Part 11 (1/2)

Twisted Vine Toby Neal 61740K 2022-07-22

”Hey.” She smacked his shoulder, got distracted by the feel of it, reached over to stroke it, ma.s.saging the hard muscle.

”Stop that. I'm an old man, I have to fuel the machine.” He picked up his mug of coffee and reached for a slice of the pizza.

Lei sighed, addressed her breakfast. ”We have to talk.”

”Same as last night. If it's about the divorce, I'd rather not.”

”This is something different.” Stevens was the only other person who knew about her visit to Kwon. She described the discovery of the number in her grandmother's box, how she'd called it with no answer-and then how Kamuela had called her back from the phone of a homicide victim. Stevens set the slice of cold pizza down, eyes narrowing as he frowned.

”So that was why I cried when I saw you. I'd just met with him, and I told him everything,” she finished. Took a bite of her tasteless eggs and made herself chew.

”I knew that Kwon business would bite you on the a.s.s.” He stood with that coiled grace and set the dishes in the sink. ”G.o.d, Lei.”

His words were an ironic echo of Kamuela's. Stevens turned back, ran hands through his hair in that way he did when he was upset. ”I'd almost forgotten about that whole thing-I guess I hoped it would just blow over. Kamuela's got to do something about your number on the hitter's phone. It's a strong lead, and if I were him, I'd be all over you. Talk about means, motive, and opportunity!”

”I know. It looks bad.” Misery and terror roared back worse than before, and she pushed her plate away, covered her face with her hands. He took her half-eaten breakfast and threw the eggs outside, causing a mad scramble by the dogs. Put the plate in the sink. Returned to sit beside her, drawing her into his arms.

”We'll get through it together.”

”How? You're leaving tomorrow.”

”We could go talk to Kamuela today.”

”That won't do anything, just put pressure on him, remind him what a tough spot he's in.” Lei sighed, straightened up out of his arms. ”I can't help seeing it from his perspective. Here's this Federal cop, his girlfriend's buddy, and she looks guilty as h.e.l.l of hiring the hitter. She's called and left evidence on a victim's phone. He has to doc.u.ment and act on it, even if he wants to believe me. I mean, I feel bad for him. Let's not make it worse.”

Stevens tipped her chin up. She couldn't look into those sky eyes a minute longer, and her lashes fluttered shut. She could feel him looking at her mouth, then the tender brush of his lips on hers.

”I love you,” he said. ”You've really grown up.”

She smiled, pulled her chin out of his hand. ”Lotta good that does me.”

”So if we aren't going to go talk to him, we need to get our minds off this.”

”I can think of one or two things we can do.” It wasn't far from her chair to his lap, her favorite place in the world.

Lei didn't check her phone until much later as they were taking the dogs to the beach with a couple of longboards she'd borrowed from the landlord. Marcella had left a message last night inviting her to come shoot pool with her and Ang.

Her chest tightened with anxiety. Lei knew Kamuela wouldn't say anything to Marcella, but she felt trapped. Telling her friend would deepen the conflict of interest; not telling her was a betrayal by omission. A breach of trust. These sobering thoughts dampened her mood as she navigated the downtown traffic in the truck, Stevens beside her, headed for the beginner waves in Waikiki.

”I'm wondering if I should tell Marcella about what's going on.”

Stevens just looked at her, his eyes hidden behind Ray-Ban Aviators. ”s.h.i.+tty situation. d.a.m.ned if you do, d.a.m.ned if you don't.”

Lei squeezed the wheel, turning onto the small side road weaving between skysc.r.a.pers that ended at the marina. ”That's it exactly.”

”Just wait and see what develops.”

”She called me to go out last night. Girl time at the pool hall with Ang.”

”Woulda been fun. But we were having fun too, weren't we?” He reached out, tugged a curl. It stretched out, sprang back. ”I never get tired of this hair.”

”I have to call her back.”

”You don't have to say anything right now. Let Kamuela do what he does. See where it goes. This could end up taking care of itself.”

”I just don't know how it could end any way but badly.”

”We were supposed to be getting your mind off it.” They'd pulled up at the parking lot by the Waikiki Yacht Harbor. On the left was the towering rainbow-tiled Hilton, further down the serene beach the famous pink Royal Hawaiian Hotel. On the right, sparkling white boats anch.o.r.ed in the harbor. And straight ahead, perfect little waves with only a few people out. ”Shake it off, Texeira. b.u.mbye you come stress out.”

Stevens's attempt at pidgin made her smile.

”As how, brah,” she said, getting out. She wore a bikini with a Lycra surf s.h.i.+rt over it; Stevens was in board shorts. ”I've only been surfing for a little while, so you get to laugh at me.”

”I've been surfing only a little while longer. We can be kooks together.”

They carried the boards down to the beach.

In the concentration of mastering a difficult skill involving clear water, gorgeous scenery, and more fun than she could remember having learning any sport, Lei was finally able to forget the ghost of Kwon.

Chapter 17.

Sophie woke up late, though it was hard to tell with the blackout curtains closed. She'd always had trouble sleeping, and a completely dark room with no sound but the hum of air-conditioning was the only way she could truly rest.

She felt the throb of a hangover in the base of her skull, and the sandpapery dryness of her mouth confirmed it. She cleared her throat, and someone stirred beside her in the bed.

”Is it morning?”

Marcella's voice.

”I don't know.” Sophie tried to remember how that had happened-they'd had a lot to drink; that was it. And taken a cab home. And gone to bed together.

She swung her feet out of the bed, padded to the bathroom. She didn't turn the light on; it was too bright. She brushed her teeth in the glow of the night-light, then got in the shower.

She soaped her body, read her tattoos, reminded herself it was just a hangover and she'd feel better eventually. Clad in a silk robe, she walked through the room as Marcella was sitting up in the dim light from the bathroom. Her friend wore last night's s.h.i.+rt and panties, a tumble of long brown hair brus.h.i.+ng her waist. ”G.o.d, what a hangover.”

”I know. Shower helps. I'll go fix some coffee.”

In the kitchen, Sophie put her teakettle on and dug out the drip filter for guests. She knew Marcella didn't find life worth living until the second cup of coffee.

She had her own tea ready and had drunk two large of water with aspirin by the time Marcella came out, wrapped in a towel with another one wound turban-style around her hair.

Sophie had set a cup of inky, drip-filtered coffee and two aspirin beside a halved papaya with a slice of lime and a silver teaspoon. She'd opened the slider to the little balcony off the kitchen, letting in fresh morning air above a dizzying view. Marcella walked across the expanse of teak flooring to face the bank of windows looking out over the city to the ocean, Diamond Head in the distance.