Part 10 (1/2)
But her skin p.r.i.c.kled with the idea of it. That Asher, with his full lips and dripping charisma would come to see her.
She giggled as tingles moved from her fingers to her stomach and landed at her most sensitive part. Asher was right-she hadn't been taken care of properly. She hadn't been touched or f.u.c.ked or treated like a woman in a very long time and she ached to feel it then. If only for a minute.
Her fingers moved of their own accord.
Down, down, down until her perfectly manicured finger tip rested against her c.l.i.t.
It was unnatural for Diana to touch herself this way. Most often, she'd relied on Neil to satisfy her basic needs and when he failed, her vibrator did the trick. But that night, she'd wanted to feel it all. The touch of her own fingers moving inside of her. The rise and fall of her desire as she explored herself.
Yes. Take care of me, like you said you would.
She imagined Asher standing in front of her, naked.
How would his chest look against the glint of moonlight? Was he a smooth shaver like many of the rich men had become or had he retained his mark of manliness?
Her gaze roamed down imaginary Asher's body, taking in the deep v of his lower abdomen.
”Show me, how you'll take care of me.” She hesitated before glancing as his c.o.c.k.
She wanted to savor it.
”Show me.” She pushed her finger inside of herself, deep enough to feel a sharp pain and then a waterfall of pleasure.
”Yes, Asher.” The deeper she explored, the wetter she became. A warm slickness smeared all over her fingers. She alternated her speed from fast, twitchy probes to slow, thrusting thrusts.
Her voice came out in a sensual whisper. ”Yes.”
Only then, once she'd hit a level of desire she wasn't sure she could come back from, did she glance at the imaginary Asher's c.o.c.k.
”f.u.c.k yes.” She wasn't a woman of exotic fantasies and unrealistic eight-foot d.i.c.ks. She saw that he was average but thick. Not really long, but stretched out enough to please her every desire.
”Let me show you what a man does to a woman that he wants to provide for,” the imaginary Asher groaned.
That thick, c.o.c.k throbbed in front of her and she reached out to grab him, but pulled away when she hit the spot inside of her that drove her crazy.
”Jesus...” Her breathing increased with the desire coursing through her.
How had she never taken the time to do this before? Who needed a man when fingers were just as magical?
Asher's c.o.c.k came back into focus and she so desperately wanted him then. She wanted to pull him into her mouth and suck his entire length, until he moaned for mercy.
She wanted him to f.u.c.k her from behind, his b.a.l.l.s slapping against her a.s.s.
She wanted him to taste her, every juicy bit she had to give.
Diana groaned as she came, her body wracking with mini-seizures. Her muscles tensed as she let the last part of her o.r.g.a.s.m release and then she felt it.
The explosion.
The disorder of pain and pleasure, greed and gluttonous l.u.s.t.
It all numbed her.
Made her shattered into nothing.
This zero state where she didn't really exist in the world, Just on this plane of Sweet, glorious, nothingness.
Through the window, Asher stood on Diana's balcony and watched her fall asleep. He'd come here out of the sheer urge to see her for a few more minutes. Breaking into her condo had been easy. Neil kept no real security, just some old guard at the entrance gate that had been sleeping when Asher climbed the gate and crept by.
His visit was only supposed to be a few minutes. Nothing more. A quick look, and then back over the gate, on the bike, and racing down the road.
But then she took off her clothes and stepped into the shower, and Asher could no longer think of why he would leave so soon.
Are you satisfied, sweet one?
How beautiful she slept after such a hard core o.r.g.a.s.m.
Had she known he hid in the shadows, with his gaze hungry and plastered on her bare body? Did she sense the energy in the air, the same cold waves of power that sparked over his skin as she fingered herself?
He'd gripped his c.o.c.k the whole time, at the first utterance of his name from her lips. He'd rubbed the throbbing tip, and yearned so badly to rush in and take care right there.
But he couldn't.
There was confidence in the hunting of a man, and then there was. . .
just plain old crazy.
Scaring the s.h.i.+t out of Diana as she m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed in the shadows of her bedroom, would be insane.
He waited.
studied the groove of her body as it writhed in pleasure, and he hoped. . .