. I need to know what she's doing to me.

The kiss changed things, made his heart beat faster and his hands tighten around her body as he held her. Asher hadn't wanted to let go, and that scared him the most. All of his life a treacherous woman ruled his days and ordered him to do horrific things. Well, not anymore.

He wouldn't have another woman with that much power over him.

All I want to do is taste her tongue again, just one more time. I just have to be more in control, next time I touch her.

Yet, Asher hid in his office and piled himself under work all day. He couldn't sit in the mansion with Diana, walking around and spreading her presence all over the place.

She smelled so good, I sat by her side all night, breathing her in the whole time. That can't be one of the twelve steps of intimacy, the step where the man hovers over the sleeping women and sniffs.

Last night, he'd been unable to get control of himself. Her scent alone had him stroking himself.

While she slept, she had no idea what danger lay next to her. The things that played in his mind, scared even him. He'd thought that killing had made him hungry, that the smell of blood was an adrenaline rush.

He was wrong.

Diana called to another craving inside of him that he'd ignored for far too long. For the rest of the day in his office, he was famished, and couldn't pin point why.

How many women had he brought to his bed? How many faceless rich girls had he stuffed his c.o.c.k into and smeared his c.u.m all over their happy, welcoming lips? He f.u.c.ked and moved on to more interesting things like his bow and his arrow, and the thirst to cover them both in blood.

Then Diana came.

She walked upon him, late in the night, s.h.i.+elded in darkness, and stepping right onto his own beautifully orchestrated death scene.

He'd been intrigued by her that first night.

Once he read her article on the deaths, he knew that she was smart, someone he could have fun with. Make a game of it, he thought.

No. This isn't going like a game should. I'm not winning, and I'm not sure she is either. We're both just wandering crazily around the board.

The phone rang in his office and brought Asher back to the reality of his day. Without thinking, he picked it up. ”h.e.l.lo?”

Diana's s.e.xy voice traveled over the line. ”You've been hard to contact today.”

He tensed in his seat. All the words he'd considered saying, left him. Imagine that. A killer scared of some tiny woman on the phone.

Why do I care so much about looking like a fool in front of this woman? Why would it matter?

He cleared his throat. ”How are you doing, Diana?”

Maybe, she won't even bring it up.

”I'm fine, but a bit confused.”

He gritted his teeth. ”Is the spiral staircase giving you trouble?”


”What about my chef Grace? Has she prepared-”

”Grace has been amazing. Although she seemed a bit shocked that I was there. I don't think she thought I really existed.”

He sighed. ”Grace knew you would be coming. I don't know what's going on with her these days. She's been weird.”

”She's not the only one in this house that's being weird.”